Life Lessons


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sand Box

A friend of mine, we'll call him Ted, is moving to a new city in a few days.  He has a great new job, and a good chance to start over again in this new place.  I like to call the new town Mayberry, because really there are under 1000 people who live in it.  He's a cop, so that makes it just a little bit funnier in my mind.  Anyway, that isn't the point, per usual.  The point is that he is divorced, and now there will be four hours separating him and his little girl.  So instead of seeing each other on an almost daily basis they will be spending a lot of bonding time in the car.  With the economy the way it is, there was no choice.  A person has got to do what they can to get by.  I really feel for him, because anyone who knows him knows how much he's going to miss that little girl!

Ted's daughter is only four, and when he broached the subject of moving to a new town, she just looked up from the sandbox she was playing in and said "Can I bring my sandbox?"  His reply?  "No, we'll get you a bigger and better one."  The end.  No fuss, no muss.  Back to playing.  Granted, she's too young to grasp the situation.  She has moved before, so she understands that part of it, but the distance between her and Daddy she wont understand until it happens.

Would that we could all face life's changes with that kind of attitude!  From now on when life tosses me a curve ball I am just going to ask  the universe if I can bring my sandbox, and go on about my business.


  1. With a tear in Ted's eye he thanks you for thinking of him and his daughter. She is so special to him along with his friends. Thank you!
