Life Lessons


Thursday, August 25, 2011


Tomorrow my sister Kate and I are heading off to the Twin Cities for a long weekend!  This is the first time Kate has been away from her family since CeCe arrived six years ago.  This is the first getaway for me (if you don't count dating someone in Two Harbors for a couple of months....four years ago)since my honeymoon!  Sad to admit, that was almost six years ago.  Of course, we were in the the Twin Cities then too.  I just don't have the time right now to go, and when I did have the time I didn't have the money.  Also, a good portion of my vacation time tends to be eaten up by family things.  I take plenty of "me" time, but I guess it's always close to home.  I truly didn't realize until I was talking with *"Officer Dave" the other night how long it had been since I have gotten out of here!

We haven't set the plan for tomorrow yet, which is surprising because my sister likes to have anything and everything planned out months in advance.  You think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not.  She ought to be asking me about Christmas any day now. :)  We are going to do some shopping at Tanger, which I hear goes by another name now, North Branch something or other.  So I guess it depends on where/when she wants to have lunch what time we will head out. 

Kate and I are traveling down to "The Bob Bentz Bed and Breakfast" which is what I like to call my friend Vicki's house.  Bob would be her husband.  It isn't a very good Band B since she can't even tell me if they have a coffee pot.  I am in a semi panic about this, because I MUST HAVE COFFEE.  I have my old maker in a box in the garage, and if I don't hear back from Vicki, I'll just bring it along.  She has known me my entire life, you would think she could fathom how important this is!  They are in a pretty rural suburb.  It's isn't like I can skip on down to the gas station, or Mc D's for a cup.

Saturday we'll head down to Chanhassin to enjoy a delicious lunch and matinee performance of "Hair Spray".  That is my "pick" for what to do, and I'm very excited about it!  Then we'll head over to the Mall of America and go to the Aquarium, which Kate has never been to.  I also need to do some birthday shopping for the girls, and Vicki's daughter Meg, who had a birthday this week.

I'm hoping to convince Vicki and Kate (my tea totaling friends) to hit a happy hour down that way on Friday night!  We haven't talked about it, so I'm not sure if Vicki already has something planned for us.  I'm all for going with the flow.  I'm just glad to be going!

* I have so many Dave's that have come in and out of my life, that for people "in the know" I wrote "Officer Dave" :)  For you enquiring minds out there....... mind yer business. ;)  Just kidding.  He's a good friend, who I happened to graduate with.  He might shudder when he sees the word friend (then again he might be relieved) but it's a distance thing, per usual.  "Friend" just doesn't seem to quite cover it.  Stay tuned. :)

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