Life Lessons


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Past Lives

Do you ever get the feeling that we've been on this ride before?  I do.  Often people that I just meet seem so familiar to me.  A certain Brown Eyed Man walked into my closely guarded life and crashed right through the walls I had built, the minute his eyes touched mine.  The feeling I get whenever the Bee Charmer passes through my life would qualify too.  I guess it's just the way you connect with some people.  On a relationship level, and on a soul sister/brother level too.

This go around I seem to have attracted a lot of bad karma.  There is no rhyme or reason for most of it, I'm really not THAT bad.  I always attribute it to things I must have done in a past life.  Sometimes I just sigh and say out loud, to no one in particular,  "Geez, whatever I did, I hope I enjoyed it, cause this payback really sucks."  This whole blog  popped into my head because of a comment I made.  "I need a personal assistant to handle this stuff."  It's true, I do.  I hate the little inconveniences of life.  I really am "The Queen" at heart, and this go around I seem to be stuck where I don't belong.  I have felt that way ever since I was a child.   I'm learning the lesson, be sure of that.

Once upon a time, I had a dream.  One of my vivid dreams that stay with me.  I was all dressed up in 1900's fashion, big hat, long gloves, etc, walking into my brownstone in NYC.  I knew I had married money, but was someone very important in my own right.  Whoever he was, he didn't show himself in the dream.  Anyway, I walk into the house and a servant takes my wrap and tells me my Mother is there for tea.  I sit down with her and look around at the servants bustling around and say aloud to them,  "HERE you are.  I have been looking for you everywhere!"  Then I woke up, and boy was I irritated to be back here!

I tried a free past life online reading once, just to see what it would say.  You only get to see part of the free version, but boy oh boy.  Southern Belle was one of them, and the other was something on the order of ancient Greece and a favored mistress.  Yep..... I will buy both of those scenarios.

So what do you think?  Have we lived before, or do we really just get this one shot to get it right?  P.S.  If you happen to see my servants would you please direct them this way?  I really, really miss them!

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