Life Lessons


Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Girls

Wow.  This time, what happens with the girls...... you know the end of that sentence.  Normally I don't go out on Saturday nights.  Friday night with the girls is plenty of out time for me.

So this is the blog of how it all began.  Once upon a time, roughly sixteen years ago, I met Lisa.  She started out as my co-worker, then when Em was two she became one of my "parents", and then a few years later she became my assistant and stayed with my class for five years.  When Lisa left the Y for bigger and much better pastures we started the tradition of once a month dinners.  This usually happened on a Wednesday because it fit Lisa's working Mom schedule best.  Now and again another friend from work would join us, her name is Nikki and she and Lisa are very close.  Nikki was also a grade behind me in High School.  So we started out as three gals with a once a month dinner date.   Somewhere along the line Lisa brought her friend Kerri to join us.  It was so long ago I really can barely remember her not being there.  Then we were four.

The Wednesday dinners continued, but became bi-weekly, and sometimes on a Friday you could find us at  Nikki's for Qwazadilla night (spelled that way for a reason), but I can't quite recall how Happy Hour actually began.  It just seems like we've been sitting on that deck at The Shack forever, but it's only been open for two summers.  Nikki moved away a few years back, and that must be when we started going to C's on Friday nights.  It has only been this summer since I've started staying out past seven. 

The group size changes, our individual friends are always welcome, and yes from time to time a man does get into the inner circle.  So far Jared (Michelle) has been the only one brave enough to sit down and hang for any length of time.  Barry the Bartender will hang close when we're at V.I.P. and of course there was Skippy (I miss Skippy), and Jon floats in and out, and Tom and Brian at the Shack will chat a bit. 

Last night Nikki (and her hairy legs) was in town.  I gave her a lot of crap because she couldn't come out with us on Friday night the last time she was she called to drag me out on a Saturday night.  I'm pretty sure the word "no" was not an option on my part.  They know where I live, and lets just say I didn't want to find out what would happen. :)  We started out at Log Cabin (Heidi joined us there)  to see Mike Lawlers comedy act, not that funny.......except for the part where Kerri sold Nikki out and she ended up on stage.  Hmm..... then there was Kerri singing karaoke, a song dedicated to Nikki with some words changed here and there.  Midnight dinner at V.I.P. and visiting with Barry.  We drove past the street dance between Grizzlies and O'Neils but it looked pretty boring, and I had the car keys by then.  Nothing better than drunk girls screaming Brittney Spears to the blaring music as you cruise down Tower with the windows down, unless you include the Chinese fire drill.  We ended at Dodgies, (Would someone tell me why that place always smells so awful?) which is close to Lisa's and our own vehicles.

I guess it was about one thirty when I drove Heidi back home, and then ambled my way back here.  Fun for sure, but not something I'm planning on making a habit of.  Thanks for a great time ladies!  Have you seen any giant trees lately? 

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Disco Fever (H.H.W.T.)

Last night we traveled back out to the county to a bar/restaurant that several of our friends recommended.  It has a clever name, Kounty (the K I assume is for highway K) Quarthouse.  It's all new and shiny inside, really nice wooden bar, huge comfy booths, friendly people, very clean, and Oh. My. God. the food!  To your left is a picture of the "Disco Fries".  Fries, gravy, and a ton of provolone cheese.  Straight from heaven, right to the hips, and I do not care.  Kerri and I shared some as an appetizer, and that would have been enough dinner for me right there.  However, I could not leave without trying something else.  There were just too many good looking things on the menu.

We met Melanie out at the Quarthouse, and it was she, Kerri and I for this part of the evening.  Lisa was traveling back from touring the U of M with her daughter, which was probably a good thing because I'm not really sure what a vegetarian would find to eat at the Quarthouse.  Meat, meat, meat, and bacon in/on most of it, including the apps.  Heck there's even an app that is deep fried bacon!  I was having a hard time deciding until I came across this burger

This is the Black and Blue burger.  It has a light Cajun seasoning, which concerned me because I don't like it hot, but it wasn't, it was just goooooooooood.  The deep fried onions, piled on thick, with bacon and blue cheese, plus some blue cheese on the side.  Yes, those are more fries.  I knew this dinner would be mostly coming home for tonight, and hey, what the heck?  This burger was at least four inches high.  When we go back, and we will go back, I will have a hard time trying something new because it was that good.  It blows Rapid's "Olive You" burger right out of the water. 
I also ran into two gals from work, Megan and Allison, and Allison's Mom who used to date Kerri's uncle.  That's the seven degree's of separation in Superior.  You can usually connect yourself to anyone around here, but I really think it's only four or five degrees at most. 

So the girls and I had a good time, oh and the whiskey coke?  I almost choked on it.  That was a very little splash of coke!  Kerri says "That's how they do it in the county."  Once the ice melted a bit it was fabulous. 

This appeared to be a relatively calm Friday night out.  Good food, good friends, and when Melanie and Kerri are together there's always a ton of laughing.   Finally it's time to head back into town to meet Lisa, so we get up and start to make our way towards the back door, but someone stops Melanie to chat.   I don't realize it, but we're in part of the walkway.  So I'm just standing there minding my own beeswax, listening to the conversation, and damn if it doesn't happen again.  One hand on each of my shoulders, really squeezing like a semi-hug, and a body right behind me.  The voice in my ear says "Excuse me, Miss." ( least it wasn't Ma'am)  Now, my brain thinks, "Ok, now this must be someone I know."  So I turn my head and, uh, no.....and oh brother.  Behind me stands a man in his 50's with very dark, shoulder length, slick, hair, and thick glasses.  He is wearing a black silk shirt cut very low, showing his entire chest, with the wiry greying chest hair displayed for all the world to see.  I said "Whoops, sorry." and gave him the death eyes as I stepped back.  (Insert rant about "no touching" here.)  I didn't freak out this time, just one loud,  "Damn it, NO TOUCHING!" after we walked out the back door.  Which of course sent Kerri into laughing and commentary.  As we were pulling out he came out of the front door for a smoke, so of course she had to honk.  *eye roll*  He really fit right in with the "disco" fries.......

