Life Lessons


Friday, August 5, 2011

(H.H.W.T.) Here Fishy Fishy!

The tour is somewhat toned down tonight.  Kerri is out of town, and no one else tagged along, so it was just Lisa and myself out on our home turf at The Shack.  This is how things started out.

The free glasses that the beer came with are the large kind, that are just awesome for iced tea!  Sorry beer fans, but I am not one of you.  While Lisa and I were hanging out with the free samples lady in the liquor store, the rep from this beer company comes along and gives us each a glass.  Well, first he told me a joke.  Why don't you take your beer to the beach?  (I'll tell you at the end)  So we tried the samples, and I didn't even mind it too much.  It was ice cold, and the day was so hot and humid.  I figured if they were that cold they would go down pretty well sitting out on the hot deck.
The Shack has begun serving a new menu, and this was my first look-see at it.  Honest opinion?  I think we're getting too fancy pants for our jeans.  The jury will have to be out until I try these new items.  However, I am really ticked off.  The Shack has the best fish sandwich, bar none, in this city.  Wait, let me restate that.  The Shack HAD the best fish sandwich.  It's off the menu.  I talked with Jon about it, and he said he'd bring it up at the meeting.  It doesn't mean much coming from little old me, but if people don't say anything it wont ever come back, will it?  I did actually mention the blog, and that I write about them all the time.  So someday when I'm famous will you bring back the damn fish??

So this is what I had instead.  It's called "The Belknap Burger" (street the restaurant is on) and it has cheddar, lettuce, onions, tomato and thousand island dressing on it.  The thing was honestly as big as the burger I had last week, and the burger itself was just as good.  I am partial to blue cheese though, so the Kounty Quarthouse still has my favorite burger.  The Shack fries are still the best though, and I enjoyed every one of them tonight!

Usually Jon does the deck parties, but the beer rep was doing the raffles tonight, and I don't know how to describe him.  Very low key.  Extremely low key.  So low key it's hilarious.  He's wandering around calling out numbers, but no emotion whatsoever.  This is the same guy who told me the joke and was actually pretty animated in the liquor store, but for whatever reason he's like Deano (his name) downer on the deck.  So anyway, we don't win anything, but Jon's Mom, who hung out with us, happened to be trying to get rid of a Packers Tshirt that she won somewhere else.  Score!  Then at the end, we were harassing Deano about the raffle  being fixed, because honestly all the people at one table won everything, and he swears my number was called.  So he shows me my ticket in the "winner" pile, but wont give me a prize......lets just say Lisa fixed that one on the way out, and I now have matching glasses.  :) 

I also have an incredible tummy ache and a headache.  I never feel like this after a night out, so it must be the beer.  Ugh and ish.  No more.  So of course this guy I know, and like, and maybe could be interested in sends me a text.  "Out with the girls?"  I explained that I was, and that I'm already home.  "Want to come out for a beer?"  *eye roll*  Not tonight, I have a headache. 

You'll get sand in your Shlitz.

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