Life Lessons


Monday, December 31, 2012

The New Year Cold

Happy New Years Eve!  *Achoo!*  It never fails.  I ring in almost every new year with a cold.  Unless this one is going to get worse I'm better off than I was last year, but I'm still irritated.

So here we are, the world didn't end, and actually 2012 turned out to be a fabulous year for me, in some very unexpected ways.  You just never know where this life is going to take you.

My resolution last year was to stop living so much of my life on autopilot, and I feel like I have done a good job of that.  This years resolution is kind of vague but it has to do with living a more healthy and purposeful life. 

Last year I sat on the precipice of 2012, sicker than a dog, eager to get on with it and grab life by the tail.  This year I can only hope that 2013 will be as good! 

As my Mom used to say, "Life is what you make it." and I will leave you with that.  MAKE it a good one!  Oh, and buy a Shamrock pizza or two. (tonight's dinner) They seems to fix just about anything. :)

Friday, December 21, 2012

End of Days

Well...... it's 12:30 p.m. CST and we're still here.  I was hoping for Zombies, but no such luck.  Well, of course I was hoping that it wouldn't happen at all, but if it has to happen, I believe Zombies are the way to go.  If you have to die, it might as well be interesting!  Something to give you a little street cred when you pass through the pearly gates....... or any other kind of gates.

So I thought to myself in the middle of the kaos that this day turned into, what if this were it?  What if yesterday was your last full day on this earth?  Well first of all, if I knew it was going to be, I wouldn't be at work.  That's a given. 

I try really hard to not leave things undone or unsaid.  Life has been a harsh teacher with that lesson.  My family and friends all know how I feel.  Have I accomplished everything I set out to?  Well, not quite, there are still some places I would like to visit, and things I would like to experience, but I wouldn't have any huge regrets.

If this day has "The End" stamped on it, I would feel pretty good about the way I have lived my life, and the way it's shaping up.  I hope it doesn't though, I have to see how this season of American Horror Story plays out, and it's only a few weeks before season three of Downton Abbey!  :) 

Plus, well you know.  Ack..... I'm not supposed to write about it.  Hmmm...... I will just say that I love my life, the one we are building together.  It's taken awhile to get here, and nothing short of an apocalypse would pull me away.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I have seen this posted several places on the net, so have no idea who the original credit goes to, but this letter sums the whole Santa thing up pretty well.

I was a bit older when I learned the sad truth, fourth grade to be exact, so I would have just turned nine, and it was pretty close to Christmas.  That damn Frank Bronson.  I defended my belief practically to the death and then marched home to tell my Mother, who informed me that he was, in fact, correct. It went something like this, in that lovely tone she had. "Well Joanmarie, what did you think?" (evil woman)  Just like that, the magic was gone.

That was not a good Christmas.  My younger siblings still believed, and I had been warned to keep it that way.  I have vivid memories of the Christmas prior to that one where we tried to stay awake to catch Santa, creeping down the stairs at intervals to keep watch, sneaking a flashlight upstairs with us, and entertaining ourselves with shadow puppets on the ceiling.  Jerry and Katy wanted to do the same thing this particular year and I just couldn't bring myself to participate.  Heartbroken,  I told them they were on their own and went to sleep.

Shortly after that my youngest brother, David, was old enough to grasp the concept of Santa, and Christmas became fun again.  I really do prefer the magic and the giving over the gifts.  Although all gifts are greatly appreciated and accepted. :)  I even wrote a little note to Santa, because I believe!  As I informed "The Artist Formerly Known As Pablo" last Christmas, "If you do not believe, you do not receive."  That sure changed his tune fast!

Christmas is one week away, and being the host of the dinner, working full time, finishing up gifts, and just life in general are all trying to Grinch me out, but it isn't going to happen.  I am going to keep the spirit of Christmas in my heart and maybe a little rum chatta in my coffee. ;)  Ho ho ho!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Cookies

Friday was the annual Goover Christmas Sleepover, complete with a bit of holiday baking.  I was able to get the afternoon off, so went over to the girls elementary school for their Christmas program.  To say that the event was shadowed by the massacre of the school children in Connecticut is definitely an understatement.  The kids were oblivious and joyous, but the audience was full of teary eyed people.

As a former teacher my heart goes out to the teachers at the school in Newhope.  I totally get it.  There isn't one of us who wouldn't do absolutely anything to keep those in our care safe.  God Bless them.  The parents and children are definitely in my prayers, because that's about all we can do.  Things in this country need to change, but that's not today's blog.

Hannah's class was up first.  She is in the white in the middle.  She said she was scared, and I believe it.   She isn't the performer in her family.

Caitlin is in the pink........ she is not shy. :)

After the program we packed up the car and headed back to the apartment to meet Miss Ashlyn.  The little Goovers and I started in on some snicker doodles.
The girls were very helpful, until the third batch was ready to roll.  Thank goodness Ashlyn had arrived, because I totally lost the little Goovers to the un -decorating of my house.  They love to play with the village, and all of the nicknacks, and nothing is off limits at Auntie's as long as they are careful.  That has worked out well so far, except for having to totally redecorate after they leave. :)  These two can trash the joint with amazing speed!
The little ones had nothing really to do with the pb cracker cookies.  They just wanted to be in the picture. :)  Ash did a good job, and it was nice to have some big girl conversation while we worked.

After some hot dog hotdish we snuggled up to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and then there were some other random specials on while we enjoyed our snacks and hot cocoa.  The Goovers made a fort, but Milkie went in and claimed it.  She sat on one of the chairs and growled at them every time they tried to go in.  I told them to just ignore her, but they didn't trust her (smart kids) so we cleaned that up and headed of to bed.

I tucked them in and kissed them goodnight, went back out to the living room and kissed the oldest one goodnight, leaving her to watch things unfolding on the news, with a "If it gets to be too much, turn it off and come and snuggle up with us and A Christmas Story."  We drifted off to Ralphie, the last thing I remember was "Fudge", then I was waking up to static.  I wandered out and turned the TV off in the living room, sneaking another kiss onto the oldest one's forehead, knowing full well this could be the very last Goover Christmas Sleepover for her, as she not so kindly reminded me, she'll be off to college soon enough.

The morning brought bacon and mickey mouse pancakes, what else?  A little playtime, a little UNO, and then Ashlyn drove her sister's to bowling.  I didn't even have to get out of my jammies!  Sometimes it's nice that she's growing up.

They all got extra tight hugs as they walked out of my door........ they know they are loved, and that's the most important thing.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wish Book

A friend of mine posed a question on Facebook today, "What gift did you most want for Christmas as a kid?"  Several things came to mind, and then a childhood story or two started rattling around in my noggin.  Visions of telescopes danced in her head.

Our Christmas planning (Jerry, Katy and mine) began in late August when the Christmas Wish Books from J.C. Penny and Sears would arrive.  Do you remember those things??  They were awesome!  Huge catalogs full off fun.  We would each grab a pen, curl up on the couch or the big rocker together, sweat dripping off of us, and mark away to our hearts content. For at least an hour my mother would have three little cherubs who were not arguing, tattling, or tormenting each other.  Then at other times we would each grab a book to sit with for some alone thinking time.  I loved, and so looked forward to those wish books arriving.