We tried to meet Lisa at Aces, and it was so humid last night, I was really looking forward to a watermelon martini (sorry Val), but there was a class reunion there so we headed off to the deck at the Shack.  Had myself a Hillbilly lemonade, and a liberal dose of Kerri's bug spray was applied!  The skeeters were a very unwelcome guest at the deck party.  Tom, one of the servers was not.  He was off the clock, strolled on over to join us, and was quite the entertainment.  It's always interesting to get to know the bartenders, and servers on a personal level.  We were out until about eleven thirty or so, and then called it a night.  The highlight from that portion of the evening was young Tom (we actually call him junior to ourselves) spraying himself with the bug spray while holding a lit cigarette.  Miss Joanie was all "Tom, don't spray that by the lit cigarette!"  Well that was all it took.  He whips out his lighter and begins a "torch".  I'm pretty sure that when he wakes up today that finger is going to hurt like a mother! 

P.S.  The disco fries rocked, but as far as regular fries go the Shack is still the best!  Lisa and I will be back on their deck next Friday night.  There is a new menu to dissect!  Come on down and join us!

Monday, July 25, 2011


My biggest struggle in life is usually trying too hard to see the point in what is going on.  I always want to know the "why" of things.  The last couple of days with Max the dog has reminded me of a poem about a tapestry.  It's about God weaving the tapestry and how we are only able to see the under side of it, but when we meet our maker all things are supposed to become clear.  We will get to see the picture.  Sometimes on this earth after enough time goes by, we are able to see the reasoning.  The old adage, everything happens for a reason, and all that jazz.  A lot of things do, and a lot of things are random, even cruel.  No earthly reason can apply to things like the death of a child, rape, murder, and the like.

This isn't anything heavy or important, it's just about a dog.  I want a dog, and the universe seemed to plop the perfect one right in my lap.  I knew it would be tough for me to keep him given my current working and home situations.  Kerri dropped him off on Saturday telling me she couldn't keep him overnight anymore, all about her, not the dog.  This wasn't an issue to me, since I wanted to keep him so badly.  Max was a good boy while here, but would whine the minute I went out of sight, just for even a minute in the bathroom.  I couldn't imagine what would happen Monday morning when I had to go to work.  I couldn't have a dog crying or barking in a 4plex, and it isn't like I could come home every day and re-assure him or let him out either, because in reality I can't.  So I had to find him a permanent foster home by Sunday night at least.  He was excited to meet Milkie...... uh, she did not feel the same.  I've never heard her hiss like that, and I'm glad when he nudged her she was under the comforter, or he'd have battle scars for sure.

Max and I went over to visit my sisters' family, and he was an instant fit.  Their dog Sky loved him, Cierra, who is usually uncaring about such things, stood at the gate waiving at him saying "HI" over and over.  Kate and Tom immediately agreed to be a foster family until his was found, or to keep him if one wasn't.  With the stipulation that I understood two things.  1. He was their dog and I could not change my mind if I was able to keep him at some point down the road.  2. If anything went wrong they were free to return him to me a.s.a.p.  I had no problem with either of those things.  Living at the Dorin's is kind of like staying at a luxury hotel for an animal.  I knew he would be well cared for and well loved, and the bonus would be he would be in my life permanently.  

Kate and Tom had some plans, so I agreed to stay with the dogs for the evening and ran home to get some laundry.  My cell rang as soon as I got back, ARF had found his owner.  They wanted me to drop Max there for the exchange but I refused.  I told them to give the dude my cell number and he could come to me.  What if he wasn't their dog?  ARF was closing at four.  I could see him stuck there for the night and ARF taking custody of him, with us ending up paying $125 to get him back, while he sat stuck for a few weeks.  Yeah, I don't think so.  When something is "mine" or I perceive it that way I go right into protective lioness mode.  Not something I can help, it's automatic.  The gal at ARF was going to argue, but when I get like that you might as well forget it. 

So Max, who is actually Lance, went home around three yesterday.  It was cute, when I asked him "Hey, is your name Lance?"  He jumped up on me, looking relieved that I finally got it.  Kate and Tom were a little sad and said a brief goodbye on their way out the door.  I, on the other hand was devastated.  Is it pms?  Could be.  Do I really just want a dog that badly?  Possible, but I know a lot of dogs and this is only the second one that I have bonded with like that.  When his owner picked him up (I did recognize the truck, it was the one driving slow around Kerri's neighborhood Friday night that I ran around the house to catch, but missed.) Max (He will always be Max to me.) obviously knew them, but didn't make much of a fuss about it.  It kind of concerned me.  He also kept turning to look at me as they left, and I had to quickly get myself back into the house before I lost it.  In my mind he should have been much more excited to see them and go home.  It will bother me for awhile.  He was more excited to see me when he got out of Kerri's car a few hours earlier.

So what was the point of all that?  Pretty convoluted just to get ol' Max home.  His owner would have found him with us on Friday if that was the only thing.  I don't need any reminders either about how much I would like to have a dog of my own.

Then something happened today.  My sister and her husband are really now seriously talking about getting a second dog.  It was obvious how much Sky needs a playmate.  Having my Max at their house really showed them the kind of dog they need.  Today, Kate found an adult male retriever online here in Superior, and his name?   You wont believe it, but it's true.  It's Max.  She's emailed to get more information about him to see if he will fit into their family.  Stay tuned.  The whole episode could very well have been to get them to him.  God works in mysterious ways, and I guess I don't mind being a bit player in that one.  Except I really, really, REALLY wanted that dog.

