Life Lessons


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pals Part Two

This picture really doesn't do justice to the beauty of this "vase", which is made by Copper Moon Pottery.  My cousin Melanie happens to be half of the Copper Moon, and I bought this from the art fair they (she and Les) were at this past weekend in Cable Wisconsin.  If you happen to be at a festival in Seely Wisconsin on July 9, check them out!  I'm hoping to get back there myself to visit some more.  Although it's a little hard to visit while they are working, but we chat between the customers.  I like to people watch, so it's all good.  They'll also be at the Apple Fest in Bayfield this fall.  Kate's never been to THAT extravaganza, so maybe we'll check it out.  

Kate and I took off on our road trip Sat morning, and spent some quality sista time together, although the side roads I took us on made me horribly car sick.  We took a straight route back and it really was only five minutes longer.  Live and learn.  We had some more Sista time at The Walmart today, although that was not nearly as fun.  Kate goes in for the second attempt at "coiling" her aneurysms in two days.  Hopefully they'll be able to finish the procedure this time.  So yes, I will be playing Mommy Dearest again this week.  I've rooked Ashlyn in on the gig, so she'll be staying with me and getting CC off to summer school in the morning, and babysitting for me when she gets home at noon.  Then Ash and I will have Hot Buttered O's and Monopoly challenges to look forward to after Cierra hits the hay!

Between visiting with Melanie, Les, and my cousin Ray (Melanie's Dad) and some other old pals this week.  It sure feels like a time warp.  It always amazes me that with some people you can pick right up where you left off.  One hug and years just disappear, like you saw the person yesterday.  Also had a good convo with my best friend, and of course my Friday Night Girls.

I went looking for some answers this week.  Part of my "pulling myself up by my bootstraps" and getting on with my life I guess.  Did I find them?  Yes, yes I did.  Were they the answers I was expecting?  Hell no.   HELL no.  Next move?  Not sure, outta my depth on this one.  I know.  Me, out of my depth.  Can you imagine?  ha.  I guess I'm going to follow the quote at the top of the page and roll with it. Once I asked Grandma Ann (foster Grandma at work) if you ever figure it out.  She was 90 at the time.  I think what I said was "Grandma, please tell me that at some point you figure all this out?"  "No honey, you never really do" was her reply.  *big sigh*  Perhaps it's just time to stop trying, and live.

~Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
Hellen Keller

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