Life Lessons


Sunday, August 28, 2011

On Our Way

Wow, what a fun weekend!  I can't tell you how good it felt to get the heck out of here and spend some time with old friends.  I didn't want to leave today, and I'm not glad to be home.  I could have easily spent the day visiting with the kids.  I don't get to spend nearly enough time with them, and had nothing to rush home to. Of course my sister, who was driving, had CeCe (and Tom) here waiting for her.  It's the first time Kate has gotten to go anywhere since CeCe arrived six years ago, if you don't count hospital trips, and that is a very necessary part of being a good parent.(She says like she has a clue.)  Having a bit of your own time, I mean. 

Kate picked me up on Friday at eleven, and after some banking, and running to Kmart to purchase a coffee maker, we were on the road.  When we arrived in North Branch we were met with a car coming straight at us down the off ramp.  Luckily he/she moved over, and then realized they were going the wrong way and turned around at the bottom without incident.  After that we scoped it out and decided to grab a bite of lunch at Denny's first.  This is what greeted us.

Yes, that is Denny's.  Yes, that is a hearse to the right.  We had a good time playing "Who is the driver of the hearse?" while waiting for our food, and we guessed it right.  It was the gentleman dressed in sweats and a tank top, with shoulder length hair.  His bangs were pulled away from his face with.....a scrunchy.  Yes.  A scrunchy.  This dude kept eyeing me up, and was making me nervous.  My sister had her back to him.  At one point she went to the ladies room and I begged her not to leave me.  I did not want another "incident" to blog about.  I just kept really busy on my phone while she was away.  When she came back she got a good look at him and said "Oh, is that why you didn't want me to go?"  I nodded and she agreed that he must be the hearse driver.

We downed our lunch, palatable patty melt and a bacon cheeseburger, and headed over to the outlet mall to do some shopping.  I exercised my self control and only bought a few little bubble baths at Bath and Body Works.  It also helped that my sister followed me around saying things like "This is the first store, do you really want to spend ALL your money here?"  Thanks Kate.  Well, my checkbook thanks you anyway.....  CeCe scored some excellent pants and t's from Oshkosh B'gosh though!

After a few hours, don't worry Kate, I wont tell about you getting stuck on the low couch, we continued on down the road to Vicki and Bob's.  Nice drive and it felt so good to be out in the world!  When we arrived at the Bed and Breakfast (after only one wrong turn, that was the direction givers fault) I asked the proprietor where my suite was.  True to form Bob pointed my way back out the front door.  Some things never change. 

We had a great dinner, prepared by Bob, and then some time visiting with all of them.  I got to play the piano with Meg, and Thaniel and I played with "Littlest Pet Shop" toys.  Meghan also gave a crash course on Greek Mythology (Yeah, she's just like her father.) with a quiz to follow.  I payed close attention to the things I didn't already know as Meg decided there would be a trivia contest between Vicki, Kate, and myself.  Now, I have NEVER lost a trivia contest of any kind to those two, even when they team up on me, so I had to be prepared!  After the kids went to bed we visited for another hour or so and then called it a night.

Part two to follow. :)  Otherwise this would be WAY too long.

Wait!  I almost forgot about Spike!  I can't put the kids in my blog, their father doesn't want them on the net, and I respect that, but that doesn't include the pets!  Meg and Thaniel have a dog, Belle, a cat, Sam, and a bearded dragon named Spike!  I could not bring myself to touch the creature, it kept looking at me like it wanted to take a bite out of me.  *shudder*  Here he is on Vicki's lap, and Kate is being the brave one.

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