Life Lessons


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Seventh Circle of Hell

Sometimes that's what working with preschoolers feels like. Even to me. I know that most of you wonder how I can do it in the first place, but I honestly wonder how you can put up with adults who definitely should know better by now. At least I can teach the kids not to be so _______ . Just fill in the blank there, too many choices for me to put down one thing.

When I wrote the blog "Snow Snake" this is the kind of day I was referring to. The ones where you never, ever, ever, EVER want to go back again. It wasn't just one thing, it was 50 things that just kept continuing as the day rolled on. Including a toilet overflow. Thanks Val. :) Uh, she didn't overflow it, she just did most of the clean up. I couldn't even run out the door at my appointed time, more nonsense held me back. When I finally did escape I said to my co-teacher. Do NOT call my name. I am NOT coming back. I don't care if there are limbs on the playground. I AM DONE! I snagged my fund raiser pizza from the freezer and ran out the front door!

I always try to find something redeeming about a day. I would hate to waste one, they are a precious gift. So, I'm going to have to say it is the unexpected pizza. Ugh, that's lame, but it's all I've got. OH wait, no it's not. I have rum. Yes, I have rum. I have a little left, and a brand new spanking bottle in the cupboard! It took me over a year (even with Leon's help) to get to the end of this one. I wonder where my life will be when I finish the next one. So I have a pizza, rum and coke, and a new Grey's Anatomy on tonight. That will have to do. Plus, tomorrow is Friday. There is definitely that!! Hey, I just remembered, I grabbed the book "Jo's Boys" from the library. Perhaps it's time for a quiet read. That always settles me down.

Hope you had a good day! I wont tempt fate by saying mine could be worse. :) I've learned that lesson......

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Milk Report

Hello everyone, it's me, Milkie! Sorry I haven't blogged lately, but I've been very busy watching that damn dog Sam. She came to stay for nearly a week, and I lost a lot of my beauty sleep watching her every move. Mom put food out for the birds and they are starting to return to the feeder, so that keeps me on my toes too! It's right at my eye level out the front windows, and I spend a LOT of time there. I really enjoy watching the squirrels too.

Last week we had something called a blizzard, and I don't know what "Nice F..... Snow Day" means, but she should have her mouth washed out with soap. I had a ball all night long watching leaves and garbage blow across the back yard!

I was very angry that the woman who feeds me left me alone for too long on Friday night, although I was busy keeping an eye on the dog, I'm not used to Mom being gone in the evenings. So I decided to shred a box. I think that was fair, don't you? Then when she came back all I heard was Bo Bice this, and Bo Bice that. Who is this character?

In this picture I snuck into the drawer while Mom was trying to fold her jeans. I am showing you my best "Puss in Boots" innocent kitty look. I think I should be on T.V. I'm so darn cute!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I came across a saying today, and I'd like to share it. It is already in my little green book of quotes that appeal to me, and I think I need to post it right here on the wall by my desk where I will see it every day. Excellent words to live by.

Life is too short
To wake up in the morning
with regrets. So love the
people who treat you right,
forgive the ones who don't
and believe that everything
happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said it would be easy,
they just promised

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy Anniversary Baby!

Well here we are, one year later! I wish I had a planned out blog for this, I've been trying for weeks to come up with something. My sister and I are definitely going to have a glass of wine later today in celebration!! For me to stick with something like this for so long is amazing. For me to enjoy something I've committed to (other than a relationship....and even then....) so much is unheard of. Case in point, Friday night's concert. Yes, I have to bring him up again. After the Bo part of the evening I ran back to my assigned seat and said to the girls, I can't wait to blog about this!! I need to get me one of them new fangled telephone dealys that lets me access the internet and type. Come up into 2011 and all that jazz. (read that last part with a southern accent) I think my voice sounds sexy with a southern accent. Too bad I've never had the chance to try it out for real. (and yes that is a direct comment at someone)

In honor of my one year anniversary I was going to go back to blog number one and read forward. Every last one of them. I actually do re-read from time to time, because as I've said before, I find myself hillarious for the most part. No self esteem issues here, other than the ones caused by a few select men that have slid through my life. To whom I say ♫ I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough, FORGET you ♫ Anyway, re-reading must start on day number one, and that was a bad day. A very bad day. It ranks up in the top 5 worst of all time and I just don't want to go there right now. Especially because it is still affecting me, I can't shake it, and most of me doesn't even want to try. Nice time to figure out what REALLY loving someone is all about. You can't just shake it and move on, it's kind of like a disease of some sort. Very nasty business if you ask me.

