Life Lessons


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Woo Hoo Text Message

Oh brother.  I finally graduated to a smart phone.  To say that I am obsessed would be putting it very mildly.  I went from "Why does anyone need a phone like that?"  straight to "How does anyone live without a phone like this?"

The phone, of course, is smarter than me.  The people who make it assume that everyone knows how to use one of these things.  They don't even point out where the "on" button is until two pages from the end of the manual.  Yes, I had figured it out long before that.  However, they never told me how to do something as simple as add a contact, and  it took me three and a half frustrating hours to figure it out.  It took two days to understand that if I wanted to grab on to a picture sent to me in a text all I had to do was put my finger on it, and I found that one out by accident.

I love the apps.  I spend way too much of my time paging through free ones.  I did find a tip calculator, which I will definitely use.  I also have two Jane Austen novels downloaded to read at my leisure.  My new obsession is "Zedge".  It has tons of free ring tones.  By the time I'm done everyone on my phone will probably have their own tone.......   The title of the blog, "Woo Hoo Text Message" is from one of the notification tones.  Lisa has it on her phone, and it's cute, so I put it on mine.  It's already gone, because every time I hear it I jump five feet.  I also put The Chipmunks singing "Bad Day" on my default ring tone.  It was the first one, so everyone had it.  I think the song is cute, and I thought it would make me smile.  My phone doesn't ring that much anyway, it's mostly texts.  Well, Friday was a bad day, and after work my phone was ringing off the hook.  The fifth time I heard "Cause you had a bad day" in that little chipmunk voice I almost pitched it through a window.  Finding "Teenage Dream" last night was a bonus!!

I did have the phone set up to blog straight from it, which would work well this weekend while I'm on the road.  It isn't working now, for some unexplained reason.  I'll have to look into that.  She says like she knows something about anything.  If I push enough buttons something is bound to happen.  Right?

Heck, my clock radio (that is literally 20 years least) just decided to break, so now the phone is also my morning alarm.  I almost had a disaster with that this morning.  I pushed snooze and went back to sleep, but my finger didn't really hit the snooze, and I didn't realize it.  Luckily I woke up on my own because I'm so used to snoozing for ten more minutes.  The calendar in the kitchen was replaced almost immediately by the one on the phone.  How easy it is, becasue i have it with me all the time, and it even will give me reminders.  Every day I need more of those.

The camera on the phone takes pictures that are almost as good as my camera, and again,it's always with me.  I don't have to remember it, and the batteries don't go dead mid birthday party!  I have wanted to take pics of the kids at work to put up in our learning centers for so long, but can never remember the camera.  Now I have the pics, I just have to print them off and get them back to work....... too bad there isn't an app for that.....

Went shopping on Amazon tonight for another charger (dang the battery goes down fast on these phones), a protective case, and a screen protector thing (technical term).  I could not believe how cheap that stuff is on Amazon!  I bought a car charger just because it was so cheap.  I'm not even sure I have that capability in my car.  I spent $10.88 with shipping.  Unbelievable!  No more Amazon.  That doesn't need to be my next obsession!

Then there are the Angry Birds.  Why are they so angry?  A better question would be why can't I put that stupid game down??? 

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