Life Lessons


Thursday, July 21, 2011


Well, I finally bit the bullet and had my brother build me a new computer.  No Walmart special for anyone in this family!  Baby bro has been on my case for a couple of years to upgrade.  He's also on my case continually to get high speed Internet, which I still continue to balk at.  However, if it is possible, this new hot rod computer is SLOWER on dial up than the dinosaur sitting here in the corner of the dining room.  I'm actually hoping that the old one is good enough to use at work for the kids.  I have some educational preschool games, and would love to set up a computer center for them.  (Something else they can fight over.) Just depends on if the old bugger can handle it, or will crash.  I suppose that would be a good thing to figure out before I lug it, and the huge monitor to work. 

I keep telling David (I have way too many David's in my life.  I'm still referring to baby brother.) that I have no need of high speed net.  The new computer was a different story.  There are really only four things that I do with my comp, keep in contact with friends, write, store my pictures, and listen to music.  The dinosaur was already crashing with the music, and occasionally the pictures.  Then last week it started crashing while I was testing out a different blog site.  Well, we certainly can't have that!  So I should be good to go for awhile.  OH, I almost forgot!  David was also able to move my SIMS 2 files over to the new comp.  I haven't been able to play it in years. He had to look something up to finish it up and will work on that next week.  So my SIMS are not all dead!  This may sound obsessively odd, BUT I have created a whole live medieval novel out of all my people.  There's a place to take pictures and to WRITE.  So I can actually watch my storyline play out.  All of the writing would be gone....... yes, I need help. I know it. 

So far the best part of the new computer (sorry Davy) is the new speakers!!  They rock, and I have to remember that I live in a four plex!  For once I can be the bad neighbor.  Right now it's  "Kiss on my List" by Hall and Oats.  I'm just running down my entire play list. The first song I cranked last night was "The Boys are Back" of course.  The first one today was "No Matter What" which is really my all time favorite.  It's so nice to have the music back!  Although I'm not looking forward to the 89 hours it will take me to download itunes.......

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