Thanks once again for reading. My goal for this next year is to give you something else of mine to read! Oh wait, you can! I wrote a review of the concert for Ticketmaster today! :) Notice how we come back to Bo..... Anyway, I had to rewrite it like 834 times because I had way more to say than they would allow. Not only about Bo either. I had a LOT to say about the seats we had. I think I got the tickets about two weeks after they went on sale. I put into the computer best seats available and this is what we got. Section C row 10. Not bad. Full view of stage. Who knew ten rows was so far back? Full view? Uh, yeah....if NO ONE IS SITTING IN FRONT OF YOU. So yes, when Vicki, Kate, and I stood up during .38 special and no one in front of us did, I could see! The part that really ticked me off was the fact that section B row 2 was half empty. I would have gladly paid for those seats. Heck, I used one of them for a good portion of Bo anyway. ;)

I'll leave this post with my favorite quote from Emily Dickenson:

~ Hope is the thing with feathers
that perches in the soul
and sings the tune without the words
and never stops at all.

Never, ever, give up hope!


Saturday, March 26, 2011


Wow again! Looking at a few pictures this morning from my sister's camera that weren't of my head, leg, the floor....etc! I was attempting to make breakfast at the same time and I burned it! :( However! I made an awesome discovery! Look at Bo's left leg in this picture. THAT IS THE SHADOW OF MY HEAD! Yes, my own little head on Bo Bice's leg. *sigh*

Then while I was checking my blog stats this morning, something I seem to be quite obsessed with these days, I noticed I had five visitors from a site called Bonafidebice! Well now you know I had to go and check that out! I assume that's because I labeled him in my post, which I intend to do again today, so welcome back if you are from that site! Yes, I joined it. Oh you KNOW I had to!!

I was so dazed last night that I left a few things out of my blog. Did I mention that I sang with Bo? I mean looked into his eyes and sang WITH him? Oh, you missed that part? Ha, sorry. Anyway! I didn't mention that the gentlemen from .38 special have aged rather well! They put on an awesome show, and had that been the only band I was there to see I would have left just as content. Well, almost as content. Really. When I first heard the commercial for this concert I turned toward the tv and said "Hey, I would like to see that." Then they mentioned special guest Bo Bice and I think I blacked out for a minute.....

I have seen a few of the 80's bands, bands that I listened to as a teen, and they were one of the better shows! Styx was at the DECC several years ago and they were awesome too. The worst I've seen was, oh crap what's their name, oh you know the ones, ballads all over the place, ball your eyes out, drape and sway at the junior high dances, AH! REO Speedwagon. Kinda pitchy, very geriatric. Yes, that is my official Aging Rock Star Idol judge commentary. Now THAT should be a show! Wait..... there was something on like that once. I remember Mike Reno from Loverboy on it. The show sucked, but I am a huge fan of Loverboy. Yes, I saw them back in...hmmm about 2001 at our fair. Yes, the fair in Superior, WI. Good show! Could have seen "Foreigner" last summer, but I ended up in the country having a bonfire instead. *grumble*

On a side note, Thia should have gone home from idol last week, period. I can't believe the judges used their save so early in the show. I also can't believe I missed the drama of it all because I thought I could just jump in the shower, because Thia was going home. I didn't even find out who left/didn't leave until the wonderful buffet at Black Bear Casino last night. Vicki informed me over the cold shrimp plate we shared. Vicki: Seriously there was so much drama I was in tears! Me: YOU cried? Are you pregnant? Vicki: NO it's the hormones after having the kids. It sucks. Me: I'd cry too if I had kids. I hope this shrimp is o.k. or you and I are in big trouble. :)

One other weird thing happened and it was a odd note to the whole night for me. This isn't just my drama showing, Vicki and Kate can swear to it. We were sitting in our show seats, gabbing before the start, and I notice a guy who looks very familiar. It was Leon's double, same stance, same look, little more gray, little less belly, but man. Had to be a relative. I forgot about it during the Bo portion of the concert, but then saw him again when I returned to my assigned seat. I said to Kate on the way home, " This was the perfect night to forget my life and just enjoy myself....... and there stands a guy who looks exactly like Leon. No matter what I do I can't escape it."

Thanks to my girls for coming to the concert with me! It was an awesome time, and I did need you for more than "the ride." :) P.S. The shrimp was great!

Friday, March 25, 2011

BO BICE..... and .38 Special

Wow! I'll start by saying .38 Special ROCKED!! Bo was up first, and I didn't think things could get much better for me, but then I sang my heart out and danced for the next hour or so! This picture of Bo was taken by my sister, off of the jumbo tron, from our assigned seats. I will have much better ones from the seat I assigned myself!

