Life Lessons


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nightmare on Hughitt

No, this is not another neighbor blog. :)  The new neighbors, while heavy of foot, have been pretty good so far.  The new owners over at Hillbilly Hollow are great too!  This is about an actual dream I had two nights ago.  I couldn't fall asleep last night because I was afraid it would return.  When I was a child I had a recurring nightmare, but never as an adult........ and it didn't come back, for that I am grateful! (wait I'm just remembering the T-Rex ripping off the roof of the house dream....that one has recurred as an adult.... I know....I'm cracked)

This dream seemed to have a lot of symbolism in it for me.  A good bit of my tired brain working through everything that's been thrown at it lately.  I remember every second of this dream.

I was with a guy I used to date long ago, and he had a foreign lady with him, dressed in Indian garb I believe.  They had to catch a flight, he was helping her get back to her country so he wasn't going to visit long.  It was dark and damp and foggy, creepy and eerie and then suddenly they were gone and I was alone calling for him.  There was a payphone, but of course when I go to use it to call for help I can't dial it right. 

Scene switches to me sitting on my couch.  Loud knock on neighbors door, and I notice that my own door is slightly ajar (now this part of the dream I have actually had before) I go to shut it and this man crashes through the door, obviously to do me some sort of harm.  Again, I yell for the guy I used to date, but I am alone, and I have to do something.  I end up clobbering this man over the head with a piece of pottery and running out the back door.

Scene switches and I'm back to the damp wet creepy place from the beginning of the dream.  Another man is chasing me, and I know he means to kill me.  Suddenly I'm in a bright room, and there is my Mom.  The man takes a sword and means to run it right through her.  I grab the blade and turn it, then....with the help of a woman who suddenly appears at my side I stick it right through his neck.  Of course he keeps coming for me and I slice his head off.

Everything disappears.  Its like I'm in a huge field in the dark of night and the clouds are boiling overhead.  Suddenly my conscious self is able to think.  "Oh shit, this is not good.  WAKE UP!"  Nothing.  "You have to wake up NOW.  WAKE UP, WAKE UP!"  still nothing.  Now I'm panicking.  My brain must have thought that I was still a child/teen and I said "Call for Katie, she'll hear you screaming, and she'll wake you up."  So in my dream I started screaming my sisters name over and over.  Still nothing.  Then slowly I feel myself waking, and I scream louder, until I do succeed in waking myself up.....looking, of course, immediately for my sister.  Then realizing I was home, and safe, and yeah........I was awake for awhile after that.

So what have I learned from analyzing my dream?  Not a thing I don't already know.  I never feel I can count on men.  Period.  I am capable of saving my own bacon, very capable actually, but I'm seriously tired of having to.  I knew the payphone wouldn't work, or I wouldn't be able to work it before I even tried it in the dream.  The only one who can help me, is me.

I would have done anything, anything to save my Mom......and btw the woman in the dream who helped me was an angel, the only one who could and probably did help me help her in real life.  The dark rolling sky?  Could be judgement day, could be fears of the future, that one is confusing.....but it terrified me enough to be able to become a conscious part of the dream.  Who did I call for when I really needed help?  Who did I count on to save me?  My sister.  Well that's a no brainer there.  Am I missing anything?  Any dream analyzers out there feel free to chime in.  ;)

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