We met Melanie out at the Quarthouse, and it was she, Kerri and I for this part of the evening. Lisa was traveling back from touring the U of M with her daughter, which was probably a good thing because I'm not really sure what a vegetarian would find to eat at the Quarthouse. Meat, meat, meat, and bacon in/on most of it, including the apps. Heck there's even an app that is deep fried bacon! I was having a hard time deciding until I came across this burger

I also ran into two gals from work, Megan and Allison, and Allison's Mom who used to date Kerri's uncle. That's the seven degree's of separation in Superior. You can usually connect yourself to anyone around here, but I really think it's only four or five degrees at most.
So the girls and I had a good time, oh and the whiskey coke? I almost choked on it. That was a very little splash of coke! Kerri says "That's how they do it in the county." Once the ice melted a bit it was fabulous.
This appeared to be a relatively calm Friday night out. Good food, good friends, and when Melanie and Kerri are together there's always a ton of laughing. Finally it's time to head back into town to meet Lisa, so we get up and start to make our way towards the back door, but someone stops Melanie to chat. I don't realize it, but we're in part of the walkway. So I'm just standing there minding my own beeswax, listening to the conversation, and damn if it doesn't happen again. One hand on each of my shoulders, really squeezing like a semi-hug, and a body right behind me. The voice in my ear says "Excuse me, Miss." (well....at least it wasn't Ma'am) Now, my brain thinks, "Ok, now this must be someone I know." So I turn my head and, uh, no.....and oh brother. Behind me stands a man in his 50's with very dark, shoulder length, slick, hair, and thick glasses. He is wearing a black silk shirt cut very low, showing his entire chest, with the wiry greying chest hair displayed for all the world to see. I said "Whoops, sorry." and gave him the death eyes as I stepped back. (Insert rant about "no touching" here.) I didn't freak out this time, just one loud, "Damn it, NO TOUCHING!" after we walked out the back door. Which of course sent Kerri into laughing and commentary. As we were pulling out he came out of the front door for a smoke, so of course she had to honk. *eye roll* He really fit right in with the "disco" fries.......
We tried to meet Lisa at Aces, and it was so humid last night, I was really looking forward to a watermelon martini (sorry Val), but there was a class reunion there so we headed off to the deck at the Shack. Had myself a Hillbilly lemonade, and a liberal dose of Kerri's bug spray was applied! The skeeters were a very unwelcome guest at the deck party. Tom, one of the servers was not. He was off the clock, strolled on over to join us, and was quite the entertainment. It's always interesting to get to know the bartenders, and servers on a personal level. We were out until about eleven thirty or so, and then called it a night. The highlight from that portion of the evening was young Tom (we actually call him junior to ourselves) spraying himself with the bug spray while holding a lit cigarette. Miss Joanie was all "Tom, don't spray that by the lit cigarette!" Well that was all it took. He whips out his lighter and begins a "torch". I'm pretty sure that when he wakes up today that finger is going to hurt like a mother!
P.S. The disco fries rocked, but as far as regular fries go the Shack is still the best! Lisa and I will be back on their deck next Friday night. There is a new menu to dissect! Come on down and join us!
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