The problem with this system of my mother's was that two of her children began with the same letter of the alphabet, "J".  Even if I wrote the entire "Joanie", something that I had my heart set on would inevitably end up under the tree with my brother's name on it.  Imagine it.  Sneaking down the stairs at three a.m. and seeing that telescope you are longing for under the tree, then creeping back upstairs to dream of it until the allowed Christmas morning wake up time (somewhere around seven) only to come down again and find YOUR BROTHERS name attached to it.  Another year it was a keyboard, for my drum playing brother........  oh Mom. ( eye roll)  I asked for a Chinese baby doll for years, and finally got it when I was to old to enjoy it, and probably wasn't even marking the catalog anymore, but I still remember her sweet face.  One year I even asked for, and got, a unicycle!  I never could make that thing work, but I remember trying and trying down in the basement.

The one gift that I remember longing for,  LONNNNGING for (teenage dramatic affect), was a pink sweatshirt from Maurice's.  It had something about Paris on it, and was expensive.  I hoped and waited for it all through December, and was so excited to find it under the tree.  I wore it that New Year's eve, and that damn David ( who was probably five) ruined it with some orange silly string that would not come off, period.

Now that I'm older I'm much more excited to give, and am more into meaningful things, like the wreath my sister in law made me last Christmas.  However, I still have a list for Santa! :) 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Halloween Re-Cap

(Yes, I know I'm almost a month late with this. :)  I was trying to add the pics with my dial up computer and it was fighting me.  Then life stepped in and it got pushed back.)

Halloween turned out to be an amazing day, just as I had hoped.  About a month ago I checked the holiday to see which day of the week it landed on, so I could start figuring out how I could use some vacation time to enjoy it!  I was certainly not going to work from 8-6 if I could help it!  As I said to a co-worker in the midst of some full moon madness on Halloween morning, "I am SO glad I took this afternoon off.  First of all, I have had it up to here with "crazy". ( Or so I thought, then the real nonsense began......)  Secondly, I am not going to remember sitting at this desk when I'm eighty.  I will remember spending time at the daycare, handing out candy, and seeing my nieces/nephew all dressed up, THAT is what is important."

I know that I have mentioned before that I am not a money driven person.  It only motivates me if it's necessity, which is why I finally had to give up last winter and switch careers.  That has gone really well though, and I fit into this life quite nicely too.  My time and my family are SO much more important to me than work, and I've always felt that way.  As long as I have a roof over my head, and my sister to feed me, it's all good. :)

So I left work at 2:00 and headed over to UCC to read "Franklin's Halloween", sing, and have snack with 4K and Miss Jen.  I brought along some sticky stretchy bugs (the kids get SO much candy) for the kids and that was a hit.  Then I moved over to my old classroom, passed out some sticky bugs, read a few stories and sang "Spooky Spider" with them.  Thanks for having me, Mr. Tom and Miss April!  I have spent just about every Halloween with preschoolers since becoming an adult.  It just wouldn't have been the same without it!

I arrived home a little before four and finished up some preparations for the evening.  Put out pumpkins in the front garden, lit the inside pumpkin and some other candles, got the candy all set.  Then the call came that Paul wasn't coming, so I set aside his bag.  Then I found out Ash wasn't with her sisters, and I set aside her bag.  This was heading south fast, or so I thought.

Cierra arrived at four thirty, and did take her candy from me and put it in her pumpkin.  She was more interested in Milkie, and trying to bum a snack out of me.  Ashlyn arrived on her own as CeCe and Kate were on their way out.  She had her "man friend" in the car, but wasn't brave enough to bring him up to meet two Aunt's.  So she got her bag of candy, and a hug, and away she went........ sigh.....  then it was quiet.  The neighborhood didn't start hopping til a little before six.  I kept looking out the window, and no kids.  When it did start it was a steady stream of trick or treaters, and I do enjoy handing out candy.  You never know which kids who know me are going to pop up at the door!
Tango Tater
Hannah the Good Witch

Dave, Elise, and the little goovers arrived at about six fifteen.  Elise said, "Do you want to come with us?"  "Well, sure, but someone has to hand out candy....." I replied.  David immediately jumped on that, and Elise added, "I'll stay too, because he wont really do it." So in the time it takes to cough they had ditched their children on me for tricks or treats.  Off we went into the dark night,  and it was amazing!

I can only liken it to what you see on television in the sitcom Halloween episodes.  Tons of families walking door to door, kids laughing, neighbors with decorated houses who were happily and eagerly passing out candy.  I have never seen the like.  I know this is an awesome trick-or-treat neighborhood, but I'm usually one of the eager candy passers.  We were out for more than an hour, and I honestly had the best time ever!

So happy I had a chance to share that moment with Nana and Tater!  I know I took Ash once when she was little, but it was my Mom's neighborhood, and it certainly wasn't like that.  Also glad that my brother didn't find my secret "good" candy stash while I was gone.  He ate some of what I told him to stay out of, but I'm smarter than that!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I was "Happy Holiday'ed" yesterday, and because I really can't express it any better than I did last year, here it is again!

What ever you celebrate, may you have the holiday of your choosing.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Turkey Butts

It's the goofy things that make holiday memories, the "norm" just kind of blends together.  I'm writing this the day before the holiday because I'm afraid that I will be just to darn busy tomorrow!  For 43 years I have somehow avoided cooking an entire Thanksgiving dinner, but this year I did not escape.  I've watched enough turkey roasting to know what's what, and it isn't like I haven't cooked all of the other things at some point, so I imagine I'll do fine. (I almost burned the sausage for the stuffing already........)  Plus Kate is around if I have questions.

"Kate, how much celery goes in the stuffing?"

"Five stalks."

Seriously?  I expected the answer to be half a stalk or the whole thing.  She counts them??  Another huge difference between us.  We are both good cooks, but she measures everything and I just toss.  Don't tell her, but I used seven.

Anyway, back to the point.  The point is turkey butts, or the fact that odd things happening at holiday time are what the best memories are made of.  I have sat at dozens of Thanksgiving dinners, and they all blend together for the most part.  Last year I blogged about the wine glasses because that definitely stood out in my memory, and this year it's the turkey butts, or the one other year I made dinner.

A few years ago, when The Brown Eyed Man and I shared our first Thanksgiving together it went something like this......

The Man was going to go and spend the holiday with family and I was going to keep Sam, the dog, with me and just have a relaxing, quiet day, with salmon for dinner.  In my book that's a pretty perfect day.  Then Wednesday evening, oh, around four o'clock he calls.  "I don't want to go out of town, I want to have dinner with you."  Now that's all sweet and everything, but it's four o'clock on Thanksgiving Eve!  My reply?  " Oh my Gosh, we can't have a turkey dinner!  You are never going to find one now that's not frozen!"  Heck, he couldn't even find a frozen one.

