Life Lessons


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy Anniversary Baby!

Well here we are, one year later! I wish I had a planned out blog for this, I've been trying for weeks to come up with something. My sister and I are definitely going to have a glass of wine later today in celebration!! For me to stick with something like this for so long is amazing. For me to enjoy something I've committed to (other than a relationship....and even then....) so much is unheard of. Case in point, Friday night's concert. Yes, I have to bring him up again. After the Bo part of the evening I ran back to my assigned seat and said to the girls, I can't wait to blog about this!! I need to get me one of them new fangled telephone dealys that lets me access the internet and type. Come up into 2011 and all that jazz. (read that last part with a southern accent) I think my voice sounds sexy with a southern accent. Too bad I've never had the chance to try it out for real. (and yes that is a direct comment at someone)

In honor of my one year anniversary I was going to go back to blog number one and read forward. Every last one of them. I actually do re-read from time to time, because as I've said before, I find myself hillarious for the most part. No self esteem issues here, other than the ones caused by a few select men that have slid through my life. To whom I say ♫ I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough, FORGET you ♫ Anyway, re-reading must start on day number one, and that was a bad day. A very bad day. It ranks up in the top 5 worst of all time and I just don't want to go there right now. Especially because it is still affecting me, I can't shake it, and most of me doesn't even want to try. Nice time to figure out what REALLY loving someone is all about. You can't just shake it and move on, it's kind of like a disease of some sort. Very nasty business if you ask me.

Thanks once again for reading. My goal for this next year is to give you something else of mine to read! Oh wait, you can! I wrote a review of the concert for Ticketmaster today! :) Notice how we come back to Bo..... Anyway, I had to rewrite it like 834 times because I had way more to say than they would allow. Not only about Bo either. I had a LOT to say about the seats we had. I think I got the tickets about two weeks after they went on sale. I put into the computer best seats available and this is what we got. Section C row 10. Not bad. Full view of stage. Who knew ten rows was so far back? Full view? Uh, yeah....if NO ONE IS SITTING IN FRONT OF YOU. So yes, when Vicki, Kate, and I stood up during .38 special and no one in front of us did, I could see! The part that really ticked me off was the fact that section B row 2 was half empty. I would have gladly paid for those seats. Heck, I used one of them for a good portion of Bo anyway. ;)

I'll leave this post with my favorite quote from Emily Dickenson:

~ Hope is the thing with feathers
that perches in the soul
and sings the tune without the words
and never stops at all.

Never, ever, give up hope!


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