Life Lessons


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chocolate Chips

"Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookies of life."

I've seen that quote many places, and it's so true. Nothing can make me feel better than an evening spent visiting with a group of my friends, or an unexpected phone call from a long distance pal!

My facebook page is mostly filled with people I grew up with, family, and then friends I've made along the way. There are one or two of the parents whose children I've cared for in the past, but they are there because we've become friends through that experience. Only a handful of people are there because they collect facebook friends like stamps, and yes, I knew them at some point so I accepted their invitation to be "friends." I love facebook. I love seeing what people are up to these days, watching their kids grow through pictures, etc. We all started in this one little community, and now a good portion of the friends I grew up with are spread out all over the country. I am not a fan of reunions, they are such a mess of people trying to put their best self (real or otherwise) forward to impress. I'd rather be a small part of the real lives they lead.

I get the biggest kick out of having a chat on facebook with someone I haven't seen in twenty (or more) years!

Girls night/ happy hour came to a screeching halt for me last fall, due to a falling out with one of the girls. Instead of remaining friends we are now mere acquaintances, and I guess I'm fine with that. I do miss her, but I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. I was very hurt by her behavior. The details remain between us, because some things in my life are still private. Yep, one or two! I miss the weekly get together, even though I could really do it bi-weekly and be content.

Anyway, I have been trying to get together with Lisa for happy hour, or dinner at least once a month since then, and every time we schedule something I have had to cancel. I was sick several of the dates, and then the last time we tried to go out I came home to Misty being so sick. Finally last night I was able to get to happy hour with her and Christina and it was awesome to be able to visit and catch up. I also work in the same building as Lisa now, so I can see her in the hallway!

Tonight my sister and my best OLD friend Vicki are coming over to chat and have hot buttered O's, and probably play the "Sorry" game I got the goovers for Christmas. Vicki and I spent many hours in her mother's kitchen playing "Sorry" TO THE DEATH. OOOOHhhhhh! I even have an UNO game around here somewhere. It will be lots of fun and laughter, with some stories and even a little sadness thrown in. Like it always is when old friends get together.

Vicki and I have known each other since I was three. It's funny to go from spending every waking moment possible with someone to just seeing them three or four times a year. Maybe only during one of those times do you have any "alone" time where you can really talk. I can't email at work, heck I don't even have comp access and never have had. She has a hard time chatting on the phone in the evening because she has young kids who she is away from all day long. So we catch up in snippets, and I wait for the day her kids become teens and can't stand her, so I can have her back.

Hmmm.... I wonder if I have any little bells around here for the "Sorry" game. When we were kids we saw people on a commercial playing the game and ringing a bell every time they said "sorry" to someone and sent them back, so we snuck bells out of her mothers HANDS OFF collection while she was at work and used them in our game. Hope Barb doesn't read my blog! It was Vicki's idea. Really!

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