I don't really remember much about the day except for the late dinner.  You know when you buy a processed ham and it has the ends with the little metal tabs on them?  That's what we had, except it was turkey.  Just the end pieces, or turkey butts as I prefer to call them.  We had turkey butts, stove top stuffing (gag), mashed potatoes that didn't come out right, and gravy.  Definitely not my favorite thanksgiving fare, but at least I spent it with my favorite guy and favorite dog. :) 

Here's hoping I can do better this year!  Regardless, I am truly blessed, and for that I am thankful!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Potato of Milk

Once upon a time, somewhere in the 1970's we watched the show "Sesame Street."  Who didn't back then?  There weren't many other options.  They did a little cartoon on there where a young African American boy is going to run an errand for his mother.  He needs to remember three things.  A load of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.  He says these things over and over on his way and does remember to get all of them.

Fast forward to somewhere in the 1990's.  My sister and I are at Mom's working on something and I am trying to remember a list of things. I repeat it over and over and Kate says, "Hey, that's just like Sesame Street!  You know, a potato of milk?"

Now I had no idea what she was talking about, and that happens a lot.  My sister is..... how to put this nicely..... kinda nerdy, and also because of the brain surgeries she sometimes uses words incorrectly.  Which usually results in hilarity at her expense.  Luckily she's a good sport, or is just to kind to kill me.  The following, however, happened before most of said surgeries.

Me: What are you talking about?  (Even Mom stopped to listen.)

Kate: You know!  A loaf of bread, a potato of milk, and a stick of butter.  The little boy going to the store on Sesame Street?


Kate: What??

Me:  Try CONTAINER of milk.....

Kate: Huh?

Me: It's CONTAINER of milk!   HAHAHAHAHAHAHA  (Even Mom was laughing)

Kate: Nice Joanie, make fun of the little girl who can't hear out of one ear.

Me:  Ok, I'm not going to buy that one.  What exactly did you think a potato of milk was???

Kate: I don't know.  I thought it was an African American thing.


Kate:  Oh shut up.

Me:  Stop blaming your hearing disability....... it's the other one...... (her not so bright disability)

Kate: *chuckling  SHUT UP.

Of course I couldn't.  I have retold that story many times, and I laugh my head off when I do.  I am laughing now as I write it, thinking about how she's just going to love that I blogged it.  :) *waving*  Hi Kate!

Just wait until I blog about her texting abilities!  You never know what you're going to get because she doesn't check the auto correct. :)  Great fodder for an older sister to use as torment! 

So today I am thankful for my sister.  We are almost polar opposites, but have a great amount of love and respect for each other.  Happy Thanksgiving Kate...............did you make potato of milk after you took the pirate?  I don't want a phone, I want the gold that's in the oven.  ♥

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Feed Bag

It's a strange thing to add to my thankful list.......... but here you go.

Once upon a time......... oh, a little more than two years ago, I got this purse from Avon.  I fell instantly in love. 


Brown Eyed Man :  Huh, looks like a feedbag.

Me:  Dumb ass.... What do you know?

So the purse got a name, and it stuck, and I stuck with it, for over two years.  I have tried a couple of different purses, but they were all returned the minute I got them home and tried to unload the feedbag.  Just couldn't do it.  I have a couple other purses in the closet for different occasions, but they aren't what I want for every day.

So I finally bit the bullet and got another new purse.  The feedbag is old and the outside "leather" is starting to peel off.  *one single tear rolls down my face*  It's a cute little purse, but it isn't the feedbag.  Necessities only.  I hate it.  O.k. I don't hate it, I actually like it, but it is change, and I sure hate that.

So today I am thankful for the Feedbag.  It was a good purse and served me well for more than two years on a daily basis.  It's going in the closet, in case I need it to haul some feed, or maybe Avon books..... or maybe just so I know it's there.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Eizabeth Cady Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton ~ Nov 12, 1815 - October 26 1902

Do you recognize this name?  If you are a woman reading this, you should.

We all recognize the name Susan B. Anthony, who played a huge part in the effort to gain the right to vote for women, but most of us don't recognize Elizabeth, or Lucrecia Mott, who really started the movement.  I encourage you to google them both, and educate yourself!  I honestly don't know much about Lucrecia Mott, but I intend to rectify that shortly!

I also didn't realize that Elizabeth wrote a memoir  "Eighty Years and More", but you can bet it will be in my hot little hands before the week is out, and yes, I am more excited about reading that than the Fifty Shades books.

Otherwise there is this little gem.  "When Clowns Make Laws for Queens.  Selected Papers by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony"  Written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Ann D. Gordon   Oh, that is precious, I love it.  I must have it. 

I hope that whoever you are you took/take the time today to exercise your right to vote.  Especially if you are a woman.  My thirty days of thankful day 5 will be tagged to this blog, because I am SO THANKFUL for the women who came before me, who fought so hard, never giving up, to give me this right as a woman! 

It's now up to us as women to continue where they left off, keeping the rights we have gained, and God willing there will be a woman to vote for in the next election!   O.k.  let me amend that one.  A smart, competent woman, who can run this country, to vote for in the next election.  There must be a binder of them out there somewhere........   (ha, sorry, coudn't resist)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thirty Days of Thankful

Doing this little exercise last year helped me so much.  This year there are so many things that I am thankful for, I just feel like it's to simple, so I'm looking harder, and not going for the easy answer this time.  Like this morning, I had to be at work at 6:45, which I absolutely loathe.  I could have been thankful for my coffee, watching the sunrise, or the fact that I just plain got up this morning, and while I am thankful for all of the above, they're to easy. 

The day continued, and it's going to be a BUSY one.  I am thankful for my job that keeps a roof over my head, and shoes on my feet, but that's to easy.

I'm trying to find something/someone out of the norm to be thankful for.  A lesson learned, or something that makes my heart smile.  I need to stretch my thinking a little farther out there this year. 

Day One I found a note that my baby brother (in his early thirties) stuck on the wall by my computer for a joke.  He always has the power to make me laugh, and for that I was thankful.

For today, day two, it's this:  Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the past few weeks I have had a little intern with me at the front desk.  She's six months old, and we work together for a good half hour. (Good thing I have had some serious training, I can, and do my job right with her dangling on my knee.)  This morning when I took her from her Mom she spit up right down the front of my sweater.  (NOT my thankful.)  So I cleaned myself up and we continued on.  A ways into our time together we were chatting about heaven knows what and she looked at my with those big blue eyes, and I thought. "I am truly thankful for you baby."  Which doesn't quite cover it.

What I am thankful for today is that I have had the unique opportunity over the past *ahem*, thirty if you count babysitting, years to have helped raise hundreds of children.  Had I chosen the path of motherhood I would have definitely found another career.  Living my life this way gave me, and still gives me, the opportunity to do more.

