Life Lessons


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Oh My Sam

Oh my Sam..........  That's what I say to Sam when we're all lovey.  It's said in a gooey voice that you don't need, or want to hear.  I say it to Milkie too,  Oh my Milk...... they both love it and come a runnin'.  As much as Sam can run these days.  Although the other night when we were outside and a firework went off she moved faster than I've seen in the last year to get back inside!

Which brings us to the fireworks.......well no.  Our visitation excitement actually started with tic removal two hours after she got here.  Ugh.  Then Friday we had huge storms in the area.  I got home as soon as I could to find water all over the bedroom floor from the open window, a wild eyed dog, and a cat who wouldn't come out from under the bed.  Sam was so upset that I sat on the floor and brushed her, while singing to Milkie coaxing her out from under the bed.  There was an F2 tornado about 30 miles from here that night.  Bad storms.

Then Sat evening around eight Sam and I went outside so she could do her business.  We came back into the kitchen, and when I turned around to give her a bone she had blood all over her muzzle.  Luckily I do not faint at the sight of blood, and I kick into action mode when something like that happens.  So I wiped it up and figured out that she had a little bloody nose.  It stopped fairly quickly.  I have to say, I get nervous being the custodial parent for the old dog on occasion.  We all know it's coming, and while on one hand I want to be with her because I feel I will handle it better for her, I can't imagine what it will do to me.  So anyway, we get things squared away, I think about calling Leon, but decide to wait.  Then of course the neighborhood fireworks start, which she hates, and we have a wild rest of the night of pacing, etc.  It stopped around one.

Sunday it was all good, no blood, no thunder, and some fireworks that stopped around midnight.

Monday it was so hot in here that Sam laid on the kitchen floor in front of the fan a good part of the day.  I took her out around eight again, thinking she might want to lay in the cool grass, but no way.  She did her business and we headed back in.  I went in and took a shower, and when I came out there she was, lying in front of the fan, with her nose in a small pool of blood.  Yeah......I didn't handle it as well that time.  Lying on the floor almost in tears, dripping wet, cradling her head in my lap with paper towel, screaming in my head for Leon.  It took a little longer to stop this time.  You wont believe this, but somehow he heard me.  Just as things were settling down the cell started ringing his tone.  I have no idea what he wanted, except maybe to tell me he was almost back home.  He said hello and I said THANK GOD, and let myself go into full panic mode.

So we talked it through and he was going to come and get her, but then when I calmed down I decided I wanted her with me since he had to work today anyway.   I know he's close by if I need him, so it's all good now.

This morning Leon talked to the vet, who isn't overly concerned.  "She wants you to look in her nose and her mouth for an injury, then buy me lunch and rotate my tires."  Yeah..... I'm not looking in her mouth.  She definitely wont let me if something is really there.  So we will check her out when he gets here after work, and take it from there.  Apparently it's a common thing this time of year, although I've never seen that happen with a dog before.

That brings me to the fireworks.  Three houses around here started well before ten, and then continued after the city fireworks, which I had no idea were so loud here.  No wonder every time we came home from them Sam was in the bathroom!  Milkie could not be coaxed from under the bed, and Sam varied between following me, hiding under the desk, and hiding in the bathroom.  The firework nonsense stopped around 3 am.  Sam went out at 4am and 6:30 am.  We are both very wild eyed and slow moving today!  Thank God I'm on vacation.   Oh my Sam.......

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