My friend Nancy said to me something like, but you're glad he found his owners...really.  Honestly? Nope.  That's the thing about me.  Oh, I'm glad they don't have to worry, blah, blah, blah....but no.  I want what I want and I can never understand why I can't have it.  That's what makes me "The Queen of the World."  I guess.  That dog was blocks from home and chose not to go back for whatever reason.  We were outside for four hours with him, he was not tied up.  He's not a dummy, he knew where to go, I'm sure of it.  As sure as I am that if he gets out again he will head right back to Kerri......... and I don't really know what I would do about that.   "He's not your dog." says my sister.  Yep, and Milkie wasn't my cat either, but she wont ever be returned to someone who doesn't care for her properly.  Even if she is more roommate than pet, and occasionally my nemesis.  She will always have a safe roof over her head, with me.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Auntie's Day

Today is Auntie's Day!  Finally, a day for some of the other women in our lives, important women who may have played a big part in shaping the person we grew to be.  I hope that you are lucky enough to have one.  I consider myself lucky to be one, and am always mindful of the role I play in the kids' lives.  Well, that's part of what I do, being a preschool teacher and all, but even if I weren't I know how important it is to be a good role model.

I have a half dozen or so Great Aunts that have been a small part of my life, although Sister Eva Jean was a bigger role in our family life.  From these women I gained a sense of family connection, and more importantly from Sister Arlene my love of music.  We also share a talent for it, and apparently also the love of writing which I didn't find out until she was gone.  If I had followed the regular college route I would have tried Viterbo in LaCrosse due in large part to her.

I have three Aunts.  Aunt Dorothy was the visiting aunt, so it was always laughter and good times.  I was excited to visit her, and excited for her to arrive at our house.  I have mentioned before in one or more of the "Traveling to Madison" childhood story blogs that she has the most crazy, amazing laugh.  No one else can top it, I promise.  Aunt Pat is the local Aunt.  She is the one I have the most contact with, although admittedly not enough.  She's there for me though, always in my corner no matter what nuttiness is going on, and I know it.  Then there is my Aunt Mary, my Mother's sister.  My one and only by blood Aunt, and also my Godmother.  The original Queenie.  If you take my no nonsense, absolute control, give me a situation and I'll handle it, side and amp it up by three.....that's my Aunt Mary.  She was Director of Nurses at St. Joseph's here in town back in the day, and I'm sure that she ruled that roost with an iron fist.  She absolutely told it like it was, no holds barred, and she pulled no punches.  She's been gone for a few years now, and I can't tell you how much I miss that strong presence in my life.  She put me in charge of some of her affairs, including her final send off, and I'm so honored that she knew she could trust me to carry out all of her wishes.  Which I did, exactly as specified, because even in the great beyond you do not mess with Aunt Mary. ♥

Many women pass though our lives and leave a footprint on the wonderful woman we grow to be.  Aunts or not, to those who have left their imprint on who I have become, I thank you.

Friday, July 22, 2011

H.H.W.T. Mascot

You just never know what you're going to get at Happy Hour!  Again, two separate blogs that I will try to intertwine.

When I got home from work today I put this as my Facebook status.  "Get home early and the landlord pulls up. :( Now I'm hiding out........ hmmm.... I AM wearing a tank top, it might be the right time to ask for a dog!"  I didn't, of course, I avoid contact with my creepy Santa landlord at all costs.  It was a joke, but of course when you put something out into the universe.....

So I pack up the quesedilla fixin's and head over to Happy Hour on the Gordon Deck!  It's a fabulous new spot.  The drinks are cheap, the food is great, and the service is amazing!   Thanks Kerri for having us over to christen the new deck!  I think everyone had a good time, I know I enjoyed the evening.  Next time remind me that I have that slushy drink on top of my fridge!  I headed home after the sun went down, it's hot and humid, and all I wanted was a shower and to relax.

I had my first pseudo celebrity moment tonight!  While I was getting some apps together a friend of Kerri's arrived.  "Are you Joanie?"  "Yep, that's me."  A little more small talk, then she adds "I had to come, I want to be in the blog!"  I was flattered that she knew about it.  So I told her that if anything exciting happened she would be in the blog.  Then when I found out she brought a Culvers Oreo Ice Cream Cake to share with us, I told her she would definitely be in the blog!  So there you go Heidi!  Thanks for the awesome dessert!!

It was a quiet laid back kind of evening, just five girls, some assorted kids, one guy, and their dog.  Wait a minute.  Dog?  Yes.  When I walked outside with my food to sit on the deck a dog comes out of nowhere and puts it's head on my leg.  I think he's a lab/border collie mix.  He spent the next four hours just hanging out with us.  No barking, no jumping, no anything bad at all.  He let Heidi and I look in his ears, he let me look at his teeth, no fuss no muss.  We spent a long time trying to figure out his name, and  when Jared said Max, he snapped to attention, so Max it is.  He's black with some white.....kind of like Milkie.  Milkie and Max.  Has a nice ring to it.

I came home after the festivities were pretty well wrapped up and got Max some food.  He'll be spending the night at Kerri's.  She'll check with ARF (pound) tomorrow to see if anyone is looking for him, then if he's a free agent I'll be dog sitting in the afternoon.  I will be bringing him to meet my sister's family as they are semi looking for a new dog.  It would take a special dog to fit into CeCe's life, and this boy might just be the one.  I also sent Leon a text, as I know he's thinking about getting another dog.  I think Max would get along with Sammy just fine, and he would fit right in to the current custody arrangements.  :)  I've been able to do that because Sam was here before the landlord decided no more dogs.  Would he really realize there weren't two of them the whole time?  Would he really tell me no if I asked him to have Max permanently?  It kind of seems like the universe would like me to.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Well, I finally bit the bullet and had my brother build me a new computer.  No Walmart special for anyone in this family!  Baby bro has been on my case for a couple of years to upgrade.  He's also on my case continually to get high speed Internet, which I still continue to balk at.  However, if it is possible, this new hot rod computer is SLOWER on dial up than the dinosaur sitting here in the corner of the dining room.  I'm actually hoping that the old one is good enough to use at work for the kids.  I have some educational preschool games, and would love to set up a computer center for them.  (Something else they can fight over.) Just depends on if the old bugger can handle it, or will crash.  I suppose that would be a good thing to figure out before I lug it, and the huge monitor to work. 