I am so glad to see so many of my Facebook friends participating, and I would encourage anyone who reads this to do it too!  We take so many things for granted, and it isn't to "Pollyanna", you can find something to be grateful for every day, even if it's the fact that you just woke up that morning.  It really has the power to change your perspective!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Kissed Caramel

The bottle in the middle is Kissed Caramel vodka, by Smirnoff.  This stuff is pretty amazing!  I made bday coffee drinks in the a.m. and then bday dessert drinks in the p.m.  Here is the recipe for the dessert drink, which I am going to call Chocolate Cake Batter, because that's what it tasted like.  I was going for turtle sundae, but this is what we got.  Very good!

Toss a handful of ice cubes into the blender.

Half of a rectangle container of vanilla ice cream went in next. (I have no idea what the size is on those things, I only buy it when I have the kids.)

Grab the bottle of Hershey syrup and coat that ice cream thick. (Sorry, this is how I rarely get an actual measurement out of me.)

A big slug o' Smirnoff Kissed Caramel Vodka.  Then look at it and put in another slug for good measure!

Blend until smooth.  Grab a spoon and dig in! 

We ate these along with the seeds from the pumpkins, and together they were fabulous!  The mix of sweet and salty was perfect.

Speaking of the pumpkins, you will notice the one on the left has a nose that is shaped very much like a female body part.  I did NOT pick out or carve that one. :)  I call it "Vajayjay".

"The nose is to heavy, it's going to break.  I'm going to get a screw and perform a rhinoplasty."

"Don't you mean a vaginaplasty?"

Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Got Boots?

These are my brand new Duck Boots!  They cost to many pennies, but on this rainy, snowy, blowy day I am so glad to have them!  ( bday gift from me, to me) They are also to big.  Apparently my feet are shrinking.......  I don't get it.  All my shoes are loose, and when I try to find shoes nothing fits.  Another one of those weird things that happens in your forties? 

It rained for a month (June), then no rain for months (July, Aug, Sept) and now it has rained three days straight.  This all or nothing weather is kinda crazy, but I am loving the cooler temps.  Several times there were snowflakes floating on the breeze today! 

I had to sing the rain song to myself today, while driving in the car on my errands.  Didn't have a bunch of four year olds to sing along and do the waddle walk.

♫ Ducks like rain!  Ducks like rain! (join in if you know the tune) Ducks like splishing, splashing in the rain!  Ducks like rain!  Ducks like rain!  Ducks like the rainy weather, water running of their feathers, ducks like splishing, splashing in the rain.  (get ready to flap and waddle) QUACK, QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK.  QUACK, QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK.  QUACK, QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK. QUACK! QUACK! QUACK!    Very good children. ;)

I also stumbled onto a new drink.......... Kissed Caramel Vodka, by Smirnoff.  Oh my goodness!  Going to try and make some birthday turtle drinks out of it this weekend.  So much better than cake!  Thinking I can also do some hot caramel apple drinks and hot chocolate or coffee drinks with it.  Hope it's good!!!  Perfect for this nasty weather.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Bday Sleepover

This past Friday the Goovers came over for Hannah's birthday celebration.  She requested Pizza Hut stuffed crust pepperoni pizza, brownie sundaes, and Mickey Mouse pancakes for breakfast.  She must have been menu planning for quite some time, because when I called to ask her what she wanted she didn't miss a beat.

This was the first time I had the little goovers without big sister.  Apparently being in the football playoffs is more important than a brownie sundae.  Go figure.  "Can we do coffee or dessert sometime?"  *eye roll  Sure.  Check your calendar and get back to me.....  Ah, the life of a teenager.

We were planning to watch the new Winnie The Pooh movie, but it arrived from Netflix snapped in half.  Luckily I had just purchased "The Nightmare Before Christmas" so we were still good to go.  Afterwards we had sundaes,

Then Tater did some art, and Hannah worked on some fall sewing cards.  I think she's ready to learn how to do some plastic canvas.  We played a game of "War" that ended in a draw, and the girls had fun with their dress up/toy box.  The evening ended with a bedtime story around ten o'clock.

Happy Ninth birthday Hannah Banana!  Love you bunches!!!
Look out Honey Boo-Boo, here come the Goovers!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sam ♥

One year ago I got the call that Sam wasn't well.  It was a whole awful story that I can't really get into without losing it.  The end result was having to put her to sleep, and although it was time it still wasn't easy.  Not a day goes by where I don't think of her or miss her.  The new puppy, Jacob, is amazing, and a lovey, and my baby.  He brings so much to our lives, but he doesn't take away the ache of losing her.

So if you dare, kleenex is required.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Binder

Is anyone surprised by a Mormon man with a "binder full of women"?  ( I read something similar on my cousin Ray's Facebook status this morning and almost spit coffee out my nose.)

Governor Romney's whole story about having no women on his cabinet and telling the powers that be to round up some qualified women screams Affirmative Action, which by the way he is against.  Even the tone he used while telling the story made my skin crawl.  I'm searching for a good way to describe it.  Sort of like he was talking to millions of absolutely helpless females.   He didn't use the words, but what I heard in my head was, I knew that if we hunted long and hard enough we could find one or two of you who could do the job.

I would like to present him with a binder.  For that matter, I would like to present both of them with a binder, one that is full of women qualified for the job they both are seeking!  Men have ruled the world for far to long.  :)  HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT!

Friday, October 12, 2012


Ey yi yi!  I didn't watch the Vice Presidential debate last night, for two reasons. 

1. Joe Biden
2. Paul Ryan

I seriously can not stand either one of them.  How's that for partisan?

Anyway, from the blow up of facebook posts and Internet media I get the gist of it.  Malarkey, plain and simple.  While it would have been more entertaining than the movie I chose to watch (Brideshead revisited..... I don't recommend it, snooze fest.) it would have made my blood boil.

I did watch the first Presidential debate.  If I am truthful I will say that I have an equal measure of like/dislike for these two men.  So that put me in a pretty good spot to actually listen and watch objectively.  In the spirit of partisan I will say this.  It was nice to be able to listen to an intelligent discussion.  Did I get the answers I was looking for? No.  Did I want to wipe the smirk off of Romney's face? Yes.  Did I think the President needed to grow a pair?  Absolutely.  For the record, he was being polite folks.  I recognized it right away, I do it all the time when I'm trying not to reach out and choke someone who is driving me nuts.  When they kept showing him looking down, I had to chuckle.  The eyes will always out, you must look elsewhere or they will know they are three seconds from death. 

For the first time in my voting life I thought about crossing the aisle.  I asked the Middle Aged Republicans if they thought Romney could fix the economic problem, and never got a straight answer.  I have listened to the man himself and still cant find a straight answer.  I kept wavering, because I know, and knew four years ago, that Obama isn't the answer.  Then Romney hooked up with Ryan, and for me it was "game over."  Although the thought of a President Biden doesn't thrill me, the thought of a President Ryan scares me.  The phrase "Wing Nut" applies, for my Republicans who are reading. :)  They just love that one.

