Life Lessons


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Miss Muffett

I have no tuffet, I'm not even sure what that is. I really enjoy a good cheese curd, but I'll pass on the whey. The spiders? They like to shower with me. Yes, I have peeping spiders. It is 5 degrees outside, and there he is lurking on my bathroom ceiling. "Hey Daddy -O!" That's what I like to call them when I climb in the shower, look up and to the left and see one hanging out. It's always a daddy long legs, and always the same corner. They are more prevalent in the spring and fall, but I do get the occasional winter peeper too.

When the last fellow visited me I wanted to blog about it, but life stepped in and the incident was forgotten. If you know me, you know I am NOT a fan of spiders. However, if the shower peepers stay where they belong they live to peep another day. I have an eight foot ceiling, so they are safe up there in the corner.

One fall day, I hopped into the shower, and noticed the peeper in the corner. "Hello Daddy-O. You just stay there in your corner and we'll all be good." He did not listen. All of the others have listened, this must have been a rouge. He proceeded to crawl back and forth across the ceiling directly over my head. Can you imagine trying to shave your legs while keeping an eye on the ceiling? Then came the hair washing. I wet my hair, he's back in the corner. I lather my hair, he's off on a ramble. I rinse my hair, he's gone. Gone????? Panic mode sets in, and I look at the shower wall to my left. There he is, right at my eye level. I scream bloody murder and SPLAT. The end of the rogue peeper.

I read somewhere that there are so many spiders in the world that you are never more than 6 feet away from one at any given time. To say that creeps me out is an understatement. However, I've kind of gotten used to the peepers. As long as they stay in their corner, that is!


  1. I hate spiders, even the small ones. I can't relax when I know they are creeping around. And having a creeper in the shower? I would have killed him too. I couldn't have turned my back until he was gone....the chance that he may have come down and crawled on me...NOT gonna happen.

  2. The problem is, I always find them right AFTER I get in the shower. The ceiling is too high, and I've had too many freak accidents to start messing around in a wet tub! Ok, that doesn't sound very good.... LOL I need to learn to look before I shower!