I keep telling David (I have way too many David's in my life.  I'm still referring to baby brother.) that I have no need of high speed net.  The new computer was a different story.  There are really only four things that I do with my comp, keep in contact with friends, write, store my pictures, and listen to music.  The dinosaur was already crashing with the music, and occasionally the pictures.  Then last week it started crashing while I was testing out a different blog site.  Well, we certainly can't have that!  So I should be good to go for awhile.  OH, I almost forgot!  David was also able to move my SIMS 2 files over to the new comp.  I haven't been able to play it in years. He had to look something up to finish it up and will work on that next week.  So my SIMS are not all dead!  This may sound obsessively odd, BUT I have created a whole live medieval novel out of all my people.  There's a place to take pictures and to WRITE.  So I can actually watch my storyline play out.  All of the writing would be gone....... yes, I need help. I know it. 

So far the best part of the new computer (sorry Davy) is the new speakers!!  They rock, and I have to remember that I live in a four plex!  For once I can be the bad neighbor.  Right now it's  "Kiss on my List" by Hall and Oats.  I'm just running down my entire play list. The first song I cranked last night was "The Boys are Back" of course.  The first one today was "No Matter What" which is really my all time favorite.  It's so nice to have the music back!  Although I'm not looking forward to the 89 hours it will take me to download itunes.......

Monday, July 18, 2011

Midnight Cheeseburger

For roughly two years my phone rang every Sunday night around 11:30.  "I'm on my way home, do you want anything?"  These phone calls almost always ended with cheeseburgers at midnight.  In one of my first blogs I mentioned telling The Brown Eyed Man just the week prior to our breakup that "Midnight is really too late for cheeseburgers."  Then ending the blog  with "Be careful what you wish for."

Last night was the worst night of the summer for heat and humidity.  I knew that sleeping was going to be practically impossible, but I gave it my best shot.  I just started dozing around eleven thirty when my phone rang.  Now, certain people have special ring tones, so I'm coming out of my sleep to that old familiar tone...... dreaming?  No, the phone is actually ringing.  Curious.....hmmm.......what's wrong?

It turns out that he blew a tire, right by Mc Donald's.   "Want anything?.....and uh, could I possibly have a ride home?"  It did cross my mind briefly to leave him to his own devices, but I'm really not that kind of person, and I hadn't eaten much dinner because of the heat, so I had my midnight cheeseburger, driving down 35 toward Foxborro.  Heck, it was a lot cooler cruising the summer night with my windows down than swealtering under the fan in my bedroom.  I was able to say hello to my dog, and could have taken her, but didn't want to remove her from the air conditioning. Poor girl, she was a bit confused.  Hey, it's Mom.  HI MOM, come on in and enjoy the air.  You aren't coming in?  Fine. I'm going in.  Hey wait, the car is starting.  Here I come Mom!  What?  geez. 

So I headed back out into the summer night, radio blasting, weaving my way along the country road.  Wondering how I felt about all this.  So familiar, and yet not because it's awkward.  I don't like that, the awkwardness. 

He drove his new cycle in to work today and then came over to fix the tire.  We stood outside in 90 degree heat with an awful amount of humidity, joking and arguing and working together as a team as we have many times in the past.  Followed him back out to the country, making sure nothing was wobbly or falling off the car, like I have many times in the past.  Drove him back into town like I have many times in the past. (Yes, brother David, when he got in the car I used my best Morgan Freeman and said "Where you wanna go Miss Daisy? Don't worry, I gave you all the credit for that one.)   He fell asleep on the couch, and I actually clunked out in the chair. Like we have many times....blah blah.... and then he headed home.  We walked out to the garage, he hopped on the cycle, and after he put the helmet on said to me. "You're my hero."  I smiled and said, "I know." Then he backed her out, stopped, and stared at me for what seemed like an hour.  "You really are my hero."  I just waved, and said, "I know." 

I am grateful for the acceptance I have finally gained.  The gut wrenching pain is gone, but shoot.  It still doesn't change the way I feel.  The words I used were "I know."  The words I meant.......well it doesn't take a brain surgeon to guess what they were. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fair Weather Friends

I was thinking about splitting this blog into two, but the stories intertwine, so we'll see if I can do a decent job with the whole shebang!

Steve (xhubster) and I went to the Head of the Lakes fair, in Superior, together yesterday.  While we hang out from time to time, it's the first fun thing we've done together in years.  The day dawned HOT and muggy, becoming quite miserable by mid-afternoon.  We backed our fair start time til 6pm, but it really didn't help any.  I ran for the cheese curds right when we got there, because in that heat I knew I wouldn't be hungry for long, and I wasn't.  The icee was the  best thing I ate until the later night brownie sundae.  We slogged through the midway, and the barns, then found a fairly cool spot to just chill for a bit.  We had a nice visit, and some serious conversation about some things going on in his life.

The main concert, Pure Prairie League, (70's band that I barely know) was scheduled for 8, and at about 7:45 the texts start.  The gist of them is this:   The band came in to The Shack on Friday night, they were staying at The Baywalk Inn which is a block behind, and Jon met some of them.  They became pals and he got backstage passes.  Oh and by the way, they'll be back at The Shack after the concert if you guys want to join us!

Steve and I wandered over to the concert area and listened for a bit, then Lisa and Jon joined us and we all had a rather nice time!  The band sounded amazing.  They are, after all, not spring chickens anymore.  There are two younger guys in the group, and then some original members.  Awesome show!  Steve and I held hands through "Let me love you tonight" which I didn't realize they sang, and then when they sang "Amy" at the end he put his arm around me, and I put my head on his shoulder and we swayed, just like old times.  Too bad there weren't more moments like that in the old times.......perhaps there wouldn't be an X in front of his name.  It was sweet, and romantic, and a good time.  The sun went down (thank God) and we spent another hour re-walking the midway, under a big full moon, just enjoying each others company.  Oh, and a huge brownie sundae! 