Ok, so this is how it went. At 5 pm Kate picked me up and we headed off to Black Bear Casino to meet Vicki for dinner. I am required to tell you that Vicki won $110 at the casino! She's that person who could flip a quarter into a random machine on their way out of a casino and win fifty bucks, and I hate her, but she did kindly offer to buy me a Bo Bice tshirt with some of her winnings. However, the one I wanted only came in S and M. SERIOUSLY??? Do you think these things on the front of me can fit into a M???? *big sigh and a swear word* I would later regret the decision not to buy the other one, as I chose to wear a sweater to the concert. Not a good idea. The 2 inch heel boots were also not a good idea, but they didn't slow my dancing down any!

We had decent seats, but it is all floor seating..... and I don't know if you've noticed, but I am only five feet tall. Of course, right before it starts the required gentleman who is well over 6ft tall sits in the row ahead of me, right in my sight line. Happens every time. It's ok though, because we were in row 10 section C. Right behind us was a walkway. All I had to do was push my chair back and I would be as free as a bird. I didn't even make it through the first song before I snatched Kate's phone and hit the road!

Now I was raised to follow the rules. Going against that is still very difficult for me, but apparently when BO is involved the rules go out the window! I walked right up to the second row, middle section and sat in the unoccupied end seat. I thought I'd get a few pics, but I ended up staying there for most of the concert! I thought, well.....if someone asks me to move, I'll move. Otherwise, here I am! So I am roughly 10 feet from the stage. I take pics and sing, sing, sing, with Bo. I am in heaven. Bo Bice stood in front of me singing, and I sang along. He looked at me and smiled and we sang together. ♫ It's the real thing ♫ He has the bluest eyes that I have ever seen on another human being, and in that moment on earth it was me and Bo. *sigh*

Now during this time I was bumping and jostling my sisters phone. There are a few pics of my leg, and my elbow, and of nothing. It turned itself off at one point and I scooted back to Vicki and Kate to set it right again. Vicki said to me, "I was just asking Kate what you needed US for?" I grinned and said "The ride." :) Then I said "This is awesome! My life sucks rocks, can I just have THIS?" and we laughed as I took off down the aisle again.

I returned to "my" seat in row two, but other people were going right up to the stage to take pics, so I slid up front, and noticed two seats center stage....unoccupied. Do I dare?? Yep, I did. So I sat front row center and sang with Bo. Then people started standing along the stage...... so I got up and joined them. Right then Bo put on his guitar, and I stood CENTER STAGE UNDER HIS MIKE, NOT FOUR FEET FROM HIM while he sang the last two songs!!!!! I could see a sweat bead trickle down his neck, and I know what the hair on Bo Bice's right knee looks like! He also had tennis shoes on, no laces. Oh, and for you Bo hair fans out there, he cut it. It's now shoulder length and has some curl to the ends. Absolutely fabulous!!

Another gal slid in next to me and we talked for a second about how awesome it was. Then a few minutes later she asked if I was from Superior. I said yes, and she said 1987? I said yes.... Who are you? :) It was Lori Erickson. Haven't seen her since graduation.

Then it was over. Bo was gone. The moment he smiled at me as we sang together was forgotten for him right after it happened I'm sure, but it will stay with me forever!! I ran back to Vicki and Kate to discuss and go through the pictures I took while we waited for .38 special to start. I had forgotten that I know so many of their songs and they put on a great show! The audience tonight was really weird though. They mostly sat, until almost the end of the concert. Hardly anyone danced or sang. I owe the tall man an apology I suppose. I stood up behind him and probably sang his ears off. Well, it was the only way I could see, and I wanted to dance, and I just have to sing, it's the law. *shrug* At least I can carry a tune? Sorry buddy.

As soon as I figure out the email on my sister's phone I'll post the close up pic. I have one on my phone, but it is a dinosaur w/o capabilities! Alright, time to let Sam out once more before bed. She and the Milkster are sound asleep, which is where I need to be!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Snowmageddon part 2

SON OF A BEE STING! What the heck was all the hoopla about??? Yes, we have 50mph winds, but we had maybe two inches of snow tops, and that is all blown away for the most part. The big lake kicked in, bringing dry air down from Canada, putting up an invisible wall around the Twin Ports area and stopped the snow "cold". So no snow day for this gal. Can I never catch a break???