So I slid a little off topic. (shocking)  The debates.  I made it through the first one without to many changes in blood pressure, apart from wanting to shake both of them, for different reasons.  Then it was over and the commentating and critiquing began.  The phrase  "Romney wins points for style and zingers." sent me flying off the couch and into a pacing, ranting, tirade, which ended with me shutting off the television.  I was going to let it fly on Facebook, but I promised myself that I would not play in that political sandbox. (Yes, as in child's play...... for #@$% sake, grow up.) 

Style points and zingers?  Is that truly all "Joe Public" cares about these days?  If that's the case, then you get what you deserve.  Are we really a nation that is all fluff and no substance?  Stop thumbing your nose at each other and work together to solve this problem!  We are in some serious trouble here, and it isn't going to be fixed by "style points and zingers."  Arg.  HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT! 

I wont even link this to Facebook, because I'm not going to debate it.  This is my corner, and my opinion.  :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Cold Nuf For Ya?

What a difference a week makes!  Last Friday night Sandy Hughitt, Shelly, and I sat out on the deck at Keyport.  It was absolutely gorgeous, and probably the last time for the year.  I had my traditional "pink" and that was probably the last for awhile too.  I tend toward warm coffee drinks when it's cooler outside.  Tonight I'm thinking Bailey's...... and I know that we will be inside visiting.

The temps today are hovering in the 40's, but there is a 20 mile an hour wind that is ripping off the big lake.  If you haven't experienced it, you really have no idea what that means.  It's cold.  Damn cold.  Rip right through you cold.  Our beautiful fall leaves are being yanked right out of the trees, so if you live up here I hope you enjoyed the spectacular fall colors last weekend. :(  I will take it though.  This is still better than 90.  Any day.

Today definitely marks the season change for me.  I brought a big salad for lunch, and just tossed the salad dressing bottle into the bag I was carrying.  Now I need that bottle at home, and the chances of my remembering to grab it out of the basement fridge when I'm done tonight are slim, and none.  Leaning heavily toward none.  Then it dawned on me!  I can leave it in the car.  Yep folks, it's that time of year again, where you can use the car to safely store food.  No melted ice cream on a long drive home, that's for sure.  So I bundled up in the new sweater that my sister bought me for my birthday and ran outside. (Hair done by lake breeze is one of my favorite terms.)  I should have donned my jacket instead, but the dressing is safe in the car, where it will at least make it to the front of my house tonight. 

Bundle up folks, and enjoy the snuggle weather.  I know I intend to!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Goodbye 42

Some people measure their personal progress from year to year on January 1.  That's when they pull out the resolutions and make promises to themselves that they almost never keep.  I like to track my progress from year to year on my birthday, or usually the day before.

So here we are on my last day of being 42.  I spent some of the morning with my brother, watching his son play football.  They finally had an eleven o'clock game.  Auntie doesn't drag herself out of bed on a Sat for early morning football.  That is just not going to happen, but it is an absolutely beautiful fall day!

I saw my oldest niece with her own football team, selling concessions.  "Got any money?  I'm starving."  See, I don't even have children, yet I still lost my last two bucks. :)  I did manage not to embarrass her by taking pictures in front of the guys on her team, but I so wanted to.  We had a nice walk and chat.  It's nice to be able to meet her on (almost) equal ground now.  She stopped by the office yesterday to pick up some things and did ask when they could sleep over, so she hasn't quite outgrown me yet..... it's the first thing the little ones always ask.  Then she drove away.  It's going to take some time for me to get used to that.

This year has been a huge one for me.  I took the time to "figure out who I am".  Which isn't as deep as it sounds.  I set priorities, made some big changes, met some interesting people, rekindled old friendships, and did a lot of writing.  I have spent a lot of time on my own, figuring out the "why" behind my actions and correcting things when need be.  I have put a lot of endings to chapters in my life that needed them, and started a few new ones. 

I have had a few crazy adventures, and some disappointments and heartache, but that's life.  All in all the good has far out weighed the bad.  Plus I really genuinely like and enjoy spending time on my own.  I like who I am, and I accept that I'm never going to be perfect, or a few other things.  I am what I am, and I ain't changin' for anyone but me.

So it's a bittersweet good-bye to 42.  Look out 43, here I come!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cold Snap

 I have been waiting for what seems like forever for the temps to cool down around here, and they finally have.  This week has been gorgeous with highs of sixty and lows in the high thirties.  Leaves are turning, my allergies are acting up worse than I can remember, and I'm no longer roasting!  All summer long I complained about the heat.  It was a really long, hot summer around here, with a dollop of humidity thrown in for good measure.  This northern flower  could never survive down south.  When I ask people who live in warmer climates  how they deal with it, the answer is always air conditioning.  Don't you people ever go outside??  Not for me.

Now we reach the "be careful what you wish for" portion of today's blog.  Last Tuesday I tried the furnace, just to take the chill out of the apartment, and to see if it was working.  Oh you know it, nothing.  So I left a message for the landlord.  "Not an emergency as it's still fairly warm, but needs to be taken care of."  Then I called him back on Thursday and actually got him. 

Me: Did you get my message at the shop?

Landlord: Nope, been out of town.

So I 'splained the problem....

Landlord: That's a newer furnace, I'll give the guy a call who put it in.

Me ( In my head)  Are you on drugs?  I have been here for six years and it wasn't new when I got here.  PLUS you have never had it cleaned or checked.  (out loud) Ok, thanks.........

So then we roll around to this week, and one of the night time temps in the meantime was 25 degrees.  Granted, I didn't spend that night at home, but the apartment has cooled down to 60 now.  So I call him back on his cell on Monday and get to leave another message.  Tuesday my phone rings.

Landlord:  Is this number the person looking for a job?


Landlord: *chuckles* Oh, yeah.  Want the good news? 

Me:  Sure......

Landlord:  It's going to be warm for the next couple days.

Me:  Very funny.

Landlord:  I'll call the guy and we'll get it fixed for you hon.

Me: (out loud) thanks.  (In my head) So you haven't even called the guy.  You lousy S.O.B.  If this isn't fixed by next week I'm going to go into the shop and pay my rent in person on Tuesday.  THEN you'll be sorry! OH, and STOP CALLING ME HON.

I know that I can't withhold a rent payment.  You lose in court every time if you do.  So I will go and write his check and inform him that he has one week to fix it, or I will report him to whomever you report these slumlords to, and you don't want me to do that, because if it takes up my time and irritates me I WILL make it worth the effort.  I also think it's time to get an electric heater, as he is now the one responsible for the electric bill. 

So, for the record, I am not complaining about the cold.  It's only a little rough after I get out of the shower.  My electric blankie works, and I have lots of warm clothes to snuggle up in.  I'm complaining because I have to deal with the landlord, and I do try to avoid that at all costs!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ride 'em Cowgirl

I had the most awesome surprise today!  Hmm.... lets see, I will start the story at the beginning instead of popping back and forth at random. :)

One upon a time I was having a conversation with my friend "Officer Dave" who lives out in Wyoming.  I like to call his town Mayberry, because...... it is.  There are something like nine hundred people who live there, and everything is two hours away, including The Walmart. 