This is the part of the story where the new me kicks in.  Normally the end would have been, Steve dropped me off at 10:30, I took a shower and went to bed.  After all, it was 10:30.  Who knows what I might miss on Sat night live.  The apartment was so stuffy.  I kicked the sandals off my aching feet, sat on my throne chair and contemplated life.  Pick up your phone dummy, this night is NOT over.  So I did, and then headed out to The Shack, where I met all the members of the band and visited with them, and Lisa and Jon, for about the next hour.  I learned a few new jokes.......that I might repeat to some of you in's one.  What did the buffalo say as his son was leaving?   Bison.   Ha.  Hilarious to drunk people. 

So a little after midnight we start saying our good-byes.  I really wish I had had the guts to have Mike sing for me, baby steps I guess.  I did, however, end up giving John, the keyboard player a ride back to the hotel.  He was stumbling around the parking lot, and asked our Jon for directions to the hotel.  I looked at Jon and said, Does he need a ride?  All I could see were the band member found in ditch headlines.  So Jon the band member climbed into my Eclipse and vroooom off we went into the night.  Very nice guy.  They all were.  To my brother in law Tom:  Yes, he remains a chaste, pure, keyboard player.  Sixty-six, married, and extremely intoxicated just really isn't my style.  :)

I'm so proud of myself!  If you get a chance, take it.  If it changes your life, LET IT!  Yesterday I crashed the bouncy house.  How about you???

OH, I almost forgot.  After knowing Lisa for....geez, I don't know, fifteen years or so.  I finally heard her sing!  Not bad my friend, not bad at all!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

H.H.W.T. Whirlwind

This is a Happy Hour World Tour blog!  I'm having a little trouble coming up with an interesting PG version of last nights events.  The other stuff is so much funnier.  Scaring away the third base coach.  (Perhaps our discussion of the male anatomy was a tad too loud?) Is "Commando" Quinn really playing baseball that way?  (No, there were batman underwear disclosed to ALL of us later.)  Is Danny Boy really coming in from the outfield smoking???  Yes, yes he was.  Did that jerk really just call the ump a douche bag?  Would it be wrong to tattle on him?  We raised our hands, but no one called on us. :) 

The weather forecast for last night was kind of "iffy", so we decided that instead of getting drenched on a deck we would check out some of the establishments that do not offer that amenity.  

Our evening started off at "Grizzlies", now you are going to have to excuse my lapses in memory because I started off with a "Titanic Tea" and I should never, ever, ever, drink Long Island Tea.  It is sooooo gooooood, and true to form, two inches into the glass and I'm giggling like a nut.  The strawberry tea, and the service were very good.  The food and the prices, not so much.  Let's see.  There is a three apps for 9.99 deal, so since we knew we were going to several establishments that seemed like a good place to start.  Potato skins, (bacon on the side for the vegetarian) onion rings, and cheese curds were what we chose.  The tiny plate of food that arrived was kind of a shock.  We're used to the app platter at C's, where the food is cheap, plentiful, and delicious! (Too bad they closed.) What arrived was definitely the opposite.  So we each had our little portion and then climbed into Lisa's Jeep Liberty to head out to the next destination.  Yes, I had to leave my car behind.  I freely admit that I can not hold my liquor, but at least I'm smart about it!

Our next stop?  Aces on 29th.  Now, we have had some bad experiences here.  The food has always been good, but the service absolutely sucks.  Not just a one time thing, and many different friends having the same issues on different occasions.  We have shunned it for awhile, but heard there were some changes, so decided to stop in and take a chance.  I figured I could at least write an evil blog about them.  We were pleasantly surprised to say the least!  Nice happy hour prices, the three dollar watermelon martini was FABULOUS!  I tried Lisa's melon martini, but tooooo much orange juice for me.  We decided to order the app sampler to put it right up against what we had at Grizzlies, and let me tell you it was far and beyond the winner!  Generous portions of really good apps.  The BEST part of Aces was Nick, our server.  When he came to see if we needed anything else some old song had just come on  and we three were swaying to the music..... he walks up and says "Is everyone good?"  Kerri responds with "We're just swaying."  Lisa adds "Sway with us." and he does.  I like the general ambiance of Aces, so it will be nice to be able to go back!  This is also the bar I see when I look out the windows at work, so now I will be thinking about watermelon martini's when I'm tearing my hair out!

We wound our way over to O'Neils, (I believe that was the drive where Kerri and I were singing loudly to "Already Gone" by the Eagles, and Lisa, who does not sing, was waving her pointer finger to her "part". ) and just chilled on one of the couches for awhile.  Good happy hour price, so-so whiskey coke.  The guys were playing ball at nine and we were trying to get a babysitter for Kerri so we could go.  Lisa pulled a fabulous Mom move on her teenager and sealed the deal.  Em didn't really want to babysit, she just wanted to hang out at home with her boyfriend.  The boyfriend, however, is allowed to go with to Kerri's while she babysits.  So Lisa says, "Well, it's your choice.  I'll be home soon."  Em says "What?"  "Well," continues super Mom, "If we don't have a sitter then Kerri can't go, so I'll be home soon."  Leaving the teenager with the choice of alone time with bf at Kerri's or  together time with Mom at home.  mua haha!   One sitter procured!

Did you know that UV makes a birthday cake vodka?  It's pretty damn good!  Yes, at this point my car is still parked at Grizzlies.

Our three stops actually only took two hours, leaving us plenty of time for wardrobe changes, and visiting while waiting for the sitter.What a fun way to spend a summer night!  Minus the bugs.  We were the only fans in our section of bleacher so we just chatted away while the guys played, and cheered and laughed, and scared away the previously mentioned third base coach for the other team.  After the game (ended early in our favor by the 10 run rule) we piled into Kerri's car and took Commando along for the ride down to where Ben and Rookie were parked, and then all hung out there chatting for a bit.  One last stop at Players in Duluth, that's the bar they were playing for on this particular night.  Nice enough bar, but I had stopped drinking quite some time before.  I knew I'd be the last driver of the night.  I did have a sip of something called apple pie and oh my goodness was that good!

