Life Lessons


Saturday, January 1, 2011


Goovers on Ice part deux!

Once upon a time, three years ago this coming May, I thought Internet dating would be a fine way to torture myself...... again. I met Aaron, who had no photo online, so I broke whatever rule that is. :) I'm too lazy to go back in the early blogs and look. Take it from me, you don't want to break that rule.

I don't have the energy this evening to get into the whole story. There was just the one outing for ice cream. My sister in law, Elise and my niece Ashlyn happened to be in the mall where we were and got a nice view of the red suspenders. As Ash would say, "DUDE!" It wasn't good.

Of course, the creepers always try and get into my space, and I have real issues with people in my personal area. I do not like to be touched by people I don't know. If you come up, start a conversation, and put a hand on my shoulder, you are likely to lose the hand. For whatever reason, kids never set that radar off in me, they are always all over my space, and that's fine. Aaron tried to put his arm around me when we were leaving and I thought "If I am sending any kind of a signal that touching me is OK, there is something seriously WRONG with me!"

So I gave him whatever spiel I did at the time, the friends speech, whatever. I'm always polite, and according to Leon that was my problem. When I finally threatened Aaron a few weeks later, after numerous phone calls, with reporting him to the website, the police, etc, if he didn't leave me alone his comment was "Well, you weren't mean to me." Uh, ok. Why did I have to be? He did, after that email, leave me be. I have to say though, he creeped the hell out of me. The bells were ringing loud and clear in my head, and they did just as loudly a year later when I ran into him.

Ashlyn and I had gone ice skating at the East End rink. I knew he worked a few of the rinks, so we looked out for his car, but didn't see it. We didn't even think the shack was open so we got our skates on in the car. Ash realized it was, so we brought our boots inside and guess who was sitting there? I got out of there as fast as I could, as there were no other adults or kids. We went and skated for a bit, it was a warm Sat afternoon, someone would come and join us at some point. Wouldn't they? As soon as other adults came around we were getting our boots and getting the heck out of there. We skated for an hour and not a single soul showed up. Aaron kept coming out and walking around the outer part of the rink, but Ash and I stayed on the far side. I felt awful inside, totally creeped out, and responsible for a teenager on top of it. At least I was wearing a weapon. :)

For whatever reason I could not face walking into that shack again and spending the time to take off our skates and get our boots on. I figure that I have these warning bells for a reason, so I ended up calling my brother in law Tom, who came and saved my bacon. He went in and got our boots and waited while we changed into them outside.

I knew that taking the goovers skating at Alloueze there was a good chance I was going to run into him again. It's funny how you perceive things as time goes by. My whole attitude is different these days. We ran smack into him in the warming shack. I rolled my eyes at Ash and we got our skates on. Oh, you KNOW he came over to me. "Don't you skate out in South End?" He received the green eyes of steel. If you've pissed me off you know the look. "NO.", was my only reply. Then I promptly ignored him and finished my skates.

As I said to Ash, he either knows that he knows me, but can't remember where from, or he wants to know if I remember him. OH I remember YOU alright, but you don't need to know it. When we got our boots back on he didn't come into the shack, and hopefully that is the end of the creeper story for good.

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