Life Lessons


Friday, July 1, 2011

Ode to Oscar

Happy Hour tonight wasn't very happy.  My friend Lisa had to put down her four year old dachshund yesterday.  It's a back or hip issue that is common with the breed and suddenly he was totally paralyzed.  So little Oscar, the wiener, is no longer with us.  Poor little guy.  He was a typical small dog with "little dog syndrome."  If you just ignored all the barking when you arrived a few minutes later he would come over to play.  Every time we would have to go through the same thing though.

My favorite Oscar memory is the day that we didn't.  Every September our city has East End Days, which includes several miles of rummage sales.  Lisa lives a block off of this and every year we set up our sales in her garage.  Oscar is grounded to the house.  I had been there a few hours, when of course I had to go in and use the bathroom.  "Is he going to kill me?" I asked nervously.  Honestly, I'd rather run into a German Shepard in an alley than any little dog.  "No, just ignore him." was Lisa's reply.  Not only did he not attack, he didn't even bark at me.  He was so glad to see me, or anyone, it was pathetic.  We had a little discussion about how I was never going to buy his tough guy act again, and I sat down with him for a little bit before heading back outside.  Of course the next time I saw him he was once again too big for his britches, but that was Oscar.

I also enjoyed seeing pictures of him dressed up in the many outfits/costumes his Nana made or Lisa bought.  It was always funny to hear that he was at Doggie Daycare at Nana's house.  She (and Grandpa) took good care of their little Oscar.

Lisa and Em will dearly miss him.  It's one thing to have to put down a beloved pet that is old and has lived a good life.  It's another to suddenly lose a young one.  All my love guys, I know there isn't really anything I can do, but you know I'm here if you need me!

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