Life Lessons


Wednesday, March 2, 2011



There have been many times in my life where I have considered becoming a foster parent. A baby, or even preschooler wouldn't really fit into my single life that well, but I have wondered about a school age child, or even a teen. I really feel like I have a lot to offer a child that's in the system. Why don't I do it? Well first off I have to have at least two bedrooms, which would mean a move, but that's doable. The real reason? In my opinion if you haven't done something too horrific, you (as a parent) can have another chance with your child. One chance, maybe two, but that's it. You don't get an unlimited amount of times to damage your child. I could not return a child to someone I knew either couldn't care for it, or wouldn't. The system unfortunately doesn't share my opinion. I don't suffer fools, especially this kind. I also can no longer escape with said child to Canada since we need passports now. ;)

Even knowing the struggles I could face I thought that maybe I could do it. Then Milkie came into my life. Yes, I know she's a cat, not a kid, however, it really brings the point home. Without telling too much of someone else's story I will tell you Milkie's. Milkie was Leon's Mom's cat. The woman has some issues, but I don't believe she was unkind to Milk. She was more than likely neglectful, and then dumped her on Leon last July, saying she'd be back for her in a few weeks. Weeks turned into months, months turned into coming to live with me in December. So it was six months before "Mom" decided that maybe she missed Milkie and would like her back, although the original story she told Leon was that her current apt. didn't allow pets. Leon told her that he had given Milkie to me, since she didn't show any interest in taking her back, and that I wouldn't give her up. (Yes, he made me the bitch, and I pointed that out to and their mothers.....) Remember, there's a lot more to the story that I'm not sharing. Although I should also point out that she has "put down" inconvenient animals in the past.

I spoke with him tonight and he mentioned that she asked him about it AGAIN. I responded with "YOUR MOTHER" and slammed my mouth shut. My own mother gave me a piece of advice once that was spot on. (Yes I know, one time I did actually listen to her.) She told me that no matter what do not EVER run down a man's mother. It doesn't matter what she's done to him, or to you. She will always be his "mommy". You can take that one to the bank. *drum roll* My Mom was right. So I continued with "My mother told me if I didn't have something nice to say, not to say anything at all. Your mother is not getting that cat back." ***

So there it is. If I can not return a darn cat to someone I know is going to ditch her as soon as she's inconvenient, how on earth could I hope to be a foster parent???

Also, I would like a little feedback on this one. A small part (a very small part) of me feels like she's Berneta's cat. If she wants her cat back I should just suck it up and send Milkie home. Mostly I feel like it's just too damn bad. She didn't want her, so tough bananas. Milkie is settled, we're good, the end. Am I just being the Queen on her judgement throne, or am I justified in keeping her? Answer me here, or on facebook please. I'm not going to lop off any one's head, I'd just like some perspective.

*** What I really wanted to say was "YOUR MOTHER can kiss my butt, and then go down to the humane society and adopt another cat. When that one becomes an inconvenience she can send it over for Milkie to have a brother or sister to play with." Ah, it feels so much better to get that out. LOL

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