Milkie has had a great time. She spent all evening and night in the bedroom window watching things blow around the yard. Glad someone could enjoy it. The wind was so strong this morning that I had to walk backwards against it to get across the parking lot at work. Only ten little friends today because the other seven decided to stay home, so the day dragged on endlessly. I much prefer to be busy! We did end up sending Anna on her way because toward Solon Springs the roads were bad. Leon has heard that heading out his way on 35 is pretty bad too. He's stopping by after work to either pick up Sam or just drop her meds off. Depends on what Sammo wants to do. She will probably choose Mama. She usually does. :)

This should really be the last of the big snow chances for us...... but like I stated in my "Spring" blog, I have seen big April storms! Heck, my Grandma always claimed to have seen snow on the fourth of July when she was a kid, and I believe it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Snowmageddon Part 1

Well our psycho Superior Spring has officially begun! Yesterday it was in the 40's and after work I got a ton of things straightened in the garage, brought a bunch of recycling out, busted down some boxes, and ran some garbage out. I think there were five trips out in all, and I was loathe to go inside! Today we have a blizzard warning, it is darn cold out, and the snow is just starting to fall. Uh, by fall I mean whip sideways past the window. There's a good 20mph wind out there and they are talking about 50 mph for later. The new weather guy on NBC probably had a heart attack by now. He was all hepped up about a "snowstorm" two weeks ago that had 2 inches of snow. Yeah, that ain't nothin' babycakes!

The added bonus is that I got Sam! Leon dropped her off this morning in case he gets called in to plow. I'm thinking he's just going to get snowed in out in the country, but I don't care. I got the dog. :) Milkie is really enjoying hanging out in the bedroom window watching the garbage, leaves, and snow spin around the fenced in yard. Whatever floats your boat kitty! It's chilly in here with the wind blowing so hard, I'll have to snuggle under blankets with a hot chocolate (peppermint schnapps of course) later!

So here's hoping the blizzard holds....WOW WHAT A GUST!..... and I get a snow day tomorrow! Everything will be all cleaned up before Bo Bice gets to the casino on Friday, so I just may get my snow and my BO! Woot!! Going to go and do a snow dance, I would really like a day off! "snow day, snow day, Snow Day SNow DAy SNOW DAY SSSSSNNNNOOOOWWWW DAAAAAAAY!!!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Well, I guess that spring has arrived, although if you look out my window it looks more like late fall. The temps are in the low 30's, there are small clumps of snow, lots of dead grass showing, and it's raining. When I just put the car in the garage the wood stove smell was strong in the air. Definitely November type weather. O.k, in reality it's definitely March/April and sometimes even May weather here. The season of spring usually escapes us, or shows up for a week around June 1. It rains most of the time, and we actually have a blizzard watch for the middle of next week. It just better stay in the middle. I want no nonsense around Friday. I am going to see .38 Special and BO BICE!! More on that later.....

My facebook friends who grew up here, but live in warmer climates now are bragging about their 70 degree days, and I admit, at the moment I am jealous. When they are crying about the heat later in the season, I will be the one chuckling. I do know what real spring is like. When we went to Oregon WI for Easter we would actually get to wear our cute dresses and bonnets with a little white sweater. No snow pants or winter coat required then. I did actually experience a whole real spring once, the year I lived in Madison as a nanny. It was awesome! The beauty of nature unfolding after the winter, and the temps to enjoy it. Enough rain for things to grow, but not weeks on end so all you have is mud. Also, once the snow was done, it was done. No rouge April blizzards to muck up the works. I remember a late April snow day in the mid 80's, and I also remember a canceled late April Easter trip in the early 90's.

My cousin Val is sitting down there in Florida this week, soaking up the rays and enjoying the spring time! Hope she has a fancy umbrella drink for me. She offered to stuff me in a suitcase and pay the fee, but I just couldn't miss BO BICE!!! Maybe I'll get a snow day AND Bo Bice in the same week. Hey, a girl can dream! Dream while she goes to Target to see if she can find some rain boots for the playground. It's hopefully time to put the sorrels away, but not too far.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wearin' O' the Green

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

This freckle faced Irish girl never does too much to celebrate, at least not with the bar crowd. I definitely can not do my heritage proud in that respect. Bars annoy me, and I can not hold my liquor, although I have built up my tolerance to a glass again! The last two St. Pat's I did go out for a drink with Lisa, mmmm Irish coffee. Not bailey's. We're talking a shot of whiskey and a cup of coffee! Although I have nothing against Bailey's. :) You can keep the green beer. I can not stand the taste of it. Beer that is, green or otherwise.

So I wore my green, and even remembered the shamrock necklace. The kids and I did a few "jigs", read a leprechaun story, and they even created some pretty cool leprechaun "traps." We played a few shamrock games that we've learned, and had a pretty good day. I tend to keep any holiday pretty low key. I've learned that lesson the hard way. The kids just get too wound up to enjoy anything and I end up getting extremely irritated. Better just to stay low key and enjoy each other.