We were talking about some dating issue I was having (shocker) or some such nonsense and he said to me. "Why don't you come out to Wyoming.  There are plenty of rich ranchers, I'm sure you could snag one!"  My response was probably, "No one wants to live in Wyoming."

Talking about cowboys made me think of my bucket list, which actually only has four things on it at this point.  One of these things just happens to be getting a cowboy of a real cowboy. (Weird, I know.  The other three things have nothing to do with men.)  Officer Dave said he'd buy me one and send it out, and I said NO that defeats the whole purpose.  It has to come off of the head of a REAL cowboy. 

So over time there has been much bantering back and forth about cowboy hats.  White?  Black?  Just what exactly would you be willing to do to get this cowboy hat?  ( no probably not........probably......)  We'll never know the answer to that one though, because today a package arrived in the mail!

A box?  I didn't order anything........

A box from Officer Dave?  Oh, how sweet.  Must be an early bday gift.  I was totally clueless, and taken by surprise.  Not one, but TWO REAL COWBOY HATS!   One black, one kind of off white, both very used and muddy which proves they are real.  I laughed and laughed and laughed, and then took pictures. 

I would really like to know one thing.  What did he have to do to get them??????????  LOL

He's older, so his birthday is first this week.  I can't top the cowboy hats, so I will just take this opportunity to wish one of my very best friends the best birthday and year of his life!!  May everything you wish and hope for come true my friend, you are the BEST! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Proud Auntie

Well, I guess its no secret (nor has it ever been) that I'm proud of my Goovers.  They are all unique and special in their own way, but the red headed one, well........she's just something else.

Ash got her drivers licence today!  I'm sure now that they are all out in the country her parents are glad she can cart her own behind to and from all of these high school activities.  So, of course I was proud of that.  Then the phone rang.

Dude: Need to leave a message, my name is spelt...

Me: I know how to spell your name, I used to babysit your kids a hundred years ago!

Dude:  Hey!  How are you?

Me:  Good, you?

Dude: I'm o.k.  Wait a minute.  I was at a J.V. game Monday night.

Me: (interrupting) Yes, that's my niece.

Dude:  I was wondering if she was connected to you guys.

Me:  Yep, David's oldest.

Dude: You know I'm related to one of the coaches, ( I did know, and had forgotten that.) and I just have to tell you how impressed they all are with her!  She never misses a practice and gives it everything she has.  It's a shame she's injured.

I can't remember my exact words, but I did pass along a big thank you to her coaches for being so encouraging, and told him what a positive experience this has been for her so far.  He agreed that they are a great bunch of guys.

*sigh*  Drivers licence..... this is going way to fast!

Finished up this blog, then caught a glimpse of TAFKAP (Paul) on his Oma's face book page.

It's almost to much for a pms'ing Auntie to stand!  (tearing up) STOP GROWING UP RIGHT NOW!  This also makes me want to give him a big ol smooch........which he loves......really...... 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Contest Winner!


I did see a picture of someone dressed as a storm trooper, and there was some talk about a man in some sort of Lego mask, plus some very odd women came into our rummage sale.......... but Binky is definitely the winner in my book!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Night Lights

I'm not doing a fabulous job keeping up with life in blog form.  Real life is just to full and fun, and I'm not complaining about that!  Some of you have asked me recently just what the heck is going on....... Well, I am in a relationship, but he would prefer it wasn't broadcast all over the universe.  *Sigh* So I have to respect that.  ( I don't have to like it though.  There are some really, really funny snake, mouse, spider stories that I would LOVE to share!)

Here are pics from Ashlyn's JV game last Monday.  She has a knee injury, so wasn't playing, but it was a beautiful night for football!!

There she is!  Number 86

The Chicken Dance?
Note the red braid hanging down. :)
Hello.... didn't realize a girl's head was there!  LOL
Blurry, but my fave.  Kneeling down after winning the game, and she was dead center.
Arg, I tear up just looking at that.
Shoot, I must be standing in a hole!

I haven't had the opportunity to see her play yet, possibly next week.  Although I don't know if I'm ready for that.  One of her teammates gave her a playful shove and I was half out of my seat. :)  So far it has still been a very positive experience for her.  Let's hope that continues!  Girl Power ♥

Friday, September 14, 2012

Family Fun Days

 Every year the "East End" community in Superior hosts "Family Fun Days".  It turns out that my boss is actually one of the guys who runs it, so I have taken a lot (read as 1,293) of phone calls over the last couple of months regarding various issues, and now know some of the ins and outs of what it takes to plan this kind of event.  There is entertainment, food, games for the kids, drawings, a car show, performances, etc.  Plus, a rummage sale that goes for miles!  Literally!  Now, I'm not into rummage sale shopping, not one bit, but I will drag out my own rummage to sell once a year during this event.  Sandy Hughitt happens to have a garage that faces the main sales on fifth street.

This is what happened last year........

Pimped Out

I'm not sure how to top that one, but I will report back if anything exciting happens. :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Do Over

So here's Tater and Hannah on their first day of school.  There was a really funny blog attached to this, hope you read it, cause it's gone.  Auntie is a dumb bunny and it was deleted.

Hannah: What is wrong with you?

Me:  Lots of things.

Hannah:  I know......              

Here they are with their new puppy Gus.  He comes home tomorrow ♥
Hey!  There's Ashlyn!  We don't see to much of her these days.  She is supposed to have her home opener tonight with varsity football, but is in a knee brace and not suiting up. :(  Hopefully when JV plays on Monday night I will be able to get some good pics!


Oh for crap sake!  There were seven draft copies of "Goover Talks" that I was trying to clean up and somehow I lost the original.  Wait.......there are still four or so copies left.  Maybe I can fix what I have done!  This has been a week to be sure! ;) 

SWEET HOLY MOSES THEY WERE ALL BLANK!  If there weren't people in the waiting room I would literally stomp and yell.  #$#@$$%%^%#$@#@!#@  and @#!@$@

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

School Days

Yesterday I posted the two goovers, here are there cousins first day pictures!

The Artist Formerly Known As Pablo
5th grade!
C Monster            2nd grade!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Guardian Angels

Boy am I glad I wrote the birthday blog early!  At least the sixteen year old got one thing on her birthday that was all about her.  *Sigh* Let me tell ya 'bout having kids.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  I don't have any.  That doesn't seem to get me free of the drama, excitement, worry, anxiety, etc. etc. etc. 

Yesterday morning I was kind of teary eyed.  For whatever reason, I get that way on Ashlyn's birthday.  It's probably because she's the oldest, and growing up at a pace faster than humanly possible!  At least it feels that way to me.  It also makes me miss my Mom, which I assume is because she and Ash were so close, and I just wish she could see the wonderful young woman Ashlyn is.  I assumed that's why my Mom appeared in a dream I had two nights ago.  I don't usually dream about either of my parents, or anyone else who has passed on, unless something is going on in my life.  Let me amend that.  Sometimes it happens right before something occurs in my life.  So I was mindful of it while I was thinking of Ash, but I chalked it up to the birthday.