The deal with the sitter was that we be home by eleven, and we were true to our word.  This is a huge blog, but we covered a lot of ground last night!  P.S.  Lisa and the bartender have mended fences so while we continue the world tour we will still be able to go back to home base on occasion!  So far The Shack is still head and shoulders above the rest.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Past Lives

Do you ever get the feeling that we've been on this ride before?  I do.  Often people that I just meet seem so familiar to me.  A certain Brown Eyed Man walked into my closely guarded life and crashed right through the walls I had built, the minute his eyes touched mine.  The feeling I get whenever the Bee Charmer passes through my life would qualify too.  I guess it's just the way you connect with some people.  On a relationship level, and on a soul sister/brother level too.

This go around I seem to have attracted a lot of bad karma.  There is no rhyme or reason for most of it, I'm really not THAT bad.  I always attribute it to things I must have done in a past life.  Sometimes I just sigh and say out loud, to no one in particular,  "Geez, whatever I did, I hope I enjoyed it, cause this payback really sucks."  This whole blog  popped into my head because of a comment I made.  "I need a personal assistant to handle this stuff."  It's true, I do.  I hate the little inconveniences of life.  I really am "The Queen" at heart, and this go around I seem to be stuck where I don't belong.  I have felt that way ever since I was a child.   I'm learning the lesson, be sure of that.

Once upon a time, I had a dream.  One of my vivid dreams that stay with me.  I was all dressed up in 1900's fashion, big hat, long gloves, etc, walking into my brownstone in NYC.  I knew I had married money, but was someone very important in my own right.  Whoever he was, he didn't show himself in the dream.  Anyway, I walk into the house and a servant takes my wrap and tells me my Mother is there for tea.  I sit down with her and look around at the servants bustling around and say aloud to them,  "HERE you are.  I have been looking for you everywhere!"  Then I woke up, and boy was I irritated to be back here!

I tried a free past life online reading once, just to see what it would say.  You only get to see part of the free version, but boy oh boy.  Southern Belle was one of them, and the other was something on the order of ancient Greece and a favored mistress.  Yep..... I will buy both of those scenarios.

So what do you think?  Have we lived before, or do we really just get this one shot to get it right?  P.S.  If you happen to see my servants would you please direct them this way?  I really, really miss them!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sand Box

A friend of mine, we'll call him Ted, is moving to a new city in a few days.  He has a great new job, and a good chance to start over again in this new place.  I like to call the new town Mayberry, because really there are under 1000 people who live in it.  He's a cop, so that makes it just a little bit funnier in my mind.  Anyway, that isn't the point, per usual.  The point is that he is divorced, and now there will be four hours separating him and his little girl.  So instead of seeing each other on an almost daily basis they will be spending a lot of bonding time in the car.  With the economy the way it is, there was no choice.  A person has got to do what they can to get by.  I really feel for him, because anyone who knows him knows how much he's going to miss that little girl!

Ted's daughter is only four, and when he broached the subject of moving to a new town, she just looked up from the sandbox she was playing in and said "Can I bring my sandbox?"  His reply?  "No, we'll get you a bigger and better one."  The end.  No fuss, no muss.  Back to playing.  Granted, she's too young to grasp the situation.  She has moved before, so she understands that part of it, but the distance between her and Daddy she wont understand until it happens.

Would that we could all face life's changes with that kind of attitude!  From now on when life tosses me a curve ball I am just going to ask  the universe if I can bring my sandbox, and go on about my business.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy Hour World Tour

Well, it isn't a world tour exactly.  In reality we will just be trying out many of the local establishments, seeing what they have to offer, how the decks are, and in general just being judgy about the bars/restaurants in the area.  However, when I was actually writing the  blog a minute ago that title popped out at me, and here we are.  New blog, new title.  The old one was called "The Hangover" because that's me today.  Unfortunately it is due to a cold and not to a wild rollicking night of drunkenness and debauchery. Oh, those things were represented all right, just not by me.......mostly.

I've decided that along with my other ramblings I'm going to blog out some of this adventure.  Of course, "What Happens in Solon Springs (or in the car, etc. etc.) STAYS in Solon Springs, so you are going to get the PG version unless it pertains directly to me and it's something I don't mind my employer or family seeing. ;)  I have serious thoughts about writing another anonymous blog where I can just let it all fly.  This censoring shit is for the birds.

So last night we started out the tour at Rapids Riverside, which is located just out of town.  They have a new deck, which is very shady and I'm not a sun seeker, so I liked that.  The weather was gorgeous, high seventies with a light breeze off the big lake.  I had my first strawberry margarita of the season, but it tasted kind of odd, not the usual flavor.  The service was slow with a capital S, and no, they weren't very busy.  The O Luv U burger was absolutely fabulous!  It's a big ol' burger with lots of green olives and their own home made blue cheese dressing.  The fries are good too, nice and crispy.  Kerri and Lisa had the pizza roll up things....damn I can't recall what they are called.  Old Chicago has them too...... Well anyway, they loved them.  They also ordered the garlic knots which were a bit too buttery, but I love garlic, and they were good.  Lets see, what else?  The happy hour at Rapids offers .50 off drinks so if I had ordered my usual whiskey coke it would have been 2.50.  Not bad.

