Life Lessons


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Home ♥

A little bit of Motley Crue is running through my tired brain  ♫ Home Sweet Home ♫.  I keep forgetting that all of my followers on here aren't "friends" on Facebook, so I forget to update on the important things sometimes.  My sister's surgery went very well, and she and Tom got home early this morning.  They even swung by the daycare with a caramel pecan roll from Tobie's for me, and it was even still sort of warm!  Great way to start the day, sweets, and knowing that I could just come home to my Milkie, a hot bath, and my own bed after work.  With the added bonus of not sharing a laptop with a 14 year old. :)

I tell you, I am so grateful to Ashlyn for staying with me and babysitting CeCe while I was at work, but yesterday when I got home to the teenager on the computer, Journey (of all things) blaring from the stereo, and the dog and both kids staring at me for food and entertainment, I felt EVERY one of my forty one years.  I fished around for some dinner and got that going, got the laundry together, visited with Ash while I played a bit with Ce, while the music still blared.  The kids ate and then Ce was so messy that instead of kicking Ash off the comp and eating I put my dinner aside in favor of bath time for Cierra.  Ok, I was pretty well drenched myself by the end of it.

Then I sat down to check email and eat my own dinner, and like an old curmudgeon made the kid turn off the tunes.  "I just need a few minutes Ash."  Which translated into Ashlyn walking back and forth behind me while booting around her soccer ball, talking to me about random things that I didn't even hear.  I finished that up and gave the comp back over.  Went in to read to CeCe before putting her to bed, and promptly fell SOUND asleep on the couch when she ditched me for Blue's Clues.  I woke myself up snoring, and the teen ager was leaning in from the other room to see if that was in fact me sawing logs.

After settling Cierra in bed Ashlyn set up Monopoly and my winning streak continued.  Best line of the night, courtesy of Ash: "I OWN that B.O!  :)   Funniest moment?  Cierra falling asleep on the floor by the door, and my having to scoot it open.  I even banged on it yelling her name, but she snored on.  I ended up laying on the floor, shoving the door open enough to get my arm through and then pushing her away from the door enough to slip the rest of me in and put her in bed.  Ash was a big help, standing there laughing her head off. :)

So it's over.  My sister is well and home.  The surgery went well and she doesn't have to go back until December to have an angeogram to look at things again.  I am snuggled up back in my cozy apartment.  Where I intend to vegetate until tomorrow.  Then we'll do the Friday thing (deck party at the Shack!) and then I intend to do some heavy duty veging over the weekend!  Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and support!!

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