Life Lessons


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fabulous Fifteen

How can this child be 15????  Yesterday she was three.  I swear it.

I don't know where the time goes.  I'm just glad that the oldest of The Five still isn't too old to be a Goover.  We changed our sleepover plans to accomodate the high school football game for her, and I stopped and thought about it for a moment.  She is fifteen now, maybe sleeping over at her Aunt's house with her little sisters just isn't the thing anymore.  Then I sent her a text asking if she was perhaps too big now for Goover Sleepovers.  Dreading the answer, of course, but knowing that at some point this is just not going to be cool.  She and I could do lunch, or a manicure, or whatever it is civilized people do with teenaged nieces.  She assured me that she is not too old, so we'll goover it up on Sunday!  I dread the day when she sends the little goovers off to Auntie's by themselves, but it's coming. 

This beautiful woman child of ours has grown by leaps and bounds in the last year.  She'll start her sophmore year in high school later this week.  Last year this introverted girl was Concert Master for her orchestra.  I was late to the spring concert, but I heard her solo as I was walking in the door, I know how hard that was for her to do, and I couldn't have been more proud.  I can't wait to hear her again this year. 

It's exciting to watch her plan out her future, even though it means that she is  growing up and probably away.  It's that whole roots and wings thing I guess.  She's a shy bird, who sometimes has to be nudged out, but when she spreads her wings she soars, and it is an amazing thing to watch.   The pictures she takes are inspiring, and I think that's what she's leaning toward for a career.  Still lots of time to think about that.  Football games to attend, Dances to be danced, songs to be sung, life to be lived, boys to be......... stay away from boys.  :)  

The kids love hearing stories about themselves, so I'm trying to think of one to share.  There are SO many.  I remember the very first sleepover we ever had.  It wasn't in my house in Itasca like you remember.  It was in your room at Grandma's on Christmas Eve.  It was the first time you slept in your bed (cause you always slept with "Randma Ruffie") and I slept on the floor.  You were three years old.  I remember lying there listening to you talk about Santa and presents, and anything else you could think of to keep yourself awake.  It took a LONG time for you to drift off.  Then I had to get up off the floor and get more blankets to sleep on from Grandma.  I'm pretty sure that was the last time I slept on a floor.....  That is also the Christmas where our dress up pictures come from.  We sure were fabulous!  No, I'm not posting those.  First of all, they are buried in the albums, second of all.......yikes!  We'll look at them on Goover day, like we always do. 

Happy Birthday my beautiful girl.  The one who always says "I love you" first.  I LOVE YOU!  I'm so glad you aren't too big to be a Goover, but I'm still going to kick your butt at Monopoly on Sunday after we get the little Goovers to sleep!  

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