Then we moved on to Solon Springs, a little community about a half hour south of here.  It's very rural, and this town has it's own sub-culture.  We refer to them as "Solon Swingers".  If you follow.  I suppose there's not much else to do in Solon.......   Anyway.   Kerri's hubster, Ben, plays on a softball team and they are having a tournament there this weekend.  The service at Rapids was so slow that we only caught the last part of their game, but they won!  We watched almost all of another game and then walked over to the "Village Pump".  The bar is newer and really nice inside.  The locals didn't seem too amused with us, and our noise, well......I suppose it's harder to "hook up" when all that ruckus is going on.  Had a Bud Light.  Yes, I know.  I hate beer.  However, when a much younger man walks up and hands you a beer that he just bought for you, you smile, say thanks, and drink the damn beer.  Alas dear readers, he is married. *sigh*

Oh, how could I forget the "man rating" at the game???  Kerri at one point asked me if I saw anything to my liking amongst this field of men.  Yeah....... no.  So that encouraged a little game where when a man was "on deck" we gave them a rating of 1-10.  We decided to do this right at the beginning of the second game, and the first guy up was this little stick man......which sent us into gales of laughter.  Mean? Yep.  Fun? You bet.  We did rate one guy a collective 8, but the rest never made it past 4.  "Oh, a tattoo......that's an extra point!"  "Oh, a tattoo.......take away a point."  

So we hung out at the bar for awhile and Lisa, Ben, and Kerri talked to a few other friends who wanted to meet up at V.I.P. in Superior.  I piled four fairly inebriated friends into Kerri's mobile and headed back into town.  Between the road construction, pea soup fog, jiggy music, and the revelry in the back seat (what happens in the car, stays in the car) it was an interesting ride to say the least.  We did kidnap "Rookie" and drag him back to town with us, which was kinda fun.  New friends are always a good thing.

Quin met us at V.I.P. and Shelly made an appearance also.  A few of the ballplayers came back into town too. That seems to be the new "hang out" for our little group, although the bartender wants to date Lisa.........and that's why we had to leave the Shack.  You don't screw around at work, and you don't F... the bartender.  When things end, as they frequently do, it doesn't go well.  It's a shame though, cause Barry the Bartender is a really good guy.  Uh, plus......he tends bar for something to do, doesn't drink, and he has car/boat/home on skyline drive.  Not bad.  Not bad at all. 

So the night ended around 1:30 with Quin taking some and me taking the rest home.  Got a big ol bear hug from the Rookie, and my night was complete.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


It appears that Samantha has a small puncture wound in her nostril.  She's a stay outdoors all day country dog when she isn't with me, so heaven knows how that happened.  In a message on my phone today Leon was (semi) jokingly blaming Milkie, but honestly I doubt it was her.  I was home most of the day with them, just went to Kate's for a few hours that afternoon, and was back by 6.  The blood didn't occur til 8 or so when we came in from outside.  I was also right with her outside, and there isn't anything to poke yourself in the nose with out there anyway!  Unlike Leon's  So it appears it isn't anything serious.  Whew! 

I mean....... I don't think Milkie would have bit her?  She doesn't usually get that close to Sam, and has never shown any aggression toward her at all.  Sam had eaten a TON of Milkie's food this visit though......  Nah, I know Milkie didn't do it, because Sam's reaction to Milkie would have changed immediately from, I don't care what the cat is doing to stay away from me.  It was very sweet that both times it happened Ms. Milk also came over and laid by us, kind of looking to see if Sam was o.k. too.  She does like her dog.  She was very upset when I got home last night and Sam was gone.  I wasn't here so I don't know if she saw her Papa and then they left, or if she was still sleeping in the comforter on the bed and just woke up to Sam being gone.

This morning when I left for work after being home for nearly a week she was none too thrilled either.  Milkie actually bolted out the door as if to say "I'm coming too!" when I opened it.  Good thing there's a front entry way.  The box of anger has lain dormant (pieces of the box of anger) for awhile, but it got a good work out while I was gone today.

In further news, I believe one of the two new kittens that her former owner just got..........has already been given away.  *huge eye roll*

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Oh My Sam

Oh my Sam..........  That's what I say to Sam when we're all lovey.  It's said in a gooey voice that you don't need, or want to hear.  I say it to Milkie too,  Oh my Milk...... they both love it and come a runnin'.  As much as Sam can run these days.  Although the other night when we were outside and a firework went off she moved faster than I've seen in the last year to get back inside!

Which brings us to the fireworks.......well no.  Our visitation excitement actually started with tic removal two hours after she got here.  Ugh.  Then Friday we had huge storms in the area.  I got home as soon as I could to find water all over the bedroom floor from the open window, a wild eyed dog, and a cat who wouldn't come out from under the bed.  Sam was so upset that I sat on the floor and brushed her, while singing to Milkie coaxing her out from under the bed.  There was an F2 tornado about 30 miles from here that night.  Bad storms.

Then Sat evening around eight Sam and I went outside so she could do her business.  We came back into the kitchen, and when I turned around to give her a bone she had blood all over her muzzle.  Luckily I do not faint at the sight of blood, and I kick into action mode when something like that happens.  So I wiped it up and figured out that she had a little bloody nose.  It stopped fairly quickly.  I have to say, I get nervous being the custodial parent for the old dog on occasion.  We all know it's coming, and while on one hand I want to be with her because I feel I will handle it better for her, I can't imagine what it will do to me.  So anyway, we get things squared away, I think about calling Leon, but decide to wait.  Then of course the neighborhood fireworks start, which she hates, and we have a wild rest of the night of pacing, etc.  It stopped around one.

Sunday it was all good, no blood, no thunder, and some fireworks that stopped around midnight.

Monday it was so hot in here that Sam laid on the kitchen floor in front of the fan a good part of the day.  I took her out around eight again, thinking she might want to lay in the cool grass, but no way.  She did her business and we headed back in.  I went in and took a shower, and when I came out there she was, lying in front of the fan, with her nose in a small pool of blood.  Yeah......I didn't handle it as well that time.  Lying on the floor almost in tears, dripping wet, cradling her head in my lap with paper towel, screaming in my head for Leon.  It took a little longer to stop this time.  You wont believe this, but somehow he heard me.  Just as things were settling down the cell started ringing his tone.  I have no idea what he wanted, except maybe to tell me he was almost back home.  He said hello and I said THANK GOD, and let myself go into full panic mode.