Then at about 3:00 yesterday the texts/calls began.  Here's the short of it:  Caitlin (Tater), was playing at a friends house.  A company is siding the house, but they were working on the right side.  The three girls went out on the deck (left side) to have an ice cream cone, and a dude on the roof dropped a piece of flashing.  It hit Tater in the face, cutting her deeply.  She ended up having surgery to re-attach two nerves, and a third was bruised.  If that flashing had gone ANY deeper this would be a different blog.

As fate would have it, Taters parents were nowhere near by.  Mom was at home in Oliver, Dad was at work in Duluth. Her friends Grandma rode in the ambulance with her, and her parents met her at the hospital.  Hannah was left out at the friends house with Great Grandma, and I popped out of work to deliver her into Ti-Ti's (Kate) safe and comforting hands until someone could pick her up.  Ashlyn chose to stay at football practice.

By the time I was done at six Tater was heading in to surgery.  I swung by Kate's and picked up Hannah, then headed over to the high school to grab Ashlyn for some sort of birthday dinner.  That is when it happened.  "Auntie, can I go with my friend for dinner and back to her house?"  I knew it was coming.  Ditched.  Oh Ashlyn.  I didn't have the heart to be a bitch ( which I later said to her mother, in front of Hannah, who I then had to pay a quarter because of my language....) on her birthday and say no, so I sent her off with a "I am the adult in charge.  Do NOT get into trouble, and call me later."   

Hannah and I headed off to Kmart, because I don't have any Hannah treats at my house, which turned into Sunny D, goldfish crackers, a card and toy for Tater, and a toy for Hannah.  Then we watched Pocahontas and hung out.  I really needed to take a shower.  Hmmmm.... can I leave this one on her own for five minutes?  Probably.  "Do not open the door to anyone, come and get me.  Here's the cell phone, bring it to me if someone calls.  Don't burn down the house."  Midway through blow drying my hair Ashlyn called to be picked up, so Hannah and I headed out into the beautiful night, lit by the full "blue" moon to get her from her friends house. 

Thus began the moody teenager portion of the evening.  Luckily I am smart enough to know that when a teen asks for earphones they don't want to be bothered, and I can respect that.  Plus the part where she said "This birthday sucks butt. Can I have a do over?"  Kind of clued me in.  Hannah and I snuggled on the couch watching Rikki Tikki Tavi, and left Ash to her own devices.  My brother picked them up around ten thirty, and Caitlin had been released from the hospital at that time too. 

Tonight instead of Happy Hour on the deck I will be snuggling my Tater.  ( plus I hear there is HAM!)  As soon as work is done I have to go and hold that child.  I just have to.  So where does dreaming about my Mom fit into this? It could be that she was giving me a heads up to let me know I would be playing fill in for her again, it's kind of my job description these days, or just a reminder that she's looking out for us.  Which, in the case of Tater, is a full time job.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sweet Sixteen

When I was contemplating writing Ashlyn's birthday blog I thought it would be something along the lines of how fast time flies, or something witty about teenagers driving.  I never imagined in my wildest dreams that it would be about my niece being the only girl on the SHS football team!

Me:  Are a bunch of girls going out for the team?

Ash: Nope, just me.

Me:  Um........ why?

Ash:  To prove to myself that I can do it.

Ok.  I will accept that one, and you will too, unless you want to deal with me, and trust don't, especially where my kids are concerned.  :)  If she is able to hang with the big boys, then she should be allowed to.  The end.

So Ashlyn went to football camp. Her mother told me that she sat in the car for awhile, debating if she should actually do this.  I can't imagine how hard it was for her, as this girl is not an all....not even a little bit.  When she finally got out of the car her mother did mention that maybe next time she shouldn't wear mascara.  Immediately after that Ash learned another valuable lesson, printed underwear shows right through white football pants. :)  (Oh Ashlyn....)

She absolutely loved camp, and although she was trying out for kicker, they had her practicing at wide receiver and corner, where she currently is playing.  This concerns me.  You aren't supposed to touch a kicker, she would be fairly safe.  The other positions involve a lot of touching. 

Me:  How are the boys handling having a girl on the team?

Ash:  Good.  They are kind of protective of me actually.  It's cute.

Me: Uh, you do realize the other team is not going to be protective of you?

Ash:  Yep.

Me: Especially if they realize you are a girl?

Ash: Yep. I've got this.

Me:  Ok.......... 

I thought maybe Ash would change her mind before practice started in August, but nope, there she went merrily along.  I haven't heard anything about kicking the football.  The coach has her in at wide receiver on offense, and corner on defense.  This last week she was talking about tail-back.  She will be playing on the JV team, where she says she is more comfortable, but she suits up with everyone else for the Varsity games in case they need her.

I'm writing this birthday blog a few days early (It's the 30th) because I don't want it to be late. Her very first game (varsity) is tonight, and it's an away game, so I wont be there in person, but with her in spirit.  I used to play a lot of football myself growing up.  It was unheard of to let a girl play on the actual team, so I played, with the boys, without pads, and gave just as good as I got. 

So happy early birthday my sweet girl!  Uh..... I mean, you tough butt kicker!  Junior year in high school, and soon to be driving, the time has gone so fast!  I am so proud of everything you do, and I am proud that you proved to yourself you could do this.  I'm glad you've gotten so much support, from your coaches, team, family, and friends.  From little angel in a sundress playing in a mud puddle, to mascara wearing wide receiver for SHS.  Who would have thought?  Can't wait to see what you come up with next!  ♥  

P.S.  You are now "Baby Pigskin Pignose."

All My Love,

Auntie Pig Nose  xo

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


My Grandma Lenihan has been dead for over twenty-five years now, but periodically she pops into my life just to let me know that she still has an eye on me.  No, I don't see dead people, but there are some people who have gone on that reach back from time to time to give me a nod or a nudge, in a way that I know it's them, and she is one of them.

This time I'm not the only one she helped.  My eldest cousin got a phone call from an insurance company a few months back.  It seems Grandma had taken an insurance policy out on our Uncle John, of which she was the beneficiary.  None of us knew about it, and it wasn't in any of her files, or my Mom's.  My Uncle John had schizophrenia and was institutionalized for most of his adult life.  Grandma, and then Mom (and then myself and my sister) were his legal guardians.  There is no immediate family left, so the ten of us cousins had an unknown amount that we needed to claim/share.

My sister rounded up all the addresses and sent out all the paperwork, but the insurance company couldn't release the amount of money we were inheriting.  It was fun to dream about thousands, but we knew the reality, split ten ways, would be more like $50.  Not that I would sneeze at fifty bucks!  Found money is found money, and when (as my Father would say) "the wolf is at the door" you take what you can get!

Yesterday I got a call from the insurance company.  They wanted to verify that we were the only beneficiaries.  When we were done going over the fact that my entire family is gone from that generation (lovely) she asked if I had any questions.  Well duh!  How much is the check?  Turns out more than fifty bucks!  Not tons more, but I no longer have to wonder how I'm going to finagle paying both renters and car insurance this fall.  (Thanks Gram!)

