Life Lessons


Monday, March 14, 2011

One Hundred

Well here it is! I can not believe that I have 100 blogs! I have spent most of my life writing, but have never stuck with it like this. Every diary stops when the world got too tough and I didn't feel like I could put my real thoughts where someone might see them. Instead of finding other things to write about and focus on, I just stopped dead. That sure has changed!

This blog started almost 1 year ago, on March 27, 2010. It was a Saturday, and a very awful day in my life. The subject matter was supposed to be a how (not) to about online dating, and the name was actually "Coffee Date". If you haven't read those earlier blogs, I encourage you to take a look. There's some good advice, and some laughter at my expense, but it's o.k. because I laugh the hardest. Then my whole attitude and focus changed, and here we are!

I was kind of stumped about what to write in this blog. I started trying to gauge how much I've grown in this past year, but it's hard. Leaps and bounds in some directions, and in others just baby steps. That is hard for me to accept, and I'm trying not to call myself names publicly or privately, and just accept that time will heal all things.

Thank you for all of your comments, encouragement, and compliments! I have readers from all over the world, and that is just unbelievable! Hopefully you'll stick with me through the next 100. I am so grateful to have you along for the journey. Just promise me no raisins in the car. Hey, I haven't told you the raisin story! I'll have to add it to my list. :)


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