So we talked it through and he was going to come and get her, but then when I calmed down I decided I wanted her with me since he had to work today anyway.   I know he's close by if I need him, so it's all good now.

This morning Leon talked to the vet, who isn't overly concerned.  "She wants you to look in her nose and her mouth for an injury, then buy me lunch and rotate my tires."  Yeah..... I'm not looking in her mouth.  She definitely wont let me if something is really there.  So we will check her out when he gets here after work, and take it from there.  Apparently it's a common thing this time of year, although I've never seen that happen with a dog before.

That brings me to the fireworks.  Three houses around here started well before ten, and then continued after the city fireworks, which I had no idea were so loud here.  No wonder every time we came home from them Sam was in the bathroom!  Milkie could not be coaxed from under the bed, and Sam varied between following me, hiding under the desk, and hiding in the bathroom.  The firework nonsense stopped around 3 am.  Sam went out at 4am and 6:30 am.  We are both very wild eyed and slow moving today!  Thank God I'm on vacation.   Oh my Sam.......

Monday, July 4, 2011


♫ Baby you're a firework ♫  I LOVE that song.  I love fireworks, Katie Perry, and songs about girl power, so it works for me!

I was telling my sister while hoofing it to the car from the parade this noon that I could tell you where I was and what I was doing  for just about every fourth of my life.  I really like this holiday.  I also know that it's more than just parades, bbq's and fireworks.  Thanks to all of you who have served our great country.  I always get choked up at the beginning of the parade when the older vets and the flags pass by.  If the jets do a fly over, I'm a goner.

Today was Cierra's first parade!  She doesn't always care for crowds, and loud unexpected noises, so it was hard to tell how it would go.  We went in with the attitude that we would just try and not plan to stay, but she loved it!  She kept waiving at the groups, saying "bye- bye" and of course taking my hand and making me wave too.  Kicked her heels in her stroller to the beat of the drums, and tried to make me dance a few times for the crowd.  It was fun to see her enjoy herself.  We left after an hour because it was so stinking hot!  I know.  I complain because I'm freezing, then it's too hot.  However, one day it was 60 then two days later it's 90.  Where did the middle ground go??

I've done really well today.  Slept in a little bit......minus getting up with Sam at 6 and again at 6:45.  Then off to the parade with Kate and CeCe.  I didn't give the significance of the day any thought until Kate and I were talking about fourths as we walked back to the car.  Then a bit of relaxing and off to Kerri and Ben's for a terrific Bacon Blue Burger!  MMMMmmmm Superior Meats!  So no, this is not the worst fourth ever.  That one would be tagged to my X husband five years ago, and then on that 5th of July..... writing my first rent check for this apartment. 

I have "A Capital Fourth" on my TV at the moment, and there's another special on later on NBC.  I think that will do for my fireworks this evening.  There are a few people who I honestly wouldn't mind snuggling up with at the fireworks in town........but none of that is possible, this year anyway.  I will have my firework time with Sam and Milkie, and that's enough for now.

Happy Fourth of July!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Swingin' Six!


The Meys' side of CeCe's family spent yesterday afternoon at Turtle Park, having brownie's and Capri Sun, opening gifts, and there were goovers running around all over the place, like the little nuts they are.  Kate wasn't really feeling well enough this year for the birthday party extravaganza, although she is doing fine.  This alternative worked out perfectly!  The kids might disagree, as it was supposed to be held at Pablo's swimming pool, but the weather did not co-operate.

When you look at this picture, you see a little girl on a swing.  When I look at this picture I see CeCe able to hold herself up, hang on, and balance.  It's the first time I've seen her do that on a big swing.  It's the first time I've had the opportunity to push her on a swing at a park.  That is due to her parents and the amazing staff at Bryant Elementary in Superior, WI working with her over, and over, and over!

When you look at this picture, you see an african american child with Down Syndrome.  I see a beautiful, headstrong, determined little girl, who by her own standards is growing by leaps and bounds.  I also heard her say "bubble" yesterday when she and Paul were playing bubbles.  That was also a first for me.  In fact I have heard a lot of new words lately.  Again, due to her parents, and the community of people who are basically raising this little girl together.  I am very proud and honored to be one of those people!

Happy Birthday CeCe BUTT!  (yeah....that's the one I taught her to say.....except now she calls me kind of backfired....)  I love you angel ♥ even if I don't show it when you wake me up at 4am for no reason! 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Ode to Oscar

Happy Hour tonight wasn't very happy.  My friend Lisa had to put down her four year old dachshund yesterday.  It's a back or hip issue that is common with the breed and suddenly he was totally paralyzed.  So little Oscar, the wiener, is no longer with us.  Poor little guy.  He was a typical small dog with "little dog syndrome."  If you just ignored all the barking when you arrived a few minutes later he would come over to play.  Every time we would have to go through the same thing though.

My favorite Oscar memory is the day that we didn't.  Every September our city has East End Days, which includes several miles of rummage sales.  Lisa lives a block off of this and every year we set up our sales in her garage.  Oscar is grounded to the house.  I had been there a few hours, when of course I had to go in and use the bathroom.  "Is he going to kill me?" I asked nervously.  Honestly, I'd rather run into a German Shepard in an alley than any little dog.  "No, just ignore him." was Lisa's reply.  Not only did he not attack, he didn't even bark at me.  He was so glad to see me, or anyone, it was pathetic.  We had a little discussion about how I was never going to buy his tough guy act again, and I sat down with him for a little bit before heading back outside.  Of course the next time I saw him he was once again too big for his britches, but that was Oscar.

I also enjoyed seeing pictures of him dressed up in the many outfits/costumes his Nana made or Lisa bought.  It was always funny to hear that he was at Doggie Daycare at Nana's house.  She (and Grandpa) took good care of their little Oscar.

Lisa and Em will dearly miss him.  It's one thing to have to put down a beloved pet that is old and has lived a good life.  It's another to suddenly lose a young one.  All my love guys, I know there isn't really anything I can do, but you know I'm here if you need me!