Life Lessons


Saturday, January 15, 2011

I am

I shovel, therefore.... I am. :)

This has been a regular old fashioned winter in the Northland! No global warming for us, thank you very much. While I have enjoyed the winters of fifty degrees and no white menace, I am really liking the snow this year. We had another five inches of fluffy snow last night, and it is a sunny, breathtakingly beautiful, crisp winter day. By crisp I mean three degrees. If I wasn't hacking my head off, and my ski poles actually lived with me it would be the perfect day to tottle around on the old cross country skis! I had hoped to blaze a few trails out in the country this year.... yeah, well. I guess not.

There has been light snow off and on all week, snow that finally picked up while I was running errands after work yesterday. While it did make the road slicker, and it was trying to ice up on the car window, it was the big puffy Christmas snow that we all love. Even if you are a snow hater, you know you love the Christmas snow. Admit it. While walking toward Target to pick up supplies for my cold, and Milk Bones for the dog, I was overcome by the need to catch the big flakes on my tongue. So there I stood, like a five year old, outside the big doors catching flakes, grinning like a nut.

I have Sam with me again, because of the snow. Leon works for the city on the hill, and is on the sub list for snowplowing. So let it fall! Sam is a snow dog. She loves the snow more than just about anything. Right behind her Papa, Me, and food. No matter how cold it is she sticks her head right in it every time, and she rolls on her back to make snow angels, which I call Sam angels.

There are a few other perks of winter cold, like hot toddies, and soups, stews, chili, etc that just don't appeal to me when it's warmer outside. I purposely put dark chocolate truffle in the coffee maker today so I can have a warm cup later with some Bailey's in it. So my plan for the rest of this cold day is to:

1. Take care of my cold.
2. Find the stupid mailing tape.
3. Have left over Chinese.
4. Watch an old movie or two.
5. Try to remember to turn on the dishwasher.
6. Watch some Packer football!
7. Have a hot toddy!!!
8. Popcorn. At some point there must be popcorn.
9. Oh yes, and play with the cat.
10. Let the dog out, let the dog in, let the dog out, let the dog in, let the... you get the picture.

It's a good day to be me!

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