Life Lessons


Wednesday, July 6, 2011


It appears that Samantha has a small puncture wound in her nostril.  She's a stay outdoors all day country dog when she isn't with me, so heaven knows how that happened.  In a message on my phone today Leon was (semi) jokingly blaming Milkie, but honestly I doubt it was her.  I was home most of the day with them, just went to Kate's for a few hours that afternoon, and was back by 6.  The blood didn't occur til 8 or so when we came in from outside.  I was also right with her outside, and there isn't anything to poke yourself in the nose with out there anyway!  Unlike Leon's  So it appears it isn't anything serious.  Whew! 

I mean....... I don't think Milkie would have bit her?  She doesn't usually get that close to Sam, and has never shown any aggression toward her at all.  Sam had eaten a TON of Milkie's food this visit though......  Nah, I know Milkie didn't do it, because Sam's reaction to Milkie would have changed immediately from, I don't care what the cat is doing to stay away from me.  It was very sweet that both times it happened Ms. Milk also came over and laid by us, kind of looking to see if Sam was o.k. too.  She does like her dog.  She was very upset when I got home last night and Sam was gone.  I wasn't here so I don't know if she saw her Papa and then they left, or if she was still sleeping in the comforter on the bed and just woke up to Sam being gone.

This morning when I left for work after being home for nearly a week she was none too thrilled either.  Milkie actually bolted out the door as if to say "I'm coming too!" when I opened it.  Good thing there's a front entry way.  The box of anger has lain dormant (pieces of the box of anger) for awhile, but it got a good work out while I was gone today.

In further news, I believe one of the two new kittens that her former owner just got..........has already been given away.  *huge eye roll*

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