Life Lessons


Monday, June 20, 2011

Ear Worm

Maybe I'm unique, but instead of hearing voices in my head (no I do not) I hear music.  Sometimes it's just random songs that get stuck, other times it's only a line from a song.  Like the other night.  I was watching a movie with a friend of mine (Practical Magic) and they made midnight margarita's.  Shoot, now it's back in my head again!  ♫ You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up ♫  or however it goes.  As soon as I heard it I said.  "Oh no.  Not that song!  Now I'll be singing it for days."  Of course, I am.  I'm singing it right now.

This phenomenon, where you can't get a song out of your head is called an "Ear worm".  I thought it was earwig, but that is a bug, of the pinching variety, that is actually plentiful in the basement of Hawks Hall.  The kids and I would stomp on them all summer long.  Gross, and a staff person actually got pinched by one once and got a swollen arm out of the deal. 

The worst for me is when I wake up with a romantic ballad from the 80's stuck in my head.  It's just randomly in there, and it usually makes me very crabby for the rest of the day.  Or at least until I can find another ear worm to take it's place.  The donkey song usually works, ( Hey ho away we go, riding on a donkey) or the lime mentioned above.

Right now the song "This Kiss" by Faith Hill is practically embedded.  It's also from Practical Magic.  I love that song though, and I love the movie, and....... it's all good.

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