Life Lessons


Monday, August 29, 2011


By nine a.m. Saturday morning we were on our way to Chanhassen to enjoy some fine dining and theater!  I have seen two movie versions of Hairspray, the one where Rikki Lake plays Tracy, and the one where John Travolta plays her Mom, Edna.  I like both of those, so I knew I would love this, and I did!  The food was great, I had the fish, and the musical was energetic and hilarious.  I especially loved the gal who played Motormouth Mabel.  Her name is Aimee Bryant, and apparently she has a cd out.  I'm going to have to look into that. Wow did she have a set of pipes.  When she sang "I Know Where I've Been" she almost brought me to tears.  The man who played "Seaweed" definitely fits Kerri's definition of "sexual chocolate".  When the cast came and danced with the audience he stopped about five feet from us!  Five feet too short, the story of my life. 

At Chanhassen they deliver your dessert during intermission, which is a good plan.  People would definitely be too full to spend any extra cash right after dinner!  Vicki and Kate had some ice cream things, and I had a grasshopper.  MMMMmmmmm is was minty smooth and so delicious!  The theater itself is spectacular and we spent a lot of time exploring it before our lunch.  Unfortunately my phone camera doesn't have a flash (that we have found yet anyway) so we couldn't get any pictures at all from Chanhassen.

Funny story about the drive over, which I believe took about forty-five minutes.  Vicki has GPS, so we put in the coordinates and away we go.  When we arrived in Chanhassen the lovely lady told us to turn onto Amrstrong and "in two blocks you will see your destination to the right."  Well, we were talking and drove right on by, or so we thought.  Vicki turned the car around and back down Armstrong we went.  One would think you couldn't hide a dinner theater........ Turn the car around again, and back down Armstrong we drive, eyes peeled for a theater, and nothing.  Then we headed to the gas station on the right side of the street.  Vicki gets out, heads on in, and proceeds to get laughed at.  When she asked where the theater was the man pointed out the window, right across the street.  Now in our defense, we did also look to the left, because GPS can definitely steer you wrong. (pun intended)  The theater is somewhat set back behind some construction.  I have no excuse for not seeing the big sign......

All in all we were there for five hours.  Tons of fun, and I would definitely go again!  Now that I know it's on the left.....  So we piled into the car again, and headed off toward the Mall of America!  Kate had never seen the aquarium, so that was our next destination.

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