Then my other question.  When on earth did my Grandma take out this policy?  Turns out it was in 1941.  So a decision she made in 1941 saved my bacon in 2012.  That's some ripple effect! 

Monday, August 20, 2012


One of the words that CeCe will communicate is train.  Ok, she doesn't say "train"  she does the arm motion of pulling the whistle and says "Woo-Woo".  It's cute, and even more so because you know that she understands exactly what that is. She does it when she sees them, or hears them.  Her Dad is a railroad engineer, and kind of a train enthusiast  nut. 

Yesterday morning I had to come in from the country to do a few things at home before heading out to a different part of the country to Tater and Ashlyn's birthday party.  I kept hemming and hawing over how much time I needed, and I finally just decided to go early so I could handle everything. (crabbily I might add....again, not a fan of things to do on a Sunday)

The drive was uneventful, until I reached the railroad crossing right outside of Superior.  Cars were stopped for two blocks already from a long train that was slowing down.  It comes to a stop and I shut off my car, obviously I wouldn't be going anywhere for a little bit.  Ten minutes later the train was still at a dead stop, but there were some whistles blown so I thought we would have progress.  Suddenly I hear a train.....but "my" train isn't moving.  Ohhhhh it's another train, and "mine" must have had to stop and let it by before it could switch onto that track.

Then my brain started thinking.  "Hmmmmmm  don't they know when and where these trains are?  Couldn't someone have stopped "my" train before it hit this crossing??  I posed this question to CeCe's father, who answered that "Yep, they could, but the person who handles that is located in Texas."  Now that doesn't seem real safe to me....... but what do I know?  Does it seem logical that the person handling the trains running up here doesn't even know the area, or what he/she are blocking off?  What if there's a computer problem? 

All in all I sat for twenty some minutes, for a total of ten cars that were actually blocking the track.  The people up front would have been there more than a half hour.  In the realm of reasonable, that is pushing it.  So I didn't get a jump start on the things I needed to do, and was about a half hour late to the party.

On the last leg of my journey toward the party I got stuck on another country highway by another train!  This time it was a reasonable ten minutes, but it struck me that maybe the universe was trying to tell me something.  Something like, slow down sister!  Enjoy the moments and the people in your life, early or late, what does it matter, really?

An older couple that I've known for years, and actually bought a home from once, lost their nine year old Grandson on Saturday.  He was hit by lightening.  I can't even imagine the devastation that family is going through.  Take your time, appreciate your loved ones, don't auto pilot through life, embrace it, and enjoy the beauty of a summer morning when you are unexpectedly stopped by a train!  

Friday, August 17, 2012


Boy am I glad that I didn't pay one cent for the Fifty Shades books.  I'm probably about three quarters through the first one now.  This is the type of book I could have easily read in two or three nap times when I was working at the Y, and yet I can't seem to find the will to pick it up and finish it.  First, and foremost, because it isn't well written.  I actually did hear that from several people, but of course I had to look into this myself to see what is so interesting to all these women.

What you don't know:  I was an avid (and that word doesn't cover it) historical romance reader from the time I was twelve until....... maybe thirty-five?  I called them "brain candy" and devoured them as fast as I could get my hands on them.  These are what built my skewed view of relationships, and men in general.  That, however, is a different blog. Then I switched over to Chick Lit.  I read to relax, not to purposefully learn.  That being said, I can not tell you how much useless knowledge is floating around in my head from the historical novels!  My X and I were at some high faluting event once and the mucky mucks were talking about something that you would assume a preschool teacher would know nothing about. (No, I don't remember what it was.)  I put in my two cents and got some very impressed looks.  The X even took note and asked me later in the evening how on earth I knew anything about the subject.  I just shrugged my shoulders and said.  "Historical Romance Novels."

The other thing:  I wont read "crap".  Which I guess means that if it isn't well written, or doesn't grab me by page ten it goes into the give away pile.  This is the main reason I am struggling with the series.  Missy Christy, a former co-worker of mine said it best. "There was way better stuff in the books from the little glass room."  Which made me laugh.  She was right though, there was.  The little glass room was a room at the Y where we would do our planning, and there were shelves in there where we also shared books.  There were some doosies in there!

Plus:  Well, I'm not going to get very personal here, but things in that department are way more than fine thank you very much. :) (read as: smokin' hot)

So: I do get why these books are so popular, but that has much more to do with women and repressed sexuality than a well written book.  I haven't even seen anything so far to get in a tizzy about, but I am not part of the above category.  I was going to bring the entire series back to Sandy Hughitt tonight, and I might still if I run back home before Happy Hour.  I read so much less these days, and I certainly have better things in the house (twenty at least) to curl up with.

In Conclusion:  As my friend Mary pointed out, there's a lot better free erotica right on the Internet. :)  So if that floats your boat, you're welcome.  (Mary was always a good one for leading people astray......)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Brownie Sundae

This is SO late!  HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY SEVENTH BIRTHDAY CAITLIN!  It's not to late, because her family party is this coming Sunday.  I got to wake up and tell her Happy Birthday on her actual day and spend some fun time together, and that's what counts most!

We get creative with bday candles at Auntie's!

The Goovers came over on Wednesday night (Aug 1st) and we had birthday brownie sundaes and watched the movie "Hocus Pocus".  The birthday child always gets to pick, and that's what she wanted.  I'm fairly certain we did the same thing for Hannah's birthday, except she picked Pizza Hut for dinner and Tater chose DQ for lunch. We have a fine performance on facebook of all of us singing "Call Me Maybe", staring Tater!

Cute that we have almost the same pose!  Except she is a tan baby and Auntie's legs will not tan.  Period.  Ever. :(

The next morning headed off to Turtle Park, but by eleven the day was already warm and very muggy.  Ash and Tater hung out on the swings for awhile, Hannah hid in the tornado slide where it was cooler, and I dragged a bench into the shade of a tree.  Lynn brought her two kids and we decided that Billings Park might be a little more shady and fun for the kids, so off we went.
The kids had a blast at the Billings Park playground, we will definitely be back!  They played for a bit while Lynn and I visited, and then they wanted to head down the steps to the bay so away we went.  Lynn's little girl tripped on a step and scraped her knee pretty good so they headed back to Grandma's, and the Goovers and I continued on for a little adventure.  It was so much cooler down there we just spent some time sitting and skipping rocks.  That's where the last pics were taken.  Spending time together is so different  now that they are older!

When we finished up Caitlin chose to have her birthday lunch at DQ.  On the way there we had to stop on Billings Drive and film us all singing "Call Me Maybe" when it came on the radio.  I put the car in park, Ashlyn watched for cars coming from behind, and we videoed an encore performance.  "Ashlyn do NOT do that while driving.  Oh, what am I worried about.  I'm sure you've seen your Mother do much worse." :)

Happy birthday Tater Tot!  Thanks for spending some of it with Auntie!!  xxoo  I love you to the moon and back and half way round the block. ♥
My Goovers