I put in my favorite move "The Quiet Man" (now there's an oxymoron for you) and snuggled up on the couch. I think I slept through as much as I watched. Oh well. I know how it goes. If you haven't seen it, you should. John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, and it's shot in Ireland. It's a love story about a feisty Irish gal, and a quiet, strong, Irish born American man. Good times, and for me, good music. I know all of the traditional songs in the movie, because when I was in grade school I belonged to a singing group that performed on St. Pat's. We would travel to area schools and give concerts. So I know more traditional Irish songs by heart that you would ever imagine. Just one of the (many) little oddities that make up "me".

I would love to tell you that I had corned beef and cabbage for dinner, but my mother's corned beef casserole cured me of coming withing 10 feet of anything resembling it EVER again! Ish. I'm told real corned beef is much better, and I do like cabbage, so maybe one day I will be brave. Canned corn beef..... *gag*

Whether you're Irish or not, I hope you enjoyed the day, and I share with you my favorite Irish Proverb.

~May you have warm words on a cold evening,
A full moon on a dark night,
And a smooth road all the way to your door.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

Here's another family vacation story. It could have had many titles. "Farmer Kate" came to mind, but then it would have been a whole blog about my sisters nuttiness when it comes to animals, and I don't want to be banned from the washer/dryer. :) It could be called "Dad in Charge". I could write a whole book about things that happened when my Dad was "in charge." Maybe those will be future blog attempts.

Every summer when we traveled to visit my Mom's older brother, Uncle Joe, and his wife, Aunt Dorothy, in Oregon (outside of Madison) WI, we would go off to the Vilas Zoo! I just love this zoo. When I was a nanny years later, in Madison, I would take Michael and Megan there all the time. First of all, it's free. Secondly, it holds a lot of fun memories for me. When we were very small you could feed most of the animals. We even bought sardines to toss out to the seals! They were in some very gross paper bags.....

The best story that comes from our zoo adventures is one that we had to be told, because we were all too young to remember it. It was probably on our first ever trip to Vilas. My Mom had taken Jerry and I to see something and my Dad was "in charge" of two year old Katy. There was an open area, with either a rope or a wide gap fence enclosing a baby elephant. Somehow my animal obsessed sister, who was actually no escape artist, or naughty child, slipped away from my father (Mr. Observant) and you guessed it.

My mother comes walking along with the two of us, only to see her toddler waddling toward the baby elephant, INSIDE the enclosure! The trainer and my Dad hot on her little heels. How Mom ever left him in charge of any, let alone all of us again is beyond me! Ah, those were the days. I can't believe we survived them!

p.s. Don't tell her I told you........ Kate had an imaginary FARM when we were growing up! Shhhhhh.... I just couldn't help myself. Farmville was made for her. *snicker*

Ok, to be fair, I was obsessed with Betsy the elephant at the Duluth zoo when I was a kid. I would want to spend the entire time sitting by her cage. However, I always stayed on MY side of the bars! I also tried to bring home numerous strays over the years, but all of them were REAL!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Raisin Story

Once upon a time, back in the early seventies, my family piled into the old four door Ford something or another (it was kind of a gold color, very box shaped, and small) and headed off down the road to Oregon WI to visit Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Joe. The season was summer. We only visited the Madison area at Easter, or in the summer. These trips always began at about 6am. Sleepy kids were piled into the car and off we headed down the road. We usually didn't fall back to sleep, but immediately began to play the ABC game. What? You haven't heard of the ABC game? Ugh, I'm already remembering too much and am about to get side tracked into a nine part blog!

ABC game= While driving down the road you start with the letter "A". Each person playing tries to be the first to find it. It can be on a sign, license plate, or anything outside of the car. It goes well until you get to "Q". It also slows way down once you get out of Solon Springs. I honestly don't think we ever made it to "Z" even though we played that game every other weekend on the same road on the way to Solon to Aunt Mary and Uncle Clate's cabin. :)

Since this trip was early seventies it was a B.D. trip, meaning before David. We had been traveling for a good part of the day and were somewhere near Black River Falls. We always stopped there for lunch. I will set the scene. Mom is driving, Kate is in the middle snoozing on Dad, who is also snoring away. Yes youngsters, back in the day we had seats that went across the whole front, and car seats and seat belts were not required, or ever used. Plus, the seats are a plastic type material that leave you very sweaty in the heat. Grandma and Jerry are snoozing in the backseat with me, but I am wide awake. I cant sleep in the car, never have, probably never will. It is HOT. The temps outside are probably around 90 degrees. We do not have air conditioning, so the windows are all rolled down, but hot air is all that's blowing in. We are sweaty and slippery on the seats, and absolutely squished. There is no way to not be touching, and on my and Jerry's side of the car there is a suitcase on the floor, so our feet are setting on that. My mother had brought along those fancy little packs of raisins for a snack, which we had to have enjoyed at some point because there were empty, open little boxes waiting to be dumped in the garbage at lunch. A lot of them.

