Life Lessons


Friday, July 22, 2011

H.H.W.T. Mascot

You just never know what you're going to get at Happy Hour!  Again, two separate blogs that I will try to intertwine.

When I got home from work today I put this as my Facebook status.  "Get home early and the landlord pulls up. :( Now I'm hiding out........ hmmm.... I AM wearing a tank top, it might be the right time to ask for a dog!"  I didn't, of course, I avoid contact with my creepy Santa landlord at all costs.  It was a joke, but of course when you put something out into the universe.....

So I pack up the quesedilla fixin's and head over to Happy Hour on the Gordon Deck!  It's a fabulous new spot.  The drinks are cheap, the food is great, and the service is amazing!   Thanks Kerri for having us over to christen the new deck!  I think everyone had a good time, I know I enjoyed the evening.  Next time remind me that I have that slushy drink on top of my fridge!  I headed home after the sun went down, it's hot and humid, and all I wanted was a shower and to relax.

I had my first pseudo celebrity moment tonight!  While I was getting some apps together a friend of Kerri's arrived.  "Are you Joanie?"  "Yep, that's me."  A little more small talk, then she adds "I had to come, I want to be in the blog!"  I was flattered that she knew about it.  So I told her that if anything exciting happened she would be in the blog.  Then when I found out she brought a Culvers Oreo Ice Cream Cake to share with us, I told her she would definitely be in the blog!  So there you go Heidi!  Thanks for the awesome dessert!!

It was a quiet laid back kind of evening, just five girls, some assorted kids, one guy, and their dog.  Wait a minute.  Dog?  Yes.  When I walked outside with my food to sit on the deck a dog comes out of nowhere and puts it's head on my leg.  I think he's a lab/border collie mix.  He spent the next four hours just hanging out with us.  No barking, no jumping, no anything bad at all.  He let Heidi and I look in his ears, he let me look at his teeth, no fuss no muss.  We spent a long time trying to figure out his name, and  when Jared said Max, he snapped to attention, so Max it is.  He's black with some white.....kind of like Milkie.  Milkie and Max.  Has a nice ring to it.

I came home after the festivities were pretty well wrapped up and got Max some food.  He'll be spending the night at Kerri's.  She'll check with ARF (pound) tomorrow to see if anyone is looking for him, then if he's a free agent I'll be dog sitting in the afternoon.  I will be bringing him to meet my sister's family as they are semi looking for a new dog.  It would take a special dog to fit into CeCe's life, and this boy might just be the one.  I also sent Leon a text, as I know he's thinking about getting another dog.  I think Max would get along with Sammy just fine, and he would fit right in to the current custody arrangements.  :)  I've been able to do that because Sam was here before the landlord decided no more dogs.  Would he really realize there weren't two of them the whole time?  Would he really tell me no if I asked him to have Max permanently?  It kind of seems like the universe would like me to.

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