Life Lessons


Saturday, June 4, 2011


Went to therapy today.....  gardening therapy!  Nothing eases my mind and my soul like digging in the dirt.  What a gorgeous summer day.  The temp was about 80, with a nice wind keeping it comfortable.  Barely a cloud dotting the sky.  Just me and my dog in the backyard.  Wait, my dog had to stay home, she isn't feeling well.  It was my sisters dog, Sky.  He's a ding-a-ling, but gets better with age. 

I planted one of the garden beds, and packed it jam full.  I find that way the weeds don't have much of a chance.  Lets see...... tomato, roma tomato, beans, green onion, zucchini, summer squash, and cucumber.  If I had the gumption I could clear the other bed and make it into a pumpkin patch, but it took me two hours the other weekend to clear out just the one.

I mentioned Sam isn't feeling well.  Something is going on with her right hip/foot/leg.  We don't agree on the cause, but she is with Mama to relax and get some bufferin for the stiffness.  I thought I was going to have to hoist the 100 lb dog up the back 5 steps last night, not a good thing.  It took us time, but she finally made it to the top.  We'll go out the front from now on.  She's still moving slow, but not as bad as yesterday. 

So today is a "best day".  I have my dog, my cat is around here somewhere ignoring us, did some reading, did some writing, and got to garden!  I even bought a new English Ivy to grow inside. ( or kill as the case may be)  So now for inside plants I have Phil, a philodendron who's been with me almost 20 years, and Ruthie the Peace Lilly, who just came back home to live with me, and now the English Ivy, that I am calling George.  I find that if I name them that the chance of my remembering they exist goes up dramatically.  Thus I will water them and they shall survive!

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