So there we are, driving down the road, sweating, sleeping, or just plain miserable (that's me) and it starts to rain. Very quickly it is raining hard enough that Mom wakes Grandma and Dad and the windows have to be rolled up. Shortly after that it is so awful that my Mom has to pull off to the side and stop because she can't see anything at all for the sheets of rain coming down. I must have been about five years old, and I'm thinking that I remember the sights, sounds, and smells from this particular day so vividly because subconsciously I was picking up on my parents concerns. I can recall pressing my nose to the window trying to see through the sheets of rain, but to no avail. I wasn't old enough to know how scary of a situation that was. Anyone coming by could have smashed into us, and when the rain finally did let up there were semi trucks tipped over near by. It must have been a tornado. The only thing I knew, and that I really took from that day, was my hate on for raisins. Think about it. The 90+ degree car is now sealed up tight. Sweat is pouring off of everyone, and all you can smell is sweat, and...... raisins.

I know that over the years I have eaten them in cereal, although not often. I have never gone near them in a "bunch". Even to this day, when they are served at work for snack I sit away from the table. *gag* Then I tell the kids "The Raisin Story".

The End

Monday, March 14, 2011

One Hundred

Well here it is! I can not believe that I have 100 blogs! I have spent most of my life writing, but have never stuck with it like this. Every diary stops when the world got too tough and I didn't feel like I could put my real thoughts where someone might see them. Instead of finding other things to write about and focus on, I just stopped dead. That sure has changed!

This blog started almost 1 year ago, on March 27, 2010. It was a Saturday, and a very awful day in my life. The subject matter was supposed to be a how (not) to about online dating, and the name was actually "Coffee Date". If you haven't read those earlier blogs, I encourage you to take a look. There's some good advice, and some laughter at my expense, but it's o.k. because I laugh the hardest. Then my whole attitude and focus changed, and here we are!

I was kind of stumped about what to write in this blog. I started trying to gauge how much I've grown in this past year, but it's hard. Leaps and bounds in some directions, and in others just baby steps. That is hard for me to accept, and I'm trying not to call myself names publicly or privately, and just accept that time will heal all things.

Thank you for all of your comments, encouragement, and compliments! I have readers from all over the world, and that is just unbelievable! Hopefully you'll stick with me through the next 100. I am so grateful to have you along for the journey. Just promise me no raisins in the car. Hey, I haven't told you the raisin story! I'll have to add it to my list. :)


Saturday, March 12, 2011


I don't have a good title, and I don't really have a good blog idea. I'm sick with a cough and a fever, so this might not be too coherent. :) I just need to write something, anything! You see, this is blog number99! I can't very well write blog 100 if I don't have a 99.

Work, other than the latest plague, is good. I am so loving having my own class again. There have been a couple of bumpy parts, as there will be when you find your place with a new group of people, but I am lucky to have Tom with me, and now Anna has joined the staff in the baby room, so I have good friends around me. My own "clique" if you will.

The doings in Madison have sickened and saddened me, but they have woken me up to the importance of voting, no matter how equal the candidates appear. I will be there in April to vote against the old school fix for our city's financial problems, and to vote in a state Supreme Court Justice who will vote to overturn this Walker democrazy business. From now on my voice will be heard, even if it doesn't make a noticeable difference.

On the personal front....... I'm just plugging along. I've had dinner in the country, we've had dinner in town. Sam gets passed from house to house and it works well. For now, for me, it works. I still have no interest in dating. I'm liking the life I'm carving out for Milky and myself. I keep thinking that maybe in the spring I'll be ready to start over in that department. We'll see. Technically spring is in two weeks, but I mean real spring here, and that's months away for us yet.

My last blog on politics evidently irritated my little brother, as he has been harassing me with his wife's facebook account for the last several days. According to my sister it was the "right wing nut" comment. Yeah, I don't take it back. I will NEVER take it back. In fact, wingnut could become a permanent nickname. :)

The rest of the family is good. Ashlyn had an orchestra concert this week and is still 1st chair. I missed this one, but our cousin Val was there and so surprised and proud to see Ash tuning up the orchestra! She's getting ready for two soccer leagues this spring, and the little girls are getting ready for their first soccer experience. TAFKAP is working hard with scouts. He just received a bobcat badge, and I hope to see his pinewood derby at the end of the month. Cierra just had conferences at school. They love her, and take good care of her. What more could you ask? She has been communicating a lot more with me when I hang out with her, and that's good to see. (non verbal, but none the less)

Hmmm.... what else? Milkie is good, she wants to play right now so I best get going. Sammy has a bacterial infection on her belly and she's on meds for that, which she loves, because it means getting a pb SAMwich twice a day! Hopefully they clear this nastiness up, Leon hasn't seen much improvement yet.

