Life Lessons


Sunday, August 21, 2011

HeeHaw Happy Hour

It has been a few days since Happy Hour, so I'm going to have to think back to the particulars.  It has been a busy weekend, but Happy Hour was pretty tame.

Lisa and I met at five over at Keyport.  The server, who doesn't wear a name tag, actually remembered me from the Friday prior, and even that I had Opulent (vodka) and pink lemonade!  Impressive, since I didn't do anything worthy of remembrance that evening. :)  That is a good sign when we are looking for a home base.  The fact that they carry UV pink lemonade is another!  Which is what I had to drink.  Lisa had Miller Lite (shocking I know) and the deep fried cauliflower.  I had the chicken strips and fries.  We were both pleased with our choices.  Great service, good food, and the prices are perfect. 

I called this blog Hee Haw Happy Hour because of the patrons of the establishment.  I would not be surprised to see my old next door neighbors (The hillbillies) out on the deck.  I am trying to remember one of the lines of conversation that almost made me choke on my drink, but I can't. It is an excellent people watching venue.  The average age of the clientele is probably 55 though.  Definitely not a young crowd.  We seem to say that a lot, and I said to Lisa, "Well, when we stop noticing how old they are it will probably be because WE are that old."

Lisa and I parted ways for about a half hour.  I had to run home and finish cleaning the apartment for my weekend house guests.  We met back up at V.I.P at about seven-thirty to watch the Packer game.  The Lounge Hounds were also playing, and they are a fabulous group!  Kind of old a.m. radio tunes from the seventies, but we like them!  If you have the chance you should definitely check them out.  Christina was also at the bar and we had a good time watching the game and listening to music.  Barry the bartender was in rare form, and that's all I have to say about that.  Well, that, and subtlety is not his strong suit.......  I did learn a new joke, but of course I can't tell you cause it's x rated.  I think I surprised him when I told him one back.  :) 

My evening ended at nine.  I had to scurry home to let the relatives in!  It was good to see Melanie and Les again, even though we didn't have much time to visit.  They were great house guests, and not only did I get a brand new berry bowl, I also got another vase!!  I squished Milkie good-bye and begged her to behave, then went to stay at Kate's with Sky.  Nothing like sleeping with a one hundred pound dog who finds great  joy in bounding into the bed at all hours of the night to wake me up.  Plus they took the good computer.  OH, and the good breakfast sandwiches are NOT in the freezer.  I will be taking it up with the customer service department!

So now it's Sunday evening and I'm spending some time at home before going back up to my sister's for one more night.  I thought maybe Milkie would like to spend some time together, but apparently her nap is more important.  That and the fact that while she was a good girl for company, she bit me.  When I got here it was all lovey dovey for about ten minutes, then she just bit my hand.  Not hard, no marks, just a little shot to express her displeasure I'm sure.  So I expressed my displeasure right back and then she went to bed.  :)  *sigh*  I'll be home after work tomorrow and we can begin again.

Happy hour this week (if it happens) will be on Wednesday or Thursday.  Kerri and I are both heading to the cities this weekend. 

OH I almost forgot.  The girls went and watched the baseball team from "Players" on Thursday night.  We went back to Players for a bit, but it was boring with a capital B.  Then over to Grizzlies in Superior for their late night Happy Hour.  I'm not going to Grizzlies again.  Too expensive, and Lord in Heaven........WHO puts corn in guacamole?????  So much corn that if you took out the corn there would be nothing left.   YUCK   Plus, the regular price of a titanic tea is now $6.00.  No, I'm not kidding.  So at Happy Hour prices they are $4.50.  Which in my opinion are what they should be regularly priced at.  The end.  :)

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