Life Lessons


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Half Off Thursday

Look at me, blogging in the mid afternoon!  I was able to leave work at 1:30 today, and in a few weeks I will be starting half day Thursdays, probably for the rest of the summer.  WHOOPIE!  Yes, even though this time they're without  Just to be able to back off a bit and have an afternoon to waste away, or run errands, or play with the kids, well it's worth whatever has to happen to make it be so.  This doesn't really bode well for my financial plan, but if I end up in the nuthouse it will all be for naught anyway.

I had a long talk last night with a very old friend.  So old that he was my first crush ever.  I think we were seven.  It's funny how people seem to float through your life right when you need them to, with some piece of wisdom that you're looking for.  They're never even aware of how much they are helping.  I think he thought that I thought he was nuts.......but I don't.  I get it Tony, and our chat really did help me make up my mind about some things.  Next time you make it home, we will definitely raise a glass or two!

Hmmmm...... changes are a coming people.  I have always lived my life a certain way, very careful of the other guy, and while I look out for myself, I rarely put my needs/ wants above someone else.  I'm mindful of the things I put out into the universe, so that karma will be kind.  The problem is, karma is not kind, or fair.  There are some things I've wanted to do for myself for quite awhile, and while they aren't going to be "blogable"( I know, some things are still private, imagine that!)  I fully intend to enjoy them, damn the consequences.  Let the evolution begin!

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