I believe my upstairs neighbors are stomping their own grapes to make wine. This thought occurred to me at about 5am when I was awoken yet again....... please remember it was also fever induced.

Northern Wisconsin can be a pretty ho- hum place to live. Nothing exciting ever happens, other than the occasional blizzard, which we haven't even had this year. However, I'll keep the 20 below, spring that usually means weeks of nonstop rain, and the cooler by the lake summers. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Japan. When I watch the news my brain can't even comprehend the reality of what it's seeing.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Religion and politics are usually too hot a topic for me to blog about. However, in this realm I am the Queen. If you are a republican, be warned, I am not. I would like Mr. Governor Scott Walker (who thinks he's some sort of King) to step into my castle for a discussion on...... oh, I don't know, insanity? SHAME on him. Regardless of your party affiliation this is NOT democracy. It's democrazy! Ha, I just made up that word because of a typo, but it fits.

Yes, we in Wisconsin voted him into office. Ok, I shouldn't say we, because I did not vote. I was totally apathetic. "Oh who cares. I don't know either of them, what will it matter?" Well, I can tell you. I will never NOT vote again. I will cast my vote for the democrat of the day, whoever they may be, after this stunt!

We have a mayoral race here in the great city of Superior. I didn't vote in the primary, because I could not stomach any of the four candidates. I knew who would win anyway, and they did. Now I'm irritated because I have to chose between "Old School Politics" and someone even I think is a little too "out there". I guess my vote will have to be used as a vote against someone, rather than a vote FOR someone, cause old school just doesn't float my boat. I hate voting that way. I like being passionate about a candidate, and the issues. I still haven't gotten over the fact that Hillary isn't in office. I actually had a tear when I walked away from voting for Obama for President, because it wasn't Hillary.

I'm proud to be a democrat, I was raised in a very Catholic ( don't worry, I'm not going to touch that with a ten foot pole) yet VERY democratic household. Yes, I have told the family secret. My Catholic parents voted Democrat. They were not "one issue" voters, and could see the bigger picture. I'll out my sister too. She's a democrat, yes, yes she is. My youngest brother is the definition of apathy, I don't know if he even votes. Somehow my brother Jerry has turned into a "right wing nut", but we still talk to him. :) I love debating with him, it's awesome! If I remember the story correctly, my Grandpa Meys was very involved with bringing the union to the workers of the city of Superior. I'll have to ask my Uncle Bill about that one.

My Mother and President Reagan had birthdays one day apart. My Mother and President Reagan died on the same day. Several times during funeral planning, and even at the dinner after her funeral the Priest mentioned that "Ruth was surely setting up shop in heaven as Reagan's secretary." It gave me a few chuckles during a very hard time. It is totally by the grace of God that I kept my mouth shut. "Only if they are both in hell Fr. Dean. Only if they are both in hell." I would just roll my eyes at my sister and paste on my best "Ruthie" smile.

Democrazy! This bill does not really affect me. I do know a lot of really good teachers that it will affect. I have four nieces in this school district that it could very well affect. (tafkap goes to Cathedral) If you want to make cuts Mr. Walker, why don't you start in your own back yard?? Leave the people who work so hard, for not a whole lot of money really, alone. Watching him on the news makes me ill. He reminds me of the four year olds in my class when they aren't getting their way and are whining about it. So I will tell him what I tell them. "Zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket." "If you get a number 1, you lose your job." ha!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Milk Report

Hey man..... I am so baked! My Aunt Katy sent over some primo catnip, in the shape of a cigar, and I just can not get enough. My Mom thought I was dead at one point because I kind of became one with the floor. She should get some catnip of her own and lighten up!

It's good to relax. I had a visitor this week, Sam that stinky dog. The door opened and in she marched. I took one look at her and said, "Not YOU again." "Ugh," came her reply "Are you STILL here?" Sam was here Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I thought she'd never leave! That damn dog takes up way too much of Mom's attention, and she eats my food. I had to forgo several of my naps to sit on my rocking chair and keep an eye on her every move. I overheard a discussion about Sam being company for me, bah.... I'll take my catnip cigar any day! That dog is welcome to the country home and her Papa. Although I did like playing with him last night. Don't tell him that though, I have a rep to protect!

Peace, man.

