Life Lessons


Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Girls

Wow.  This time, what happens with the girls...... you know the end of that sentence.  Normally I don't go out on Saturday nights.  Friday night with the girls is plenty of out time for me.

So this is the blog of how it all began.  Once upon a time, roughly sixteen years ago, I met Lisa.  She started out as my co-worker, then when Em was two she became one of my "parents", and then a few years later she became my assistant and stayed with my class for five years.  When Lisa left the Y for bigger and much better pastures we started the tradition of once a month dinners.  This usually happened on a Wednesday because it fit Lisa's working Mom schedule best.  Now and again another friend from work would join us, her name is Nikki and she and Lisa are very close.  Nikki was also a grade behind me in High School.  So we started out as three gals with a once a month dinner date.   Somewhere along the line Lisa brought her friend Kerri to join us.  It was so long ago I really can barely remember her not being there.  Then we were four.

The Wednesday dinners continued, but became bi-weekly, and sometimes on a Friday you could find us at  Nikki's for Qwazadilla night (spelled that way for a reason), but I can't quite recall how Happy Hour actually began.  It just seems like we've been sitting on that deck at The Shack forever, but it's only been open for two summers.  Nikki moved away a few years back, and that must be when we started going to C's on Friday nights.  It has only been this summer since I've started staying out past seven. 

The group size changes, our individual friends are always welcome, and yes from time to time a man does get into the inner circle.  So far Jared (Michelle) has been the only one brave enough to sit down and hang for any length of time.  Barry the Bartender will hang close when we're at V.I.P. and of course there was Skippy (I miss Skippy), and Jon floats in and out, and Tom and Brian at the Shack will chat a bit. 

Last night Nikki (and her hairy legs) was in town.  I gave her a lot of crap because she couldn't come out with us on Friday night the last time she was she called to drag me out on a Saturday night.  I'm pretty sure the word "no" was not an option on my part.  They know where I live, and lets just say I didn't want to find out what would happen. :)  We started out at Log Cabin (Heidi joined us there)  to see Mike Lawlers comedy act, not that funny.......except for the part where Kerri sold Nikki out and she ended up on stage.  Hmm..... then there was Kerri singing karaoke, a song dedicated to Nikki with some words changed here and there.  Midnight dinner at V.I.P. and visiting with Barry.  We drove past the street dance between Grizzlies and O'Neils but it looked pretty boring, and I had the car keys by then.  Nothing better than drunk girls screaming Brittney Spears to the blaring music as you cruise down Tower with the windows down, unless you include the Chinese fire drill.  We ended at Dodgies, (Would someone tell me why that place always smells so awful?) which is close to Lisa's and our own vehicles.

I guess it was about one thirty when I drove Heidi back home, and then ambled my way back here.  Fun for sure, but not something I'm planning on making a habit of.  Thanks for a great time ladies!  Have you seen any giant trees lately? 

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