Stay tuned Milk fans!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



There have been many times in my life where I have considered becoming a foster parent. A baby, or even preschooler wouldn't really fit into my single life that well, but I have wondered about a school age child, or even a teen. I really feel like I have a lot to offer a child that's in the system. Why don't I do it? Well first off I have to have at least two bedrooms, which would mean a move, but that's doable. The real reason? In my opinion if you haven't done something too horrific, you (as a parent) can have another chance with your child. One chance, maybe two, but that's it. You don't get an unlimited amount of times to damage your child. I could not return a child to someone I knew either couldn't care for it, or wouldn't. The system unfortunately doesn't share my opinion. I don't suffer fools, especially this kind. I also can no longer escape with said child to Canada since we need passports now. ;)

Even knowing the struggles I could face I thought that maybe I could do it. Then Milkie came into my life. Yes, I know she's a cat, not a kid, however, it really brings the point home. Without telling too much of someone else's story I will tell you Milkie's. Milkie was Leon's Mom's cat. The woman has some issues, but I don't believe she was unkind to Milk. She was more than likely neglectful, and then dumped her on Leon last July, saying she'd be back for her in a few weeks. Weeks turned into months, months turned into coming to live with me in December. So it was six months before "Mom" decided that maybe she missed Milkie and would like her back, although the original story she told Leon was that her current apt. didn't allow pets. Leon told her that he had given Milkie to me, since she didn't show any interest in taking her back, and that I wouldn't give her up. (Yes, he made me the bitch, and I pointed that out to and their mothers.....) Remember, there's a lot more to the story that I'm not sharing. Although I should also point out that she has "put down" inconvenient animals in the past.

I spoke with him tonight and he mentioned that she asked him about it AGAIN. I responded with "YOUR MOTHER" and slammed my mouth shut. My own mother gave me a piece of advice once that was spot on. (Yes I know, one time I did actually listen to her.) She told me that no matter what do not EVER run down a man's mother. It doesn't matter what she's done to him, or to you. She will always be his "mommy". You can take that one to the bank. *drum roll* My Mom was right. So I continued with "My mother told me if I didn't have something nice to say, not to say anything at all. Your mother is not getting that cat back." ***

So there it is. If I can not return a darn cat to someone I know is going to ditch her as soon as she's inconvenient, how on earth could I hope to be a foster parent???

Also, I would like a little feedback on this one. A small part (a very small part) of me feels like she's Berneta's cat. If she wants her cat back I should just suck it up and send Milkie home. Mostly I feel like it's just too damn bad. She didn't want her, so tough bananas. Milkie is settled, we're good, the end. Am I just being the Queen on her judgement throne, or am I justified in keeping her? Answer me here, or on facebook please. I'm not going to lop off any one's head, I'd just like some perspective.

*** What I really wanted to say was "YOUR MOTHER can kiss my butt, and then go down to the humane society and adopt another cat. When that one becomes an inconvenience she can send it over for Milkie to have a brother or sister to play with." Ah, it feels so much better to get that out. LOL

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


People love to ask me the nosy question, "Why don't you have any kids?" My standard answer? "I've never met the man I wanted to share joint custody with." This is only partially a joke. I could not see myself willingly letting a child go off with any of the men I've been in a relationship with. I don't know if that's an issue with me being controlling and overly protective, or a commentary on the quality of the men I've dated. *shrug* Perhaps a little of both in some cases.

I have my own little version of joint custody going on with Sam the dog. I haven't seen her since Super Bowl Sunday, and I get lonely for her from time to time. Leon says I can have her whenever I want, so I exercised my custody rights and picked her up last night. She was out in the yard when I pulled up, and she looked so surprised! She was so happy that she even ran a little bit when I came running up the driveway to her. Running for Sam Sam is a BIG deal. Her get up and go has definitely got up and went. We hugged and went inside for dinner. Bistro something or another for her, homemade chili for me!

Now Sam can be particular when it comes time to stay or go. Sometimes she goes running home with Leon, sometimes she refuses to go. We let her choose, because really, what does it matter? She has never refused to come home with me when I've gone out to the country, but there could always be a first time I suppose, so I brought her nail clippers with me, just in case she didn't want to come. I'm always the one who gets the fun jobs. Nails, brushing, ear medicine, etc. After I finished my dinner I went to my purse and said, "I have something for you!" She thumped her tail excitedly exactly twice. Then it went dead, because she saw what I had in my hand. She still loves me though (she doesn't know we aren't finished clipping) and did decide she wanted to "go for a ride."

It did my heart good to see her so happily marching behind me out to my car. She sat so proud and tall in the back seat, excited to go for a ride, and the only place we go together is my house or hers, so she knew we were going home. Home to Ms. Milkie, who did not appear too thrilled to see Samantha darkening her doorstep again. Sam wasn't amused either. Some days they barely tolerate each other, but no matter what they are still company for the other. Sam kind of liked coming here to escape from the Milkster, and the look of betrayal on her face when Milkie came to live with me was priceless. She still loves me though, because she's a dog, not a cat, and I'm her Mama. :)